**Spoiler Lab** Season 8 - Hot Off The Magic City Presses!

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Hey guys! Just found this on TV guide.com...

Do you have any scoop on the betrayal on CSI: Miami? Do you know if anyone is leaving? — Jaison
ADAM: Considering that Delko is now investigating a murder instead of just theft, it's a good bet that there will be serious consequences. "[The explosion] kicks Delko's investigation into overdrive," producer Krystal Houghton tells us. "Somebody involved in the theft dies, and somebody else's career is ruined."

Wait... I'm confused. Does that mean that Rebecca was in on the theft? Maybe she was the ultimate betrayer's partner and she was gonna take it all for herself or go to the cops and confess, so the partner killed her to keep her quiet?
SO personally, I don't take it as anyone else is going to die (or leave). If someone were leaving next season, with the way they like to hype, they probably would have thrown in something like 'now next season, that's a different story' ect ect...

Career ruined is the one who set up Ryan, obviously. I don't know what they will do with him/her, but being one of the ones who knows who it is, blows me away to think of how they're going to play it up... and what will be the after effects of it all! IDK if the person is leaving or not...

Makes me feel some better!!! :) Just thought I'd share.

Thank you for sharing!

And I completely agree: TPTB are just overhyping everything that's going on because it's the end of the season. I think Rebecca is the only one who's going to die, and that the individual who sets Ryan up is the one who "betrays" Horatio, and will therefore have their career ruined. Obviously, setting up Ryan would be a very personal betrayal. Horatio trusts all of his CSIs, and Eric as well. Nobody on the team is acting the least bit suspicious. The only thing "fishy" was Walter's large deposit, but it would be too obvious for the writers to make him the betrayer.

This overhyping will be the end of this show;) IMO.
Last year they overhyped the kiss and then Adam left.(And the kissing spilt the fan -base more in IMO) So are we once again left with a "big" hype and a "slow" non - exsisting pay - off?

I just (on the radio) listened to a producer from "Paradise Hotel"(Reality show season 6). And he explain how they set - up the show.
Well for once they planned different weeks. One based on westerns and one based on myths. AND they allways incorperated elements from the universel storytelling aka fairytales. A hero on a quest for manhood and love. A bad guy with only evil on his mind.

If this much planning goes into a reality show and producers continually monitor "guests" and cutting of scenes to fit their concept for the show in general and for the individual weeks. Then WHY does writers on this show seem so "out of tune" with each other? Aka not following up on story - lines and why does producers choose to hype stoylines that they don´t "pay - off" accordingly? That is sort of basis for any liniar(?) story-telling.
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Maybe Calleigh was on the scene because she placed the bomb in the car and was shocked that Eric was there. Emily always said she wanted to leave the show in a spectacular way like a shootout or something dramatic. I know this is over the top because it isn't Calleigh's character, but then she also hasn't been herself for a long time either.
Maybe Calleigh was on the scene because she placed the bomb in the car and was shocked that Eric was there. Emily always said she wanted to leave the show in a spectacular way like a shootout or something dramatic. I know this is over the top because it isn't Calleigh's character, but then she also hasn't been herself for a long time either.

I think anything is possible at this point. Some of these characters have changed so radically over the past 3 or 4 seasons as to become unrecognizable from the character we first met.

As I said in another thread, I see the current version of Calleigh as the original's evil twin. I would never for a moment believe that the Calleigh we first met would throw her integrity and credibility out the window - for any reason. Now it seems to happen on a regular basis.

Eric's integrity, crediblity and professionalism went out the window a long time ago. The fact that he is conducting this investigation into the lab is the ultimate in unprofessionalism. With his connection to the people being investigated - HE IS HAVING SEX WITH ONE OF THEM! - he is the LAST person who should be investigating the team.

Horatio has done things in the past 4 years that lead to serious questions about where his professionalism and integrity were residing. He not only walked the line, he crossed it when he killed an unarmed, helpless man in cold blood. The only credit I will give them with Horatio is they appear to be really working to get that character back to the moral compass he was in the beginning. But, as always, they count on the audience's memory being very, very short.

Ryan has been extremely erratic - especially this season. :scream:

Natalia, on the rare occasion that we see her, seems to remain a constant, thank god! With the exception of her sleeping with her abusive ex (something I found totally out of character), she has remained true to her character.

Frank is always the anchor. Bless his heart! :)

I won't be surprised at anything the throw at us this season. Not like the freak out I experienced when I saw Ryan get the text "It's Done." :eek: I screamed at that one! It was awesome.
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Hey guys! Just found this on TV guide.com...

Do you have any scoop on the betrayal on CSI: Miami? Do you know if anyone is leaving? — Jaison
ADAM: Considering that Delko is now investigating a murder instead of just theft, it's a good bet that there will be serious consequences. "[The explosion] kicks Delko's investigation into overdrive," producer Krystal Houghton tells us. "Somebody involved in the theft dies, and somebody else's career is ruined."

Wait... I'm confused. Does that mean that Rebecca was in on the theft? Maybe she was the ultimate betrayer's partner and she was gonna take it all for herself or go to the cops and confess, so the partner killed her to keep her quiet?

GRNF, I didn't even think of that! What a total earthshattering betrayal! With Eric working for her, this is worse than when Monica West stole the Mala Noche seizure money and made Peter Elliot put it back. Oh, poor Eric if this is the case. He's so earnest and trusting. And poor Horatio, who used to be involved with and trusted this woman. That is shocking. Wow, I really hope the writers are going to do that because it will live up to the hype.

You have a diabolical mind....that's a compliment.
Hey guys! Just found this on TV guide.com...

Do you have any scoop on the betrayal on CSI: Miami? Do you know if anyone is leaving? — Jaison
ADAM: Considering that Delko is now investigating a murder instead of just theft, it's a good bet that there will be serious consequences. "[The explosion] kicks Delko's investigation into overdrive," producer Krystal Houghton tells us. "Somebody involved in the theft dies, and somebody else's career is ruined."

Wait... I'm confused. Does that mean that Rebecca was in on the theft? Maybe she was the ultimate betrayer's partner and she was gonna take it all for herself or go to the cops and confess, so the partner killed her to keep her quiet?

Boy would that be good and a cool twist!!

I wonder if it could be Sully? It would be weird that they would have him come back for no real reason. Of course, it could be just a misdirection play. But are the writer that clever? One's brain could explode just thinking of all the possibilities:confused:
I have my theories about who the betrayer is, but I'm not happy about any of this because it looks like they're gonna pull another "Dan Cooper". :scream:

Wasn't once enough??
Horatio has done things in the past 4 years that lead to serious questions about where his professionalism and integrity were residing. He not only walked the line, he crossed it when he killed an unarmed, helpless man in cold blood. The only credit I will give them with Horatio is they appear to be really working to get that character back to the moral compass he was in the beginning. But, as always, they count on the audience's memory being very, very short.

Ryan has been extremely erratic - especially this season. :scream:

Natalia, on the rare occasion that we see her, seems to remain a constant, thank god! With the exception of her sleeping with her abusive ex (something I found totally out of character), she has remained true to her character.

Frank is always the anchor. Bless his heart! :)

I won't be surprised at anything the throw at us this season. Not like the freak out I experienced when I say Ryan get the text "It's Done." :eek: I screamed at that one! It was awesome.

I have to agree with you on the Horatio thing. In the first few seasons he was the Conscience of Miamiand very much an equal to Grissom and Willows, Gris being all Scienceman and Willows being Streetsmart Woman. He was the moral compass and everything right was compared to him. The writers have muddled his character. He's ambiguous now. Sometimes a moral man, sometimes a vigilante. I don't like it. I want our earlier Horatio back; the man I can respect. I can see the writers trying to pull him out of the cavern after they let him go over the brink for years. Giving him more tragedy won't help. Giving him a reason to hope and believe in humanity again will. No more tragedy and angst for Horatio. I really used to like the character, regardless on how I feel about the actor. The character is the thing, to parody Shakespeare (The play's the thing). Horatio has fallen from what he was, and if he can't be the epitome again, then at least restore his redemptive humanity.
Hmmm. Considering that qoute was for events that happen AFTER the explosion, it suggests that another will die -- at least that's how I took it.
That said, it could be Sully or that re-appearing officer who they're referring to.

If all this boils down the way I think it will, then I'm disappointed -- it wouldn't be that big of a shock to find that Sully, Rebecca, or Rick are dirty, for me anyway. After all this hype & the effect it will have on Horatio, I just think it's lame if it's all or one of those 3 who are in on the betrayal.
Just watched the Cdn promo. It looks like Rick punts Horatio from duty and Eric is going to get a tongue lashing next week from his peers.
Hey guys! Just found this on TV guide.com...

Do you have any scoop on the betrayal on CSI: Miami? Do you know if anyone is leaving? — Jaison
ADAM: Considering that Delko is now investigating a murder instead of just theft, it's a good bet that there will be serious consequences. "[The explosion] kicks Delko's investigation into overdrive," producer Krystal Houghton tells us. "Somebody involved in the theft dies, and somebody else's career is ruined."

Wait... I'm confused. Does that mean that Rebecca was in on the theft? Maybe she was the ultimate betrayer's partner and she was gonna take it all for herself or go to the cops and confess, so the partner killed her to keep her quiet?

GRNF, I didn't even think of that! What a total earthshattering betrayal! With Eric working for her, this is worse than when Monica West stole the Mala Noche seizure money and made Peter Elliot put it back. Oh, poor Eric if this is the case. He's so earnest and trusting. And poor Horatio, who used to be involved with and trusted this woman. That is shocking. Wow, I really hope the writers are going to do that because it will live up to the hype.

You have a diabolical mind....that's a compliment.

I never trusted Rebecca as far as I could throw her. :lol: So I wouldn't be surprised if she was in on the scheme. Maybe she was getting it on with one of the other betrayers. I do think it's possible that Sully is involved in this too. I don't see the need for his character otherwise. :lol:

Just watched the Cdn promo. It looks like Rick punts Horatio from duty and Eric is going to get a tongue lashing next week from his peers.

Huh? How can Rick take Horatio off-duty? They're both LTs and I thought Rick was working with a different place now that he's LT. I didn't think he was IAB anymore.
Just watched the Cdn promo. It looks like Rick punts Horatio from duty and Eric is going to get a tongue lashing next week from his peers.

Huh? How can Rick take Horatio off-duty? They're both LTs and I thought Rick was working with a different place now that he's LT. I didn't think he was IAB anymore.

I think Rick is still with Internal Affairs. The dialogue went something like this

H: This is an active investigation
R: No! You're done

Looking back, it might mean something else but I got the impression that Rick is giving H the boot
^^ Maybe he just means that H is "done" as in he's too involved in the case with Ryan & wants him pulled off it.
that's what I took it to mean as well. Truth be told, Horatio shouldn't have anything to do with the investigation. Wouldn't that be a conflict of interest?
Hi all! I was wondering if somebody would be kind enough to post the extended promo for Time Bomb (now posted at the CBS website) in YT. I can't watch it being I am not a US resident. Thanks in advance!:thumbsup:
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