Spoilers For Season 3-You've Been Warned!

trishob said:
thisyearslove said:
"Not what it looks like" seems like a good episode - what's with the Holly Golightly girls robbing banks and is there a DL moment with her getting comfort?

I have a feeling that Danny's the one getting comfort, relieved that Lindsey survived and is okay. Lindsey's probably too shell-shocked to be looking for comfort just yet. I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of this episode as well, to see how that scene is played out.

I think Danny is comforting Lindsay, from what I've read. She's a bit out of it and bewildered after the action goes down and I think he hugs her because she's scared to death and almost got hurt, at the very least. I also think there's an element of him being relieved as well.
And why wouldn't he be relieved? After all the crap that happened last season, the last thing Danny needs emotionally is to lose another friend. *shrug* But then, I think he'd react the same to any of the team members in trouble, so I guess I'm just not seeing it as so overly significant with regards to their relationship.

Of course, I also don't think that we should count too much on seeing how Lindsay is affected later on. The writers don't do so well at continuity as far as the emotional effects on a character are concerned.
yeah he hugs her after he finds her after the explosion and you see her holding her ears.. ahh man im gettin so anxious to see it!!!! :D hehe i love DL ;)
I've learned from promo's that sometimes things that are in the promo's are never shown in the episode. Also, sometimes things that are later cut from promo's aren't shown either. Take the shower comment Peyton said to Mac for the first episode. It was in the very first promo and that was it and it never made it into the episode.

One of my little projects this year is to see how many scenes in promos are actually in the episodes.

Just don't be surprised if the so-called 'hug' scene turns out to be nothing. If you've noticed, it has been cut from the promo's too and the early drafts of the script had it removed. Even if it's still in the episode, aren't TPTB good at making the actual episode look nothing like what they want you to think the promos mean. Wouldn't Danny be just as concered no matter which team member it was? I'd be concerned too.

Besides, no matter what happens, anything goes in the world of fan fiction. That's what I like about my ship. Danny/Flack won't happen on the show and that's fine with me. The fanfic author's do a great job on them. TPTB could never be that successful with them.

BTW chelliyah, I love your banner. Do you ship Danny/Flack?
i hope they do keep the hug scene in.. in the promos that i have seen, they show it for like a second :( that aint enough for me!! lol i think if the hug scene was with anyone else ie stella, it wouldnt mean much to me apart from the fact that he cares for his friend. But with Linds, he has such a soft spot for her lol

yeah i ship danny/flack. they my two fave guys.. they both have amazing eyes and smiles :p ;) but i love D/L more ;)
So if Danny hugged Stella (or Hawkes or Flack or Mac or anyone else) it wouldn't mean anything, but it means something now because it's Lindsay? *scratches head* I have to say I really don't see the difference. Is Lindsay somehow more important? They are coworkers, and I'd venture to say they're friends, but anything beyond that is purely shipper fanfiction at this point, as it is for any other ship, regardless of what it seems like the writers are doing. Remember that the publicity regarding what's going to happen this season is meant to get the fans in a frenzy, make them want to tune in and watch the show. Whether they keep up with the Danny/Lindsay thing beyond what we've seen in the spoilers so far remains to be seen. Honestly, for someone who doesn't see it, it nicely ties up the ends of what happend at the end of last season in a span of just a few episodes. *shrug* The writers can like something and still change their minds on a whim.

I guess I just don't get it, apparently. I like Danny/Flack, but that's not why I don't see D/L. Hell, I'm starting to quite like the idea of Danny/Angell, so it's obviously not me trying to keep Danny just for Flack. *shrug* I'd rather just wait and see what happens on the show, and deal with it when the time comes, rather than get all worked up about it beforehand. Because, of course, what the writers say certainly isn't set in stone. After all, didn't Donahue say that the mole would definitely have to leave Miami? And last I checked, that character is not only present but now a CSI with her name in the main credits...
yeah that is true. what i meant by the whole danny huggin stella blah blah was that between danny n lindsey the tension has been hyped up so some fans want to see that happen more.. maybe im wrong but thats jus the way i see it.. :( and if stella was to get a hug from anyone i think it would be mac, not danny. i know they are all co-workers n stuff, so yeah it doesnt matter, but i jus like the fact that danny n lindsey get to do the hug scene! hehe
I'm not implying that you're wrong or that Danny/Lindsay fans can like or expect it to happen--all I'm saying is that people are making assumptions and could set themselves up for disappointment. Would you stop liking the ship if it didn't happen eventually? What's the fun in that? :confused: If a ship had to be on the show to be worthwhile, then why would I bother with slash?
i wasnt taking it as you saying it was right or wrong huni!!! sorry if it came across that way :(
i wouldnt be dissapointed if it didnt happen. for me its jus the thrill of " will it or wont it"
kasmith101 said:
Faylinn said: I'm starting to quite like the idea of Danny/Angell, ...

Me too... let me know if you run across any fanfic for those two!

I second that motion. Danny/Angell seems like a good pairing to me. They only had what, two scenes together in 3.01, but to me, those two had obvious chemistry. Some might argue that one is trying to replace Aiden in the DnA shipping scheme because Angell looks a lot like the deceased CSI, but I just think Angell and Danny would be mad hot together.

I didn't know Mac even had a step-son. What are the complete spoilers for that?
A Danny/Angell fanfic? *cough* I might have written one. ;) Just need to get it up on ff.net. :p I'm glad to see it's not just me. :lol:

Speaking of Angell, IMDB has Emmanuelle listed being in "Not What It Looks Like," but I'm curious which other episodes she'll be in this season. ;) I can't seem to find a reliable place. :lol: IMDB has Det. Angell listed for "Love Run Cold," but they have Claire Forlani as the actress. :rolleyes:

Oh, and chelliyah, I was worried that I'd made you think that's what I meant. :lol:
Fay, I'm all over that Danny/Angell ship. It's not as obviously smokin' as Danny/Maka, but it's still there. If I had to choose though, I'd give her to Hawkes just 'cause he needs the love of a good woman. Or a woman who's good at lovin'.
I'm all for a Danny/Angell pairing too. Even though Hawkes needs some lovin, I thought Danny & Angell had obvious chemistry. Reminded me of the way he interacted with Maka (who I though he had great chemistry with).

I guess it was just me, but when I was watching People With Money, I never even thought about Angell resembling Aiden. It never occurred to me until I read it on here. Flack will always be our main detective (what would Danny do without him??) but I like Angell as the secondary one.
Well, I opened a Danny/Angell thread over in SC (your domain, Rhonda ;)), and I wrote a fic, so the ship officially has some love. :lol: Re: the replacing-Aiden-with-Angell thing, screamingpoet, I know that's not the case with me. ;) I was never big on DnA. :p

if stella was to get a hug from anyone i think it would be mac
Now now, chelliyah, don't forget "All Access." ;) Flack-Stella hugs are nice too. :p

I never even thought about Angell resembling Aiden. It never occurred to me until I read it on here.
Me too. I was expecting the new detective, so that's who I saw. As soon as I saw Danny and Hawkes walk in, I thought 'we're gonna see the new detective.' ;) So I didn't see it either. After reading the comments and looking again, sure, especially when they showed her from above and you can't really see her face, but I think the differences are more apparent in a side-by-side comparison. ;) In any case, I really like Angell, and I'm hoping they keep her around. Flack can't do everything, and it would be nice if they kept her as the main secondary detective. ;)

On a similar note, I hope Adam sticks around as the main go-to guy in the lab as well. :)

I wonder when we're going to find out something about Louie? The writers have shown their talent at forgetting things that would have an emotional effect on the characters when they consider continuity. :rolleyes: Yeah, it's been a few months so it wouldn't be so fresh, but I still want to know how Danny is dealing and how Louie is doing. I think it would be kind of pointless to kill the character now after waiting so long. If they were going to do that, why not just kill him in the first place? But I guess we'll see...