Stokes Syndrome Ward, a Nick/George Picture Thread #13

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Ward Girl
Do you suffer from uncontrollable drooling, hot flashes, or sweating while watching Nick Stokes on CSI? Does the mere mention of the name 'Nick Stokes' send your heart a flutter? Do Texan accents reduce you to a puddle on the floor? Are you a sucker for chocolate brown eyes? If you answered yes to any or all of these questions then congradutlations, you just might have Stokes Syndrome! So welcome to the ward where there are many fellow sufferers. Previous syndrome threads can be found here:
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6
Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, part 12

Please note, this is not to be confused with a non-picture/non-syndrome general discussion thread
While we want everyone to enjoy their time here we of course have to be mindful of the following rules:
1. Max picture size is 400X400, any larger must be posted through URL
2. You may post one large (400X400) two medium (130X130) or three small (115X115) pictures in each post
3. Please limit 6 URLs to each post. When asked for a title for your clickable URL please put something like 'cutie pie' instead of putting the web address again as it stretches out the screen
4. Please leave manipulated pictures to the art forum. This is the place for Nick in his natural glory
5. Note that 'hotlinking' is not allowed. This is when you post an image directly from a site that you do not own. Please upload it onto your own site or use the URL link.
6. We know that Nick inspires certain naughty thoughts, but this is a PG13 board and there are minors. Please keep all images and comments appropriate to the board standards. We like when Destiny joins us but we don't want her to bring the hose in to cool us down.
7. This is a non-spoiler thread. All pictures or comments about upcoming episodes should be left in their own threads.

Those are the rules, have fun and enjoy yourselves. We do ask that you clean up any drool messes, you can find mops and drool buckets by the door.
Let the party begin. Wowe Thread 13. I think I have a good way of starting the thread off with the new theme. Since the summer days are cooling off I think we need to see some skin to riemind us of the hot summer days. Now remember we have to keep the pics clean so please make sure you wash them before you post them :lol: The pics can be of Shorty, Gus, Nickx2, Evel, Carter ( I believe from er) and of course George. The pics don't have to be just topless they can also include arms. The usual limit of 12 and I will announce the winner Thursday evening.
theme pics:

skin 1

arm porn 2


Thats it for me - everything is going to be posted long before I find them. I just request that when adding to a previous post that you make sure that it hasn't been added since then after yours. I've had it happen to me.
Sorry, blackflag. I already posted your #3 pic.

Edit: I thought I posted mine before you did, but honestly I have no idea. I posted my first three, and then added that one, thinking I was the last one to post anything. Do you want me to remove the pic from my post to be fair?
anne_wolfe said:
Sorry, blackflag. I already posted your #3 pic.

Edit: I thought I posted mine before you did, but honestly I have no idea. I posted my first three, and then added that one, thinking I was the last one to post anything. Do you want me to remove the pic from my post to be fair?

No I'm just in a bad mood. You look forward to getting rid of the kids (back in school) only to have both of them not be able to do homework on the second day. Just because my niece has a speech problem they both think they're stupid and can't do the work without you hovering over them. (their father can't be bothered with helping them he's too busy with his girlfriend).

Someone (haven't seen them around in a long time) did once post 3 pics and then something like a half hour later posted 2 more that were exactly the same, right down to the label, as 2 of mine. At times it seems like this site has become my salvation. It may be the syndrome ward but to me it seems sane :confused: (if that makes sence).

My personal advice to everyone - Ignore my mood swings if you can. :D


ETA: since this is a picture thread:
my favorite pic :D
sounds like you really need some quality nick time blackflag! but you need to be careful what you wish for, because it just might come true ;)
so mad you could hit the wall its fuzzy, but he does it so fast
dont forget to storm off in a huff
remember to be careful, someones always watching. dun dun daa!! and one of them just might be george himself ;)
Now i love Nick as much as the rest of the CSI team and he is amazing but i need one vital question answering: what the hell was george eads thinking when he decided to grow that tache during season 6!! I couldn't watch A Bullet Runs Through It... oh lordy lord!
^^^ Ah yes... there was some heated discussion about that back in the day, lemme tell ya! :lol:
Hi Girls :D

wooo we're on thread number 13, that is so cool, this just shows how much George love we got here :D

and on to the theme, Nick, or any other character, skin... I like his skin :lol:



those are mine :)

and just to say, me and my family (mom, Dad, two sisters, and little brother) all went to the Evergreen State Fair, and after I went on a little roller coaster (scary!) and rode the marry go round and bumper cars, we went and watched Kenny Loggins!!!
we saw him live, he is so good, I love him :D

OK now I 'm done :D

and yay thread number 13!!! *does running man and then cabbage patch* :lol:
Welcome, Mike! Don't worry. You're not alone in your dislike of the stache. I hated that thing!
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