Spoilers For Season 3-You've Been Warned!

Well, since there's a nice, new thread I thought I'd post something new for you guys: there's a scene at the end of episode 3 (why all the good scenes are always at the end???) in which an angry Danny is confronted by Lindsay who asks him what's wrong (I assume he's been like that for the whole episode). He doesn't want to talk at first but then asks her what's wrong, saying that he feels this 'chemistry' between them but that when it's time to acknowledge it she pulls away.

So maybe Lindsay doesn't want to be in a relationship, or is afraid, or whatever. I guess there's some hope for all of you who don't want a D/L relationship after all... ;)
or it could make things more interesting for those of us who do. It works either way. They could be prolonging it.
Orison said:
He doesn't want to talk at first but then asks her what's wrong, saying that he feels this 'chemistry' between them but that when it's time to acknowledge it she pulls away.
'Chemistry', my ass! Why can't they just drop it??? Making poor Carmine suffer through more of this stiff, contrived, unbelievable "flirting".
Sorry if I hurt any of you DL lovers' feelings but that's just how I see it. The point is, shipping should be left for fanfic and left out of a crime!!! show.

But sure, TPTB, just go and ruin the show Miami style with all this soapish writing. Ugh. I won't be tuning in, but I s'ppose no one's gonna miss me.
I seriously did not see any chemistry at all between DL in the latter half of season 2, but having rewatched the first half, I'm starting to think that there is a bit, although I think that its more on Danny's side than Lindsay's - frintance, the part when she pulled her hands away from his in City of the Dolls. I warming to the idea, especially if TPTB take it down the road of Danny likes Lindsay but Lindsay for some reason (professionalism maybe) won't get involved. I could live with that.
me too. the DL shipper in me can live with that. i don't like the idea of canon ships in a prodecural drama so if they give some acknowledgment to the ship, without actually bringing in the ship, i'll be happy with that.
Danny likes to flirt, so it was almost natural that he did it with Lindsay too, especially at first. I agree chemistry is a big word though, unless there's more that we don't know about.

Also, there's a nice scene with Danny and Flack in which Danny corners a suspect, the guy touches a car so Danny can lift a print off it when he's gone. Flack tells him he's good at it, and Danny replies that he learned it from Aiden.

This scene just put a smile to my face. :)
gudari said:
Orison said:
He doesn't want to talk at first but then asks her what's wrong, saying that he feels this 'chemistry' between them but that when it's time to acknowledge it she pulls away.
'Chemistry', my ass! Why can't they just drop it??? Making poor Carmine suffer through more of this stiff, contrived, unbelievable "flirting".
Sorry if I hurt any of you DL lovers' feelings but that's just how I see it. The point is, shipping should be left for fanfic and left out of a crime!!! show.

But sure, TPTB, just go and ruin the show Miami style with all this soapish writing. Ugh. I won't be tuning in, but I s'ppose no one's gonna miss me.

I TOTALLY agree with you.^^Where is all this chemistry?? I sure as hell haven't seen any. I don't want D/L (especially if it is gonna consume the entire season) and the thought of Danny wanting her is just unbelieveable. Her pulling away seems odd though. I bet it has something to do with her past. But hopefully it will be that she isn't really interested in him and/or won't cross the professional/private line.

I guess we'll all just see how talented and actor Carmine is if he's gonna pull off scenes like that. I can't believe they're putting him through it again this year.
It Danny & Lindsay do hook up it'll make a lot of people mad and happy at the same time. Remember what happened with Grissom & Sara in the LV season finale? So many GSR fans were happy while others have said they will stop watching the show because of that. Having a relationship between two main characters on the show will 'cause a lot of problems and I don't think the show can afford to lose any viewers.
wtf. i never read that Danny/Lindsay spoiler up there ^^^^

I'm sorry, but seriously. this thing is so soap-ish i think i'm foaming at the mouth. (no, not rabies ;) )

Personally i'm still trying to figure out how the hell someone gets details like that.
i have to say, i was so distraught at the end of the 2nd season that i had to wait so long to see the new one.

i'm beginning to think different now. It goes back to the whole canon relationship thing. It's a bad idea.
Lost2MuchSpeed said:
Personally i'm still trying to figure out how the hell someone gets details like that.
There are sources from which one can get portions of upcoming scripts and, from what I can tell, these D/L spoilers are accurate. I saw above that you asked Orson for her source. Script pages and sources can't be posted on the board for copyright reasons.

I'm with all of you in wondering were the hell the chemistry between Danny and Lindsey is. :confused: Not only have I yet to see any real chemistry between them, but it's not even a realistic pairing, in my opinion. Danny and Aidan, I definitely would have bought 100%. Danny and Lindsey, I just don't see. I really hope we don't have to endure a season of watching Danny pursue Lindsey. The characters lack chemistry and a romantic relationship between two of the main characters is an unnecessary distraction. If the writers are hoping to boost ratings with a hook-up, they should go the Danny/Flack route. ;)