Still Missing Grissom?

You're welcome Kimbo, I get what you are saying. ;)

As to the other thread discussing this same article I just merged it into here.
My friend (whose a huge CSI fan) and I were watching Monster In A Box and I asked her how she felt about Ray. She said she liked him, but now she hardly ever sees any of the other cast and while she misses Grissom, she still wants to watch the the other characters more so than the new guy.

Where are the other characters?

I disagree with M1034, CSI is CSI with a strong cast of characters, but the network decided to hire a big name actor to try and save it from dying, but all they have done is alienated long time. This year was a true opportunity to finally get to know more about Nick, Greg, Brass and The Lab Rats, but instead they went with LF and it's proving to be a bad move.

My feeling is season 10 will be it for the show and TPTB will realize the fans were willing to take on LF, but only if the other characters earn their share.

I have to wonder if one of the problems is that Grissom was based on a real life CSI, but Langston was someone they conjured up in the lap. Someone mentioned Grissom being the muse of the show and it's true he was, but was that because he was based on a real person?
I honestly don't see CSI dying next season. There's at least 2-3 more seasons left of storytelling, but with these writers, they are so creative that they probably have years more to share.
It's not the writers I have issues with because you are right, they are very, very talented people.

Nooo...I'm worried about the network because they have the final say on everything.
I know I rag on TPTB sometimes, but they have written some pretty amazing stuff in 9 years. I just think they've kinda lost their way IMO.

I honestly think that CSI will end like SG:1. THey keep it around for ten seasons, partially because they want it to be a milestone. I think the show has one maybe two seasons top left in it.
I want it to last longer (or at least as long as) than the spin-offs though. :lol: I mean I think Buffy and it's spin-off ended the same year. :lol:
I think how long it lasts depends a lot on next season. It could reboot and find itself again. But many cast contracts are up at the end of next season. If Marg were to leave, then I think it's done. And I know George has said he'd stay the course, but if the networks are tightening their belts and not offering what the actors think they are worth, then anything could happen.
I certainly would like it to last longer than the spin-offs, and it could move to a 10 o'clock time and win its slot everytime; the expectations are lower at that time period. But a part of me would rather it just end on a high note, rather than accept a downgraded version of the show.
You know, I wouldn't actually mind them moving CSI to 9pm (my time it would be 9 cause it's currently 8) cause then I could watch Supernatural when its on rather than recording it and having to watch after CSI is over. :lol: And especially since they've now moved Burn Notice to the 8pm timeslot (thank goodness CSI and Supernatural are going on season finales before Burn Notice returns or I'd have a real problem lol). I think CSI would do good at the 9pm timeslot cause Miami obviously does decently there and NY as well.
Re: So what do you think of Langston so far?

Will do...i showed mum the article and she also wanted to post it online.

Great Minds!!
I'm not really missing Grissom anymore but I am getting tired of watching the Lawrence Fishburne show. I have loved CSI from the beginning and loved the entire cast. I even like the new characters on there ... except for Fishburne. Enough already .... the rest of crew is strong and needs to be seen more. I feel like I'm lucky if I even see any of the old cast. I feel like we have Fishburne being shoved down our throats as Grissom's replacement. I didn't even finish last night's show and probably won't be tuning in any longer. I sick of Fish! :brickwall:
I'm missing him on the show but as I have him on eight seasons of DVD's and what I recorded off the TV I'm fine, up to Season Nine Episode Ten I cried watching it again. The first time I watched it I had a bad back, a cough because of the spray being put on to relieve the pain! I cried and squeaked higher and higher, ended up sounding like a mouse.
He is one of my favourites but i can't say i miss him . He had a great 8,5 season in the show. I think it was the right time for him to leave, like he said. His job or love? He found love in the end , happy in the jungle and it was his change and development; maybe there was nothing new to tell about Grissom. I would prefer a different end but whatever... I still think WP did the right thing . The show won't be the same without him? Of course, because Grissom is Grissom; Langston is Langston. But, there is always buts, i agree that it will be a better show if they focus the other main characters with ''less'' Langston. :p