Songs for the Characters

Posted by Nikka_what:
yes, that's a good one. i love the sundays by the way.

*skips out of room, singing "wild horses, couldn't take me away...* all should probably plug your ears now.

That version of the song by the Sundays, was in the ep where Sara finds out Hank is cheating on her. It was in the last scene. A good Grissom to Sara song is 'Hello, Its Me' by Todd Rudgren...
I got a song for Nick...then again it came from one episode...but anyway...the lyrics kinda fits with my fav CSI!

Radiohead - Everything in it's right place
I think the lyrics sort of describe Sara.

Big black boots,
long brown hair,
she's so sweet
with her get back stare.
-Are You Gonna Be My Girl by Jet

I thought of her when I heard the song.
Well, it may be a little late notice, but hiya there! (Don't judge me, I'm from the South.) This is a pretty good thread, if I do say so myself (cause I'm the one who posted it *shrug*). But this place is great. Have fun!

P.S. Grissom- Numb by Linkin Park
I thought i'd post the lyrics to some of the songs i mentioned for sara, cause i listen to weird music and you might not know them. :p

Trees Keep Growing by Azure Ray
I never expected you to love me
The way I loved you
To have you near
Was all I wanted
Just to have you near
It's funny how you can forget there's a world outside yourself
Where the trees keep growing and the cars keep moving
Without you there
And its funny how you can forget there's a world outside yourself
Where the one who loves you keeps on living
Without you there

We Exchanged Words by Azure Ray
We exchanged words
Through smokefilled mouths
And then we found our bodies
Speaking loud
And our hearts pressed against the flesh
Trading stories
Of love's pain
And rivaling insecurities
When did we learn to speak without words
And in tongues
Maybe we should just stop here
Posted by Wild_Blue_Gil:
Some more. :D I can think of so many for some of the characters.

Grissom: Bugs - Pearl Jam
All these...
i got bugs
i got bugs in my room
bugs in my bed
bugs in my ears
their eggs in my head
bugs in my pockets
bugs in my shoes
bugs in the way i feel about you
bugs on my window
trying to get in
they don't go nowhere
waiting, waiting...
bugs on my ceiling
crowded the floor
standing, sitting, kneeling...
a few block the door
and now the question's:
do i kill them?
become their friend?
do i eat them?
raw or well done?
do i trick them?
i don't think they're that dumb
do i join them?
looks like that's the one
i got bugs on my skin
tickle my nausea
i let it happen again
they're always takin' over
i see they surround me, i see...
see them deciding my fate
oh, that which was once...was once up to me...
now it's too late
i got bugs in my on one
that's when i had a chance
i'll just stop now
i'll become naked
and with the...i'll become one

AGHHH! I have that CD. That song freaks me out!

Everyone who likes Iris by the Good Goo Dolls needs to get the ACOUSTIC VERSION. So great!
GSR - Parachutes by Coldplay

In a haze, a stormy haze
I'll be 'round, I'll be loving you always

Here I am and I'll take my time
Here I am and I'll wait in line