Stokes Syndrome Ward, a Nick/George Picture Thread #13

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I have zero pics in my photobucket to join the game, so I'll sit this one out and enjoy lurking :D
And congratz on your promotion, Anne_Wolfe

Today I finally got my "Evel Knievel"-DVD, I preordered it about 3 months ago (and for all you Germans out there - yes, it has been published today! Go, check out ;)) So I spent a very nice afternoon watching it twice. George is so hot in this, even with his strawberry hair - actually I didn't really noticed it, probably I got used to the looks already by looking at the pics posted here :)
Time for picking a winner. I often say I want to be a dog in my next life, well after looking at all these pic I wouldn´t mind being a dog right now ( being stroked by George :devil:)

Here are the runner ups in no specific order

blackflag and anne_wolfe with these cute dog pics. The explanation? See above!
Another runner up from anne_wolfe with this wet cowboy. Why does Goerge in wet clothes even look better?
Jacquie with this bad bird. Small but dangerous :p
SamStokes This looks so great. Sorry for the horse but it is so energetic.

And the first place goes to Nicksarafan2 with this yummy koala picture. It has everything - the smile, the hair, the eyes and I can´t decide with one to cuddle first.
So while we're waiting on Nicksarafan2 to announce a new theme (congratz by the way!) I come and bring a nice behind-the-scenes-pic from Fannysmackin' that I've stolen shamelessly from the spoiler thread :D
So if you don't want to be spoilt, don't click here!
Thanks Softcake , you have truly cheered up my morning! :D

New Nick pics always cheer me up. Happy Monday morning everyone. :)
Thanks for the nice wake up pic softcake.

It's Thanksgiving Day in Canada today. It's a day we sit back and reflect on what we can be so thankful for and there are many things to be thankful for. Thanks to the farmers who put
food on the table. Thanks to our friends whether they have 4 legs or 2 legs :D. We are also thankful for the health and happiness of our loved ones. So have a safe and happy Thanksgiving Day my fellow Canadians. :)

Congrats on winning the theme nicksarafan2 :)
Happy Thanksgiving day to all you Canadians!! Down here in the states we don't have Thanksgiving (better known as the day before the start of Christmas shopping) until the end of November.
I haven't been playing many themes or posting lately but I have been checking in and enjoying the pics. With lots of craziness all around me lately, I've really appreciated the safe haven here in the ward.
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