Spoiler Reference, What Happens In Vegas...

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Still Sanity Challenged!
Premium Member
As you will notice there are now two different spoiler threads, this is so that people do not have to wade through the discussions/speculations of the story lines. So we will have this thread strictly for spoilers, and the "Spoiler Lab" for discussions of them. This thread is divided into three sections, one for plot lines and members info on spoilers, Magazine Q&A, Odd's & Ends, and lastly CSIFiles News.

How we are doing this is, you post the spoiler in the discussion thread and we [the Mods] will then move them to this thread (and yes the person posting it will get the credit) then a post will be made by us telling you there is an update and which section we put it in. Please keep in mind this is for spoiler in this forum only, spoilers for the other shows should be taken and discussed in their own respective forums. With exception to cross-overs, etc.

There are some guidelines we would like you to keep in mind.

1. Do not link to any site illegally posting copyrighted material. This includes spoilers from sites that are forbidden by this site, it is tempting to use such things as casting side, etc, or places that put them up for people to view, but doing so could dry up sources and ruin it for everyone.
Try and keep them from sites such as (TV Guide, Entertainment Weekly, or well-known web columns like Ask Ausiello or Kristin at E! Online, etc) Places where you can name your source, you can use "Spoiler TV" but only as long as it doesn't violate the rules just stated.
NOTE: If you are unsure of whether or not you can name said source please feel free to pm the mods.

2. Give a basic overview of the spoiler, don't give away the whole thing (IE who the killer is, etc) there are still some who love spoilers that still want that little shocker/surprise. And if its a long winded spoiler, summarize it with a link if possible.

3. Lets remember to get the name of the spoiler if it's possible (and sometimes its not) but if you have it, when you post it give the name and number of the ep (in Bold would be appreciated), it will be helpful for us to place it, and for others to reference it in the discussion.

4. Ship spoilers will be allowed (again as long as it pertains to the ep), we do ask that you make sure it's a spoiler and not one disguised as one, and we ask that you don't disguise a non spoiler as a spoiler.

Lastly we would like to urge you that if you are using sites to give spoilers that aren't major that you double check them with some of the major sites if possible because there are foilers out there. As always the rules are subject to change.

*This Thread Will Be Locked*
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From Spoiler TV & Tv.com:

We are giving the plotlines only from this site for further you can go to the site and read the characters they are trying to cast for what role. As we go along with the plotlines new info will come out and we will add to them and that person will get the credit, (as stated in the rules) for the extra info.

Episode 10x1 - Family Affair - Plotline
A rising young star is killed in a wreck and her determined stalker claims credit -- but the team finds out there's more to this tragedy than meets the eye...
Thanks Ankeila: The CSI team, with the unexpected but welcome return of Sara, comes together to investigate the death of a famous young actress killed in a dubious traffic collision, on the tenth season premiere of CSI.
Thanks myfuturecsi: Starting at the end of Episode 1, [the show will have] a very different kind of serial killer for us, we're calling him Dr Jekyll. The crime scene will be a lot smaller than we've ever experienced." Smaller than the Miniature Killer? "Bigger than that. Both Langston and Nick Stokes will receive promotions from lab chief Catherine Willows. Facilitated by the arrival of Sara Sidle. [Catherine then] sees the world according to Sara Sidle and realizes something about leadership and about the team."

Episode 10x2 - Ghost Town - Plotline
The son of a notorious killer is arrested on suspicion of murder, and the CSI team must overcome their natural prejudices against the boy's antecedents in order to track the true culprit...
Thanks vegaslights: They're casting a "Craig" for the episode, and Paul Milander's son was named Craig as well. I wonder if it's the same role; recasting the actor or a different role entirely. Cheryl White played Mrs. Mason originally and Devon Alan played Craig. Wonder if they're recasting both.
Thanks PrincessJ88: Nick, will become privy to a secret about the wedding ring worn by Langston. "Langston drops the bomb to Nick that he's separated from his wife,"

Episode 10x3 - Working Stiffs - Plotline
The team investigates the murder of JASON, a troubled computer geek working at a low-level casino support industry job who lures a colleague, PAULIE, into a dangerous plan to make a working stiff's dream come true...

Episode 10x4 - Coup de Grace - Plotline
The team investigates the accidental shooting of an off-duty cop by another cop, officer Danny Finn, whose unabashed racial bias raises the possibility that the shooting was no accident...
Thanks Micha: The team investigates the accidental shooting of an off-duty cop by another cop, Officer Danny Finn, whose unabashed racial bias raises the possibility that the shooting wasn't an accident. - Sara investigates the murder of a teenaged boy.

Episode 10x5 - Bloodsport - Plotline
After a beloved college football coach is found dead and his house drenched and spattered with his blood, the CSI team hunts for the killer who didn't find COACH JIMMY lovable at all...

Episode 10x6 - Death & the Maiden - Plotline
The CSIs discover that two apparently unrelated crimes are actually parts of the same twisted revenge plot.

Episode 10x7 - The Lost Girl - Plotline
The investigation into the human trafficking ring continues, but it's a race against the clock.

Episode 10x8 - [Await Name] - Plotline

Episode 10x9 - To Serve Harry - Plotline
It's a full moon, and the nuts are out. Three of the CSI guys "abduct" the hapless Henry to celebrate his birthday at a remote rib place, not realizing that the place was closed by the health department months ago. But their outing has yet more disasters in store, including the discovery of a corpse with a raccoon stuck on his face...
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From legit Magazines, Etc - & - Some Odds & Ends (That don't fit other places)

Thanks Destiny: Will Grissom be joining Sara back on CSI early in the season? --[Name Removed]
Ausiello: No, but some old friends of his will be. Exec producer Carol Mendelsohn reveals to me exclusively that CSI will be bringing back a few members of the infamous Millander clan in this season's second episode. "The last time we saw [serial killer] Paul Millander was in season 2 when Grissom had dinner at [his alter ego] Judge Mason's house, because, if you remember Paul lived a double life as a judge. And we met Mrs. Mason and their young son, Craig. Well, Paul's dead, but Mrs. Mason and Craig live on. And we will see them in episode 2." Why? Keep reading for a possible clue...

Thanks Destiny: The season premiere of CSI is only two months away. I'm sure that you've gotten some kind of spoiler or tidbit to throw to us! --[Name Removed]
Ausiello: You can drop the "or." I've got a spoiler and a tidbit, courtesy of exec producer Naren Shankar. First the tidbit: "You're going to get an explanation for that ring Langston (Laurence Fishburne) still has on his finger in [episode 2]." Now for the spoiler: "We're going to launch a new season-long serial killer arc. Starting at the end of our premiere, a brand new nemesis [will emerge] who has a very unique way of killing." More unique than that whole miniature thing? "This time, the crime scene is always the body," Shankar teases. "We're calling him Dr. Jekyl.

Thanks vegaslights: I've just read that Garret Dillahunt will guest-star in the season premiere of CSI. Is he playing "Dr. Jekyll," the new serial killer, or will it be someone else? — [name withheld]
ADAM: Sorry, Cromartie fans, but Dillahunt is not Dr. Jekyll. He plays the head of a celebrity security service, which doesn't exactly scream "serial killer cover" to us. Then again, the character's name does imply duplicity. Here's what we do know about Dr. Jekyll: He's infamous for leaving behind immaculate crime scenes: The body is all the evidence the CSIs will ever get. Fantastic! A serial killer with OCD!

Thanks Ankeila: It was reported that on CSI, Nick Stokes would be getting a promotion. Can you maybe clarify what "promotion" means?
ADAM: Nick will act as Catherine's No. 2, working alongside her much in the same way she did with Grissom. But wait, you say, isn't that pretty much what he's already doing? Maybe, so it's about time they made it official. "It is a promotion for him to a supervisory position," a CBS rep says. Hey, in this economy, you take what you can get.

Thanks Ankeila: Is there any scoop for Greg on CSI? We've heard something about everyone else but him. — [Name withheld]
ADAM: Interestingly, Janelle, Greg shares your frustration about being overlooked. Executive producer Naren Shankar tells me that he'll get to gripe about his role on the team when Sara comes to visit. Even better, Shankar says his complaining will pay off: He'll get a new job.

Thanks Drumchik: A Canadian paper reported recently that Louise Lombard is set to return to CSI this season. Is this correct? —[Name Removed]
Ausiello: It most certainly is not. A CSI insider says it “hasn’t been discussed.”

[NEW UPDATE] Thanks to vegaslights: From Ausiello:
Question: What’s this I hear about some unexpected surprise coming out in the CSI premiere about Sara? —[name removed]
Ausiello: She got hitched to Grissom when no one was looking. But that’s old news. Here’s some (relatively) new news from exec producer Naren Shankar: “Do not miss the first two-and-a-half minutes of CSI season premiere. It will blow your mind. It may be one of the most incredible things we’ve ever put on film. It’s so beautiful and it’s so cool.”

[New Update] Thanks to vegaslights: From Ausiello: Question: Any chance Jorja Fox may stick around full-time on CSI? Five episodes isn’t enough. —[name removed]
Ausiello: I posed that question to Shankar, and, based on his evasiveness, I would say it’s probably being discussed. “I honestly can’t say [for sure] at this point,” he told me. “All I will say is we’re having a great time and I think Jorja is having a great time. I think she’s having more fun now than she did before. Having a little space from something, you get to clean your palate and be refreshed as an artist.”[/quote]


ODD's & ENDS (If you know the ep for any of these let us know):

Thanks tippy & Ankeila: Thanks tippy & Ankeila:
Greg is still dealing with the fact that when you start out as somebody's assistant, there's still a tendency for people to treat him like he's just the DNA guy with the goofy hair.
That geeky little romance between Wendy and Hodges is going to continue.
Scan of this from Ankeila

[NEW Update:] - Thanks Ankeila: .. Alright, I found some scans of the new TV Guide Magazine thanks to fox1 which has some new info about the characters:

The lab guy-turned-CSI is tired of being seen as the kid on the team, so this season, he's looking for some respect. Says Szmanda, ''He's not happy with the way things have been, and he wants them to change. This is something he's been holding in all this time, and it'll be a shock to everyone.''

With his mentor Grissom gone, Nick may find two ways to fill the void: a pet ("Near the end of last season, he went off to take a bug class", hints exec producer Carol Mendelsohn) and a love interest. "I ain't fighting it," Eads says about the latter idea. "I'd like it to be: Nick comes home, puts his keys up, and there's a girl there making him dinner."

This season, newbie Langston gets some experience while on the trail of a serial killer "doing these strange operations on people, putting something inside them that doesn't belong there," says Fishburne. "There's also going to be a wife around, and we may get to meet her." And watch for Langston in a three-way crossover with CSI:NY and CSI:Miami.

The Lab Rats:
Those guys (and gals) in lab coats will get another episode of their own this season. Plus Hodges, who's been crushing on Wendy, will have "a slight misstep and actually come bearing gifts for Catherine," says Mendelsohn. Thanks to budget cuts, Wendy and other members of the lab crew will have to get out into the field to work.

Doc Robbins:
The mild-mannered coroner gets to kick a little live butt at the start of the season when the lab itself becomes a crime scene. "Dr. Robbins is the defender of the coroner's office," Mendelsohn says. He'll also be a key to helping explore the evidence from Langston's serial killer and may get some unexpected help. Adds Mendelsohn: "We have an idea for a new character who may join the coroner's office."
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From CSI Files: (Edited to fit to read the orginial look for the dates at csifiles.com)

7/16 - In the tenth season premiere which will air on September 24 at 9:00pm. A young actress whose career is on the rise gets killed in a car accident. Her stalker takes credit for her death, but the team soon discovers that there is more to the story.

7/18 - Sara Sidle returns to the lab in the premiere of the tenth season, her character quit her job in season eight, only to return in several episodes in season nine, reuniting with Gil Grissom who was making way to leaving the lab. Sara is scheduled to be in an unspecified number of subsequent episodes. It is said that the viewers will discover where life has taken Sara and what brings her back to the team. There is no word on whether Grissom will return. - NOTE: Ausiello reports that Grissom will not be back with Sara at the start of the season.

7/23 - Serial killer Paul Millander (Matt O'Toole) was last seen when he took his own life in the season two. In the second episode of the tenth season, characters connected to Millander will make their return. "The last time we saw [serial killer] Paul Millander was in season 2 when Grissom had dinner at [his alter ego] Judge Mason's house, and we met Mrs. Mason and their young son, Craig. Well, Paul's dead, but Mrs. Mason and Craig live on. And we will see them in episode 2.

Also in episode two, executive producer Naren Shankar said fans will get a clue about the ring Dr Ray Langston (Laurence Fishburne) wears on his finger. In addition to these spoilers, "We're going to launch a new season-long serial killer arc." - "Starting at the end of our premiere, a brand new nemesis [will emerge] who has a very unique way of killing." Shankar revealed that "the crime scene is always the body" with this serial killer, who will be known as "Dr Jekyl".

7/28 - Riley Adams will not return for the tenth season. Riley was brought in, in the ninth season replacing Warrick Brown who was killed in the season nine premiere. Less than a season after her addition to the team, Riley will say bid goodbye though she will not be appearing in any of the tenth season episode. Exective producer Shankar said, "It was an issue of how we were feeling the ensemble was working," Shankar continued. "When we brought in the character of Riley, it got lost in the shuffle a little bit because we had lost Warrick, we had lost Sara [Sidle], and then in the middle of last season [Gil] Grissom finally left. I think, as a result, the character never quite found its footing in terms of the rest of the gang." -- Riley's departure will allow for Sara to come back to the crime lab. "She shows up because the team is understaffed," he explained. "The undersheriff reaches out for a recommendation and Sara says, 'I think that person might be me.'" Shankar promised that the returning character would get plenty of focus during her time. "We're going to spotlight her for the episodes that she'll be in."

7/28 - As previously stated Sara Sidle will return to the lab, and will appear in at least five episodes during season ten. "I think all I can really say is [pause] the team has had a rough year—there has been a lot going on—and so Sara comes back mostly just to see if she can help for a while, because she loves those guys and she misses them," the actress said. She had even less to say about Gil Grissom. "They've prevented me from discussing Grissom at all," she said, adding that Grissom's whereabouts will be revealed in the season premiere. "We hope we've picked the right stuff to be a surprise."

Executive producer Shankar said Sara's return without Grissom does not mean the pair have split up. "They're absolutely together," However, the relationship may be going through a rough period. "We're talking about a couple of very independent individuals who have decided to share their life together," Shankar explained. "The first few months of that for any couple are a weird adjustment." -- Shankar and fellow executive producer Carol Mendelsohn hope Sara's return will help smooth things over after all of the shake-ups in season nine. "The family had disintegrated a little bit," Shankar said. "We had people off in their own bubbles, and we want to restore that family [feeling]." -- "Sara comes in and brings everyone together," Mendelsohn added. "And she helps Catherine [Willows] understand that as the [new] leader, she needs to make the team cohesive and really fire on all cylinders again." Mendelsohn would not reveal when or if the old team leader is scheduled to return. "You never know when Grissom will show up," she teased. "The theme of [season 10] is family. And he certainly is a big part of the family -- a big part of the family." While it is possible that Grissom might appear some time this season, Mendelsohn said "there are no concrete plans" for him to return at this time.

8/4 - At the TCA Summer Press Tour, CBS Entertainment President Nina Tassler discussed what the fans wondered about the show, -- they wanted to see the group back together," The challenge with introducing Dr Ray Langston was making him "an outsider coming in." She added, "He didn't just sort of insert himself right from the start in an authoritative position, that he earn his way into a place of authority amongst the team. So there was a gradual introduction. He was an outsider, but fans wanted to see him in a more take-charge capacity. You're going to see all of that this season." -- "He's more versed in the language of CSI," Tassler explained. "He's had a little bit of a wardrobe makeover. Our research and fans say they love and respect him, but they wanted to see him more comfortable in his clothes. We're very excited about the new season, and like I said, we're very respectful of the fans. We have a loyal fan base [and I] think they're going to be happy what they see." -- In addition to the changes Catherine Willows is going to give Nick a promotion.

8/5 - Nick Stokes will be getting a promotion at the start of the season. Langston will also get a promotion, Mendelsohn revealed. "One of the things that is part and parcel of the new season is Ray Langston graduating from being that newbie to being a CSI 2," she explains. During the time between the season nine finale, and the season ten premiere, Langston has been "taking every class and seminar he could" in order to become the criminalist Gil Grissom believed he could be. -- "We thought that would be a great opportunity for the audience to re experience the fundamentals of forensics. It was always thought that he would graduate very quickly into [being] a more learned CSI."
The return of Sara is partially responsible for the promotion that Nick will receive in the season premiere. "The interesting thing is, Catherine[ Willows] decision to promote Nick, even though it's well deserved, is facilitated by the arrival of Sara Sidle. [Catherine then] sees the world according to Sara Sidle and realizes something about leadership and about the team."

Mendelsohn also revealed that the team would come in contact with someone from their past. "The team will come across the offspring of our most celebrated serial killer. He's the son of the very first serial killer that was ever featured on CSI," she said. "His father was a nemesis for Grissom. Do we treat him any differently than we treat any other suspect? Are we prejudiced against him?" As CSI Files previously reported, the nemesis in question is Paul Millander.
In addition to an old acquaintance, CSI will get the season underway by introducing a new criminal. "Starting at the end of Episode 1, [the show will have] a very different kind of serial killer for us, we're calling him Dr Jekyll," Mendelsohn added. "The crime scene will be a lot smaller than we've ever experienced." As Shankar previously revealed about Dr Jekyll, "the crime scene is always the body."

8/7 - Dr Ray Langston, will be in crossover episodes with both CSI: Miami and CSI: New York for the upcoming season. -- All three episodes will be part of one big storyline during November sweeps. The crossovers will start on Miami during the show's normal timeslot Monday at 10:00pm ET/PT. It will continue on Wednesday at 10:00pm ET/PT during CSI: NY. The crossover will wrap up by returning to Vegas for it's third and final episode Thursday at 9:00pm ET/PT.
UPDATES can be found in the From legit Magazines, Etc - & - Some Odds & Ends.
Press release for Coup de Grace (10x04).

"Coup de Grace" - When a policeman kills another officer, the CSIs must look to the evidence to determine if the shooting was premeditated or an accident

Conrad Ecklie................................ Marc Vann

Det. Carlos Moreno............. Enrique Murciano
Angry Man......................... Marcus T. Thomas
Denise Devine.............................. Adina Porter
Officer Danny Finn...................... Jack Blessing
Officer Donna Grayson.......... Cassidy Freeman
Deputy Carver.......................... Sean Hampton
Mike Ithaca...................................... Clint Culp
Officer Mitchell.......................... Larry Mitchell
Rogelio Martinez........... Andres Saenz-Hudson
Geoff Johnson................................. Stan Shaw
Anthony Lopez................................ Eli Vargas
Avery Devine.......................... Vincent King Jr.
Office Metcalf.................. Joseph Patrick Kelly

TELEPLAY BY: David Rambo
STORY BY: David Rambo and Richard Catalani
DIRECTED BY: Paris Barclay
Thanks to Ankeila for posting this!
"Just don't call him Danny Taylor, "Without A Trace" vet Enrique Murciano takes on the role of a Sin City detective. Set to air 10/15."

TV Guide issue dated Oct. 12-18~
Thanks to Desert_Dracula (Desertwind) for posting this!
Air Date: Thursday, October 15, 2009
Time Slot: 9:00 PM-10:00 PM EST on CBS
Episode Title: (#1004) "Coup de Grace"

THE CSI TEAM INVESTIGATES THE RACIALLY CHARGED CASE OF A COP KILLING. - When a policeman kills another officer, the CSIs must look to the evidence to determine if the shooting was premeditated or an accident. - The team investigates the accidental shooting of an off-duty cop by another cop, Officer Danny Finn, whose unabashed racial bias raises the possibility that the shooting wasn't an accident. - Sara investigates the murder of a teenaged boy. - Enrique Murciano ("Without a Trace") Guest Stars.

Dr. Raymond Langston: Laurence Fishburne
Catherine Willows: Marg Helgenberger
Nick Stokes: George Eads
Captain Jim Brass: Paul Guilfoyle
Greg Sanders: Eric Szmanda
Dr. Robbins: Robert David Hall
David Phillips: David Berman
Hodges: Wallace Langham
Wendy Simms: Liz Vassey

Conrad Ecklie: Marc Vann

Det. Carlos Moreno: Enrique Murciano
Angry Man: Marcus T. Thomas
Denise Devine: Adina Porter
Officer Danny Finn: Jack Blessing
Officer Donna Grayson: Cassidy Freeman
Deputy Carver: Sean Hampton
Mike Ithaca: Clint Culp
Officer Mitchell: Larry Mitchell
Rogelio Martinez: Andres Saenz-Hudson
Geoff Johnson: Stan Shaw
Anthony Lopez: Eli Vargas
Avery Devine: Vincent King Jr.
Office Metcalf: Joseph Patrick Kelly

TELEPLAY BY: David Rambo
STORY BY: David Rambo and Richard Catalani
DIRECTED BY: Paris Barclay

THANKS TO: The Futon Critic & TalkCSI Members
A promo video for this episode can be found YouTube. Thanks to Vampira (Dizzney) for posting the video! :)
CBS is planning a "CSI" extravaganza for November sweeps -- star Laurence Fishburne (Dr. Raymond Langston) will appear in all three scene-of-the-crime shows in one week, and the whole thing wraps up on the flagship "CSI" on Nov. 12. Mild spoilers about the episodes follow.

Langston will first visit "CSI: Miami" on Nov. 9; he travels south in an episode titled "Bone Voyage" to investigate a case with ties to Las Vegas. Fishburne and "CSI: Miami" star David Caruso are pictured at left; perhaps Langston and Horatio Caine are talking about cool sunglasses, which Langston is still sporting when he arrives in New York on Nov. 11 (Fishburne and "CSI: NY" star Gary Sinise are pictured at right).

In that "CSI: NY" episode, "Hammer Down," according to CBS, "a big-rig accident results in the discovery of an interstate trucking ring that specializes in human cargo and black-market organ harvesting, and sets off a race against time to save a hostage."

The three-part crossover concludes on Nov. 12 on "CSI." In that episode, viewers will learn more about what Langston is investigating: "a nationwide human trafficking network that abducts young girls forces them into prostitution," according to David Weddle, who penned the episode with his writing partner, Bradley Thompson.

Ubiquitious guest star Mark Sheppard, who played Romo Lampkin on "Battlestar Galactica" (a character who knew a thing or two about shades), has a guest role in that Nov. 12 "CSI" episode. Sheppard, who has a credit list as long as your arm and apparently by law must appear on every scripted show in existence, also appears on USA's new show "White Collar" Oct. 23 and "Supernatural" on Nov. 19

Chicago Tribune
Thanks to Shane for posting this! :)
Info on "Bloodsport"....


"Bloodsport" - An entire college football team comes under investigation when their beloved coach is found murdered in his home, on CSI: CRIME SCENE INVESTIGATION, Thursday, Oct. 29 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.

Sara Sidle......................................... Jorja Fox
Mandy Webster.................... Sheeri Rappaport

Buddy Arnold..................... John Carroll Lynch
Calvin Crook.......................... Josh Henderson
Coach Jimmy Miller............... Christopher Rich
Julian Bristol.................................. Mike Erwin
Margaret Finn.............................. Palmer Davis

WRITTEN BY: Allen MacDonald
DIRECTED BY: Jeffrey Hunt
Thanks to Shane for posting this! :)
From the CSI Files:

Details Emerge About The Three-Way Crossover
Posted by Rachel - 13/10/09 at 03:10 pm

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation’s Dr Raymond Langston (Laurence Fishburne) will follow the evidence to CSI: Miami and CSI: New York before returning to the Las Vegas Crime Lab. (Spoilers after the jump.)

As CSI Files previously reported, all three members of the CSI franchise will take part in a crossover during November sweeps. The episodes will air the week of November 9. The story starts in Miami when Horatio Caine (David Caruso) and his team discover a severed leg that belongs to a girl that went missing from Las Vegas the week before. Langston travels to Miami to solve the case. He is soon on the way to New York City after a girl he interviewed turns up in the Big Apple. The girl was hidden inside a semi-trailer truck. After the girl disappears, Langston and Mac Taylor (Gary Sinise) discover an interstate trucking ring that specializes in human trafficking and organ harvesting. The investigation then leads Langston back to Las Vegas, where the team discovers a prostitution ring that might be harboring the missing woman.

“The story is really a ticking clock story,” CSI: NY executive producer Peter Lenkov said of the New York portion of the storyline. “It is really a hunt for a suspect, but also saving a girl’s life. I think we put blinders on to get that done by the end of the episode. This [case] takes priority because it is real triage the way it lands in our lap. We realize soon after that time is of the essence. We elected in that episode to make it our sole focus.”

“They are all great episodes that blend together and lead you to the next,” New York executive producer Pam Veasey said. The challenge was to incorporate the crossover while still maintaining the integrity of each series. “Everyone stays true to their writing style,” Veasey explained. “What you fundamentally do is tell a CSI story, which is what we all have in common. Once it gets to your show, you will see each of the show’s take a different approach to a story that starts in Miami. We did all get together and talk about what the through-line would be. Obviously, Ray Langston travels through all of the shows. You have to find the consistencies with his character, how he would flow into each story.”

Source: ET Online
According to Michael Ausiello who is quoting Carol Mendelsohn, Jorja Fox is back on the show "indefinitely" and there are no plans for Grissom to make a visit.

The article can be found here.

Thanks (I think!) to Speedystokesgirl for posting this! ;)
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