Stetler/Horatio Slash Thread

Thanks to MiamiDade that moved my question here. I tried to find this ship but could not. I guess I did not go deep enough.

That's a bummer that no one is writing fic on this ship. Potential for lots of good writing. Oh well. Maybe someone will write some.

The Good Rebecca
Wow i just discovered this thread...glad its here! :lol:

I loved how Horatio threatining Stetler, telling him if he touched Yelina again, he would pay. *squee* Loved it. ;)

And whenever H and Rick meet, somethings bound to happen worth talking about on here. ;)
How about that eppy on Monday? Stettie was only in it for a little bit but I think he will be in more episodes as they set it up as much. Ummm...did anyone see any "Shipper" moments between them?

The Good Rebecca
How many Hispanic women in peril wearing whispy white dresses will Horatio have to go through before he realizes Rick is his one and only?

I mean, seriously.
LMAO! That was a good one midnight. What is up with Horatio and Hispanic woman anyway? He can't help himself. Maybe Rick is going to have to take more agressive measures. LOL.

Horatio staring at the Hispanic woman as she is walking away.
Rick: " to Horatio?"
Horatio snaps out of his 'trance' and looks over at Rick his eyes steely: "What can I do you for this time Rick?"
Rick leans in closer to Horatio and says in low voice: "Why do you insist on making me jelous with your parade of Hispanic woman?"
Horatio: "Just keeping you on your toes Rick."

I have cabin fever. I have been stranded in my home for two days due to the winter storm. HELP MEEEEEEEE

The Good Rebecca
The best way to get rid of cabin fever is to write fanfic. Of the slash kind, preferably. Of the NC-17 kind, all the better.

It's the only cure, I'm afraid.
Not been here for a while but its good news that Rick is actually getting some airtime. I was thinking David Lee Smith had gone off to better things having become fed up with not being used! Will look forward to seeing those eps when we get them in the UK.

Anyway ... to get on to better things ... I come with Fiction news ...

I spotted a few people on here said there was a lack of H/Stetler fiction. I can say, yes there is, but a few of us do our bit for the couple. I'm Hamstermoon on and you will find three of my stories covering their relationship there. Storm Warning is post Crime Wave and allows H and Rick to get to know each other a little better. Humpty Dumpty re-writes After the Fall. People who have met me here on this discussion board will have heard of these two stories before ...

The other story I can't mention here (it is after a PG13 list!) can be found at my profile there on . Its nine chapters long and the first in a trilogy going AU post Shattered.
Thanks for posting Hamstermoon. I enjoyed the stories you wrote. Still working though some of them but I have to do homework for tomorrow. Must do homework. Yuck. Oh well.

The Good Rebecca
Thank you hamstermoon! I've looked and looked for H/Rick slash and I've found next to nothing. YAY! Now I have something to read. :D
Ooooh, fics! Sorry, guys, I'm the worst reader ever. But I really will try. Meanwhile, this song just came on my playlist and it really reminded me of H/R.

Happy New Year
by Camera Obscura

Did the ironing in a cowboy hat
Felt as fresh as the paint in this new flat
I will never tell you what to do
Have ambition simply to see things through

Did you know I could be a lot of fun?
I'm aware that friendship can die young
As the glow from the street light bled
Down the Langlands Road we set off the best of friends

I know where I stand
I don't need you to hold my hand

Well, I've tried to get along with you
I have asked myself “What are we gonna do?”
I'm coming round to take a stand
Going to put us together with glue or an elastic band

I know where I stand
I don't need you to hold my hand

I am softer than my face would suggest
At times like these I'm at my lowest ebb
Now I can confide in you
If I cry to set the mood, oh please, could you cry too?

Happy New Year
You are my only vice
Happy New Year
What if we compromised?
Happy New Year
I am open

Do you have to wear a frown like that?
You could have hit me with a baseball bat

Do you want to? (Yes I do)
Do you have to? (So do you)
Do you want to? (So do you)
The House of Pies will soon run out of business if people don't come back. Come on, guys. We have Key Lime now. Made by Stetler while he wore the pink apron Horatio gave him for his birthday.

This O'Shay guy... what an ass. He can't do badass the way Rick does badass, and I bet he's not nearly as good in bed. And if Ricky doesn't come back Horatio will fall into a deep depression and all the pies will get burnt cause he'll be too busy crying :(

i completely agree with you! i would like H's frustration and anger a lot more if it was directed at stetler. cuz they're just cute when they argue. this o'shay dude...totally not cute.
i really hope we see stetler again before the end of the season. that 5 seconds during grizzly murder just isn't cutting it
I hear he's in an upcoming episode, but I think he only has a scene with Ryan.

Horatio misses his little cuddlebum.

They were kinda catty towards each other in A Grizzly Murder. Horatio's just tired of coming home after a long day to find Rick's socks lying by the hamper. I mean, how hard is it to open the thing and putting the socks inside?

He still loves his little Ricky.
You’re quiet guys, took me some time to find this thread

Saw ‘Nailed’ yesterday… wow, what a scene between H/S, so intense and full of sexual tension, love this scene. I wasn’t expecting to see something like this on CSI Miami, thought that maybe it was just me reading too much into the scene, but now I see that I’m not the only one seeing H/S
Stetler’s so caring/concerned that he even goes to morgue to find H. Somehow I have a feeling that morgue is not the place Stetler frequents. And Horatio opening up and telling him about old case. They’ve been so carefully covert/secret about their relationship all these years, but with this scene they have outed themselves.

After this I won’t get fooled again that there’s nothing going on between these two :D :devil:

Consider me a H/S shipper! :D