Well, at least the show is consistent with
something!! :guffaw:
I also just noticed that no one posted the spoilers for ep 820! Which I will do but it is not going to make some people happy....
820 entitled "Backfire"...as described w/o knowing that people didn't know about the ep...my bad btw...is imo a "coming full circle" ep but also does something interesting that this show hasn't done yet and I personally thought was kind of cool.
The ep opens with Ryan and Calleigh pulling up to a burning house. While standing outside waiting for the fire department they notice a man in the window trapped inside. They rush in and try to save him but are not able to. Now this is a little confusing. We see Ryan at the scene once rescue arrives getting oxygen, unable to believe what is happening...then the spoilers skip a little but I was able to get the gist. The man who died, Patrick is actually seen by the audience trying to talk to team as they investigate the home once the fire is out...he keeps trying to tell them, as they deduce that he started the fire, that he in fact did not cause the blaze. Obviously no one can see him but Walter does feel a "presence" for a moment.
Now later, idk when, we see Calleigh at the house looking at evidence. She picks up her cell and calls Horatio leaves him a message to call her back; she thinks she found something that proves that Patrick didn't start the fire. Patrick says "thank you" and Calleigh turns and makes eye contact with him...Patrick realizes she can see him. He asks her how but she says it isn't possible and doesn't know how she can see him. Patrick begs her to help him and she says she will try.
I am not sure how but Calleigh finds herself standing in the hallway of a hospital. She turns around and suddenly Eric is walking towards her. She asks him what he is doing there but he just walks right past her w/o saying a word and heads into a room. Curious, Calleigh follows him and stops at outside the room and looks through the window. She sees Eric and Horatio exchange a sad look....then suddenly one of them moves and she is able to see what Eric is seeing for the first time...the occupant of the bed is her hooked up to machines that are keeping her alive. As she stands looking through the window, Patrick comes up next to her and she asks him if her being like this means she is going to die...he says he doesn't know. Suddenly there is a flash of light and the past few hours flash before Calleigh's eyes explaining to her how she ended up this way and to the scenes she thought were real when in reality she was an ignored observer.
They follow the team hoping to figure out who really started the fire when they see that Ryan is testing the houses internal sprinkler system and hang with him. The sprinklers did not go off the morning of the fire but when he tests them, the sprinklers activate and Ryan gets completely drenched. Curious as to why they didn't go off they follow the pipes and Calleigh and Patrick see why the sprinklers did not go off but Ryan doesn't. Seeing how no one can see them, Calleigh and Patrick, for the time being are left being the only ones knowing what happened.
Now there is more, obviously I am not going to give it all away. However, there was only one major character spoiler posted which is why there was such a heavy focus on Patrick and Calleigh's scenes. Hopefully tomorrow more will be posted and if so, I will add it here.