Mary, thanks or epharisto for the wine, and btw. what´s "cheers" in Greek
? In German it´s "Prost", so Prost to you all and great that the fun has returned here
Hm, maybe that´s a symbolic scene at the shootout for the whole season and Mac just won´t be there whenever Stella needs his support.
Dearest Lamb, now you´re back in your old shape, that´s the Lamb I love :thumbsup:, and you´re forgiven for being negative at first, I mean, it was quite a shock for us all.
I need to open my mind about this. Actually i think i wouldn't be affected by all this if i weren't such a big Smacked fan and Stellarina (hey! i am proud of it!). But I guess a Smackie Frustration talked through my mouth
And yes, being a Smackie didn´t make things easier for you and the other Smackies, I understand that, but I´m glad you´ll take things easier now and give the season a chance.
They haven't been so incoherent (I can't believe i am defending TPTB). Do you remember how well details provided in 5.24 fit Stella's story completely??
Well, we had this discussion before about strange twists in Stella´s vita :lol:, and don´t defend TPTB, but praise Melina who wrote 5.24, I suppose she threw all the stuff about Stella´s biography from all seasons in a pot and put it into a coherent order to give it a sense
If i think Stella felt desolated because everything was happening at the same time for her, then i can understand perfectly all this. Mac wasn't paying attention to her precisely:cardie: And i am horrible but Adam does look in love with her 5.08 had that scene at the end so adorable. I still think Stella's line to Mac in the promo "All it's about I, me, my" whatever was the best she could ever said to him!
Glad you understand Stella now better; you know, stranger things than that can happen when you are traumatized by an incident- some people become depressive, some start binge-eating or become anorexic or get panic attacks, whatever and others try and seek for as many good and positive moments they can get; and Stella certainly belongs to latter.
Honey, you´re not horrible :lol:, I totally agree with you, my guess is that his crush on Stella hasn´t decreased after that night and hers on him might just got started
Again I agree with you, how she told Mac off and tried to make him realize that it´s not all just about him was great. It was her way to try and make him aware that all are suffering this and that this is not just a normal case they try to solve; it was her way to show him that now, and especially now she would need him as a friend to share her grief. But Mac is just Mac, sometimes not getting the grip as to what it´s about
And I guess i have to get used to the idea Adam is not a Baby even tough he looks like a very cute one
It's just it's hard to imagine how they are going to work together again. At least how they were before, I mean like in 4.05 or 5.05 in the paper planes scene
:lol:, know what you mean, that´s why everybody was so shocked at first, because we always thought of Adam as the little cutie boy, but Stella can tell he isn´t
Hm, yes, maybe the easy going between them is gone in the lab and that would be the real pity, but I´m hopefull that they will deal with this in a sensible way and remain buddies.
On the other hand I would like to know Mac's reaction to all this. is he going to be upset? I mean, I don't expect Smacked soon. We still have a lot in front of us! But i hope Mac wakes up soon. He served Stella on a golden tray to Baby
Mac would probably be upset, but not in the way of being jealous, he´d rather think of the consequences if the word would spread that a detective first class has a relationship with someone subordinated to her.
We have talked about this before and how in just 45' you just can't put all scenes you need or want. I guess the "Surprise factor" for a Stella fan and especially being a Smacked fan was...too much surprise
I mean, ok another man was needed this season for her but i guess it was too much like 3.01 when we found Virus in Mac's bad
well, i think it's refreshing to know Haylen is far from being perfect
(btw i can't help but noticing and loving the reference to Lauren Bacall
. I got I love Lucy here too
I believe being a "black sheep" will be much more interesting instead of the "Miss Perfection". I wonder if she will try blackmail with Stella too or just Adam? Nein, Nein, Nein Haylen! Not to Stella. i want you to be friends, darn it!
Also i wonder if Mac will know from her his team members are much more than just simply colleagues (Sorry Mac. You deserve this!:censored: I love you but your slow speed regarding Stella is annoying!
Yes, true, such a show is just too short to include all nuances and details so we could be prepared for such, erm, events :lol:, but still I think it would be possible to give Stella the one or other minute in the episodes to evolve her change and make it more comprehensible. Well, TPTB really dropped a bomb this time, congrats to the damn blokes
I like the thought as well that Haylen is rather a mysterious and perhaps not so nice girl than being a cutie, sexy, charmer who´ll wrap everybody around her fingers. We´ll have to see, but since her scenes with Adam, the thought is stuck in my mind that she has plans and schemes in her mind- in what way I dunno, it could be blackmailing Adam or other naughty, tricky things. On the other hand, how much sense would blackmail make, because although Stella´s and Adam´s affair would cause a lot of gossip, it´s not really forbidden for them to have a relationship?
Good Mummy that Stella is, she surely will try and become friends with her and support her.
Yeah, the reference to Lauren Bacall´s name is unmistakable :lol:.
I´m curious, too, how Mac will find out about the two; usually he´s a good observer, he should sense something when he watches Stella and Adam exchanging glances in the lab, but as I said before: at the moment he´s a bit blind
Believe me at this point i would want your Cassandra back
well, if they fall in love.....
I WON'T BELIEVE DARN IT! I AM A SMACKIE! (sorry. rant over
) I want their relationship will be like Mac with Virus. I mean, in a relationship but looking for each other (I mean Mac and Stella). Again, after 5.24 and most of S5 i don't know how writers pretend we believe Stella could fall for someone else than Mac. I mean, even loving Adam (because i do. That was a smart move:wtf: They knew we couldn't hate Adam for this or putting strange nicknames as "Baby Virus"
I´m afraid, Cassandra is busy elsewhere, I think
. Well, all this shouldn´t spoil Stella´s and Mac´s friendship, if Mac finds out he probably will raise his eye brows, but if he´s a true friend he´ll still be there for Stella when she needs him. As a non-Smackie I see it a bit different and more objective
and as surprised as I was that she took Adam of all the guys in the world, I wasn´t really surprised that her new guy wouldn´t be Mac, because Mac is just her very good friend :lol:
Look, I feel guilty. She was just "the messenger" even tough she did it again (the Anti Smackness
) which it's weird because she has written my beloved Stella and Smacked episodes. I guess after how wonderful S5 was in some aspects (especially Smacked side) i guess i was expecting too much
I hope the day we start having Smacked, it will be compensated all migraines we will have with Mac and Stella with other people:shifty:
You don´t have to, she´ll survive it that Smackies got in her neck and were angry with her, maybe she even enjoyed it :lol:, because it meant she had caused controversy which is always essential for a show.
Do you think it's possible Melina could write anotehr episode this season? Smackies need a hope!
Well, I wouldn´t consider it as impossible, I´d love another epi written by her, she did a great job
Once i finish downloading and watching it i will be back with my comments my dearest NUT. I owe you some explanations because i want you understand my temperament!
It´s alright, you don´t have to apologize, I know, lambs can be pretty temperamental
, so take it easy, love you, too, and thanks for all the piccies
Love and hugs to you all, too, byeeeeeeeeeee