**Spoiler Lab** S8 - Check Out What's On The Horizon!

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Anyone who's read my other posts on this forum knows where I stand on ships in general. (*thumbs down*) But, all the E/C "romance" stuff aside, if given the choice between Eric and Jesse, I'd pick Eric in a heartbeat. Honestly, I find Eddie Cibrian's dimples annoying, but I guess that's just me. LOL In the few season 8 episodes of CSI Miami that I've actually watched, Jesse's smug, know-it-all attitude kind of grated on my nerves. Eric is so much more laid back, and I like the surrogate-father/son vibe between him and H. Walter is all good in my book, though. He's really funny and gets along great with everybody, especially Ryan.I'm also a little creeped out by the lack of spoilers and interviews about the rest of the season. Makes me feel like TPTB still don't know what direction to take the show in, and that makes me nervous.

I think that (at least for me) I initially wanted Eric to stay, but not the ship. That being said. Jesse has not grown on me and not likely to; but if TPTB decides to tone down his Super-Jesse routine I could get use to him. I enjoyed the last episode b/c it had a balance we hadn't seen so far this season. Ryan actually was where he should be in the show, not on the backburner where in the first half he seemed to spend most of his time. I agree that Walter is a good addition and he interacts well especially with Ryan. He's a keeper. I don't know what the solution to all these issues are, I wouldn't want to be in TPTBs shoes in solving the it. Maybe they are trying to sort it all out, and this is why we haven't heard anything, IDK.
Anyone who's read my other posts on this forum knows where I stand on ships in general. (*thumbs down*) But, all the E/C "romance" stuff aside, if given the choice between Eric and Jesse, I'd pick Eric in a heartbeat. Honestly, I find Eddie Cibrian's dimples annoying, but I guess that's just me. LOL In the few season 8 episodes of CSI Miami that I've actually watched, Jesse's smug, know-it-all attitude kind of grated on my nerves. Eric is so much more laid back, and I like the surrogate-father/son vibe between him and H. Walter is all good in my book, though. He's really funny and gets along great with everybody, especially Ryan.I'm also a little creeped out by the lack of spoilers and interviews about the rest of the season. Makes me feel like TPTB still don't know what direction to take the show in, and that makes me nervous.

I like the point you made about the dynamic that Horatio and Eric share, Naomi. I think you've made a valid point.

I still want Eric to move on and having to select between the two I'd pick Jesse because I think he has more story potential at this point. But the special dynamic that Eric and Horatio share may be making Jesse appear to be more unnerving than he would normally be.

Maybe it's time the writers focus on creating a close, positive relationship between the new guy and the series lead. Aren't these characters supposed to be long-time friends? Where is the friendship "connection?"
I don't know if you have already talked about this, for what I have seen you have not, but reading TVGuide newsletter I've found this Q&A

Any scoop on the Eric-Calleigh relationship on CSI: Miami? Please tell me the writers plan to give them a happy ending! — JC
ADAM: Would that I could, JC, but I'm leaning toward something a little more dramatic. Here's what we know: Delko will return when Calleigh faces a life-and-death situation at a crime scene. While he's around, he'll also launch an undercover investigation of the CSI lab for the State's Attorney's office. Rest assured, though, that Calleighko fans will get some closure. "They're going to face a defining moment of decision," co-executive producer Barry O'Brien tells us. "All the starts and stops in their relationship are going to be put to the test and they will finally make a decision that will inform their relationship for the remainder of the series."

I am not really interested in the pair thing but I am curious about:

*Calleigh's dangerous situation at a crime scene (again! The girl needs some rest!!!)

*An undercover investigation of the Lab? It's my idea of Delko is gonna investigate the lab? Not nice of him...

*"they will finally make a decision that will inform their relationship for the remainder of the series." this kinda caught my eye...it does not say the rest of their lives but the rest of the series...isn't that strange?
I don't know if you have already talked about this, for what I have seen you have not, but reading TVGuide newsletter I've found this Q&A

<snip quote from Q&A]

I am not really interested in the pair thing but I am curious about:

*Calleigh's dangerous situation at a crime scene (again! The girl needs some rest!!!)

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: The "Calleigh in danger - Oh, my!!" scenario is really, REALLY getting old. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

*An undercover investigation of the Lab? It's my idea of Delko is gonna investigate the lab? Not nice of him...

This is the second time they've placed Eric in a position where he seems to be at odds with the lab and his former co-workers. It's not only contrived, it is a serious conflict of interest to put him in a position that he is investigating a lab that he is "intimately" involved with on many levels (a sexual relationship with one team member; the head of the lab is his brother-in-law, one team member he has always had a hostile relationship with ...)

*"they will finally make a decision that will inform their relationship for the remainder of the series." this kinda caught my eye...it does not say the rest of their lives but the rest of the series...isn't that strange?

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:I'd like to believe that this is true. While I detest E/C, if they would crap or get off the pot about it at least we'd know they have a plan and know what they'd doing. The dragging it out is on my last nerve. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

You're right about the way they phrased the statement, Lusiana88. It is a curious way to say it.

I guess it could be taken a number of ways. He could be hinting that the end of the series is near, but I don't think that is what he's saying. The ratings are too strong and the inclusion of fresh blood and new people doesn't support the thought.

I'm not sure I can put into words what I think he's hinting at here. I think it's a statement designed to infer that whatever the decision, they'll be no more horsing around. It will be final and no more wondering where they're going with this storyline.

If one character leaves the show permanently, they need to resolve the relationship in a way that doesn't leave it hanging out there and the remaining character can move on.

If they BOTH leave then this relationship is resolved in that they live happily ever after - off the show. (This scenario may be neccesary if Ms. Procter or CBS elects not to renew her contract. Also if they decide no to pick Adam back up as a permanent character.)

If they BOTH stay, then it is imperative that the relationship be defined once and for all. They can't keep up with this soap opera, sex-romp mentality. These are supposed to be adult professionals, not teenagers in their first love relationship. Ramp it up to an adult relationship and move the hell on or put it to rest.

All of that said - I have no faith whatsoever that TPTB will follow through and provide the resolution they are promising. They never do.
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So more drama for them huh? As if all these years it isn't dramatic enough. She almost died, he almost died repeatedly over and over again. Now...again. Yeah after so many tests, still they need more tests. I read it again, maybe there is some sort of 'final' test. You know what, I don't think so because there are always sequels or re-tests. :rolleyes:

What is also ridiculous is having Eric acting as 'undercover' to investigate the lab. Who on earth puts an ex-team member to investigate and report on the lab? It is a complete conflict of interest and independence.

Anyways, I don't think the show is anywhere near its end. Why would they kill a cash cow? Ratings and demo are still decent.
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: The "Calleigh in danger - Oh, my!!" scenario is really, REALLY getting old. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

For real! I'm sick of the Calleigh in danger storylines just as much as I am of the Ryan in possible trouble storylines. They are old. The writers really need some new ideas. I'm sorry, but the idea that a woman has to be in danger for her or the man in her life to decide on their relationship is pure, utter BS! Not only that, but its very insulting to us viewers as well. I mean, if they hadn't yet been involved then I'd say, okay maybe it would make one or both realize they want to be together... but since these two are already involved, in my mind they should know by now whether or not they want to be together. :sigh:

Cal and Eric have both almost been killed so many times that by now I'm half expecting one of the other characters to pull a Cartman and say, "You almost killed Calleigh/Eric, you bastard!"

The thing about Eric investigating the lab reeks too. It reeked the first time they had him at odds with his co-workers. Why? Because they've been there done that already with another character (Ryan). I really really really hate rehashed storylines that are just taken from something in the past and re-written to suit another character. It's highly annoying!

What is also ridiculous is having Eric acting as 'undercover' to investigate the lab. Who on earth puts an ex-team member to investigate and report on the lab? It is a complete conflict of interest and independence.

I agree that it is a conflict of interest and IRL would never happen. These writers are coming up with these beyond ridiculous storylines at this point.

As for the "will define their relationship for the rest of the series" comment... well, in Britian, they call seasons "series"... so that may be what is meant here. I doubt that this is the last season.
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isn't the actor who plays Delko not employed anymore since Ugly Betty is going off the air? why not stay employed at CSI MIami? wonder what more dangerous place Calleigh could be in except at a crime scene-she's not safe at work ever...
I agree that it is a conflict of interest and IRL would never happen. These writers are coming up with these beyond ridiculous storylines at this point.

For real we're comparing CSI miami to Real life? :guffaw:

Excellent point! If this show were anything like real life, literally every team member would probably have been fired by now. Obviously, no scripted drama is going to be 100% infallible, but CSI:Miami takes that whole "suspension of disbelief" thing to a whole new level. They don't even just not care if something's realistic or not, I'm convinced they actually try to make it as unrealistic as possible. :lol:
I have no faith whatsoever that TPTB will follow through and provide the resolution they are promising. They never do.
I would be truely surprised if there is a resolution.Next season at this time we will be hearing the same story.

I don't know if this is the right thread to be posting this in or not, but here is something that Adam Rodriguez tweeted awhile ago

@amaticrodriguez Struggling with a big decision. To return or not to

I wonder what this could possibly mean... I have a few thoughts of my own :)
Obviously, no scripted drama is going to be 100% infallible, but CSI:Miami takes that whole "suspension of disbelief" thing to a whole new level. They don't even just not care if something's realistic or not, I'm convinced they actually try to make it as unrealistic as possible. :lol:

Yeah, that's what I mean. I don't expect it to be 100% believable, but yeesh. Its just that sometimes they use the "conflict of interest" excuse and sometimes they completely ignore that rule. :lol: That is what bugs me.

And being in danger so many times, yeesh if I were poor Calleigh, I'd say bye bye to that job. :lol: I mean how many times is it now that the poor woman's been in danger? :lol: Give the girl a break for crying out loud. :lol: With as much as things have happened to her the girl should have a serious case of Post Traumatic Stress by now.
All of that said - I have no faith whatsoever that TPTB will follow through and provide the resolution they are promising. They never do.

Yeah I am not holding my breath on that one either....done getting my hopes up with this show b/c there is just always disappointment. Actually the irony is I get my hopes up for disappointment! I actually wait to be disapointed this way when I am not (which is very rare) I have something to be extremely excited about. Sad really.

I vote for return!! That is a no brainer. I think he will and I think the tweet was to let fans know the option for him to return has been extended to him and he wants to see what fan reaction will be. The show is still very popular and if he has no other comittments, then why the hell not return.

C'mon Adam come back....and kick Jesse out b/c he sucks!!! :lol:

And as for Calleigh's storyline...it sounds interesting for the fact that they are gonna do the out of body experience thing. I like it when shows do this with their characters b/c it always signifies a defining moment for the character. It allows the character to be in a "coma" and still have lines in the episode!! By defining moment I mean that it will allow Calleigh to finally make a decision regarding her job and Eric.

Also, I know some of you are upset about this storyline but think in terms of it being a "coming full circle" type of story. When a similar thing happened last year to her it was a deinfing moment in that she and Delko got together. Eric is in this ep and the TV Guide mega buzz said that all the starts and stops in their relationship would sort of hinge on this ep so it sort of makes sense for the writers to go back to when and how it all started....it is like deja vu basically. But those of you who are not E/C shippers are going to harp on it no matter what happens.

Funny thing is when I was corresponding with Corey we actually talked about the show possibly doing a story like this...

And like Delynn said with regards to E/C; Crap or get off the pot already!! :lol: And I am a fan of E/C!! the writers need make up their frickin minds and I think finally finally this will (hopefully) be the ep that does that.

It is curious though that the person chose to say: "for the remainder of the series" I mean it could be exactly what they said...we will know either way (a conclusion if you will) where E/C stands for the rest of the life of the show after this ep. Although using the word "remainder" kind of catches my more than anything else....to me that word makes it sound like things are beginning to wind down for the show. I mean look at the original, it is in its 10th season and it has definately hit a brick wall....in more ways than one.

I know this was a long long post but hell, I haven't been here in a while :D

And being in danger so many times, yeesh if I were poor Calleigh, I'd say bye bye to that job. :lol: I mean how many times is it now that the poor woman's been in danger? :lol: Give the girl a break for crying out loud. :lol: With as much as things have happened to her the girl should have a serious case of Post Traumatic Stress by now.

No doubt!! Not only PTSD she should be on so many anti anxiety and anti depressants that she shouldn't be able to walk straight let alone be allowed to carry a gun!! Honestly, that is definately a huge flaw with this show...all the crap they put her through and she is just happy go lucky Calleigh...oh wait, maybe she is on medication!! ;) :lol:

You think maybe after this time, given nearly frickin dying and all that she will FINALLY crack a little? *crickets* Yeah I don't think so either! :lol:
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