Sunshine After The Rain ~ Weather Thread #5

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Today has been wet, windy and miserable all day. Didn't brighten up until I got home from work. Hopefully tomorrow will be a bit nicer :)
Not that cold, about 10°C but it's still raining and dark outside.

Glad I hadn't had to get out there. ^^
Currently -6C. Possibly snowing lightly, but I can't quite tell. And there's no wind for once, which means that it's actually kinda nice out :)
Snow Snow Snow. It's continuing to snow, and I don't think it's stopped in the past 3 days yet :lol: If it keeps this up, we'll be snowed in! Then I'll dig a tunnel to get out! Or make a snow fort included with tunnels! :lol: But anyways, yes, it's quite cold :p
It's "Weather by Sybil" here...yesterday it was really cold and dreary and today the sun was shining and it was in the 60s. Its supposed to be in the 30s tomorrow...

I officially hate Kentucky weather.
Whoa! The weather has been really wired today. First of all the day started off very windy, then it started raining. In the afternoon it brighted up and the afternoon ramained really sunny, then later on the wind and rain started up again. :eek:
the morning started cloudy but without rain. then in the afternoon it started to rain very heavy and then the sun came out and there were TWO rainbows in the sky :) that was strange but nice at the same time. and it was not really cold and not really warm....
Naww... it's getting HOTTER not colder! This is bloody ridiculous... I want to move to somewhere cold!!!

I think it was about 30c today... I think today was the start of Autumn... *sigh*
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