Snickers Scenario's

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S: no one's ever wanted to spend time with me just for the fun of it before
N: i didnt say i wanted to spend time with you
S: yes you did
N: ok i did, but i said i wanted to be with you
S: like how?
N: like how i could kiss you and you wouldnt throttle me
S: you, you want to kiss me
N: always have
S: why havent you
N: you can be one hell of an intimidating woman at times
S: ill take that as a compliment
N: it was meant as one
S: so are you going to kiss me now?
N: am i allowed?
S: your hopeless

sara pulls nick's shirt and ... SMOOCHY SMOOCH!!! <--- ROFL im back :D

N: whoa
S: mmm
N: would you throttle me if i did that again?
S: you didnt do that, i did
N: well would u throttle me if i did it?
S: no
N: good

SMOOCHY SMOOCH <--- hehe this is too much fun

N: so, you want to ride back
S: only if were on the same horse
N: so you were nervous about me behind you
S: maybe
N: well you shouldnt be nervous, excited maybe, but not nervous
S: shut up and help me back on
N: yes ma'am

once they are back nick helps sara off

S: dont horses get like tired carrying people?
N: most likely, but you know what they say, save a horse ride a cowboy *wink*
S: eh? oh, OMG nick! *giggles*
N: its true
S: well get your butt in that tahoe or there wont be any time to save horses left
N: ...
S: go on, get
N: yes ma'am *runs rather uncomfortably with sara chuckling* its nice to see you think my discomfort is amusing
S: oh it sure is
N: well its your fault
S: thats good to know
N: not helping
S: not trying to :D

((who wants to do when they get back? or a new scenario?))
haha yeah well, his jeans got a lil tight on the ride back :lol: cant imagine why... cough sara cough grinding against him cough provocatively cough

i got a bad cough :devil:
OMG, heart that's funni. Nick... running... uncomfortable... :lol:

Anyway, we need a new scenario and I think I've got one. It's a bit crazy, but I just thought it would be hillarious if something like this happened lol. Here goes:

*Sara & Nick are sitting in the break room with coffee*

S: (sarcasticly) You look happy.
N: Ugh, I've got the most disgusting case ever.
S: Shoot.
N: Oh, it's just some guts spread around all over the scene. The smell is terrible.
S: Gross.
N: Yeah, it is. Hey, you wanna trade? Then you get to work together with Catherine instead of Greg.
S: Hah, no way.
N: Ah, come on.
S: No, Nick.
N: *grabs her hand* *puppydog eyes* Please?
S: Errrm..... No.
N: *drops her hand* Spoiled.
S: What?
N: You're spoiled.
S: Say it again and I'll -
N: Spoiled.
S: I dare you to say it to my face.
N: *looks at her face* Spoiled.
S: You asshole. :O
N: *shurgs*
S: I'm not spoiled!
N: Yes, you are.
S: Okay, let's make a deal then. You solve your case earlier than I do and...
N: *takes a sip of his coffee*
S: ...I might sleep with you.
N: *spits out his coffee* *chokes* *cough* Deal! *cough*
C: *walks in and sighs* I could use a break.
N: *stands up and throws his coffeecup in the sink* No break for you. *grabs Cath's arm and drags her outside* C'mon, work to do!
C: *gives Sara a bewildered look*
S: *chuckles to herself*
G: *walks in* I got something.
S: Good. Let me finish my coffee. There is no way Nick's gonna solve his case quicker than I solve mine.
(awesome topic!)

N: *practically runs towards the evidence room*
C: Hey what's the hurry?
N: *forces himself to walk* Cath this is a hot case!
C: No it isn't, we're actually on a dead trail now..
N: Where's your spirit?! Come on woman!
C: Excuse me?
N: Uh I mean.. pretty lady you obviously kick ass in these cases, so why don't you and I do our best in this one?
C: Don't we always?
N: Yeah, but this time we do it fast..
C: Okay..

S: That's all you got?
G: Hey! It's a pretty significant fact if you ask me..
S: Yeah, how so?
G: You can only get those kind of fibers in antique stores cause the type is ancient.
S: There's a million antique shops in Vegas.. not to mention those that are fake.
G: Sara where's your faith? Come on we can do this!
S: It would take really long.. *a good thing actually..hmm*
G: No it won't.
S: I hope it does anyways. Um you follow that trail..
G: And you?
S: Um I'll wait for the trace Hodges is working on.
G: That's all?
S: Hmm.. yep. *Who said I can't take it one evidence at a time..*
N: What do you mean: the results are ot ready yet?!
Hodges: OK, let's try this one more time: The.Results.Are.Not.Ready.Yet.
N: Hodges, don't mess with me right now!
H: Yeah, you look a bit frustrated.
N: Frustrated is the perfect word . OK, tell me why aren't they done.
H: Sara left something for me before you.
N: Sara?
H: Yeah.
N: (takes a deep breath and thinks) I'll pay you a hundred dollars if you put me in front of her.
H: Why?
N: Ahm...
H: I need a good reason.
N: She said she'll sleep with me if I solve my case before her.
H: Lucky guy.
N: So?
H: Well, we guys need to stick together. Come back in 10 minutes.
n: Thank you, man!
Funny scenario, peeps!!! :lol: :lol:

C: Hey, Nick, I got something!
N: *gasp* Oh, my God, what? Tell me. TELL ME!
C: Ooookay, Nicky. What the hell is going on with you?
N: The rest of my life, that's what.
C: Okay, I don't have anything about the case.
N: COME Oooon, Cath!!!
C: Not until you tell me what's gotten you all wound up like a spring!
N: *sighs* Okay. Fine. Sara said she'll sleep with me if I finish my case before than she does.
C: *giggle, snort*
N: What?
C: That's the rest of your life?
N: Shut up. Now spill. What do you have?
C: Nothing. I was just teasing you. I really wanted to know.
N: You're evil.
C: I know. But if it would make you feel better, I'll help you.
N: You would? How so, we're stuck!
C: Well if we're stuck, they can be too right?
N: You're a genius.
C: I know..
S: Hodges! Hey how's my sample?
H: Still processing..
S: What?! It's been like.. forever!
H: That's the way it is Sara.
S: Okay.. *Awesome*
H: You're not mad?
S: *smiles* Oh no. You're doing great Hodges. *leaves*
N: * "accidentally" bumps into Sara, sending all her papers flying* Oops's your case going?
S: Great actually!
N: :(
S: Well not that great.. I'm still waiting for trace. *bends down to retract all papers*
N: *not helping* OH. You keep your word right?
S: Always *grins at him*
N: *walks away*
S: Hey aren't you gonna help me pick these up?
N: Uh NO.
N: (looks aggitated) Come on, come on, come on...
C: You know, Nicky, that computer won't finish it sooner if you talk to it.
N: Well, you never know.
C: Why are you going threw som much trouble.
N: Do you have a short term memory? I already told you why!
C: You know, there are other, more normal ways, to do this. Why haven't you just asked her out?
N: I didn't know if she would say yes.
C: She said she'll sleep with you.
N: Yeah, but that's a bet.
C: NIcky...sometimes, you are very stupid.
N: ...I'm sorry, did you just call me stupid?
C: What do you prefer? Naive or oblivious?
N: Right now? Oblivious.
C: Look, Nick. Sara, while she thinks she's a hard book to read....she's not.
N: And...
C: I think the whole lab knows that she has it bad for you. And you have it bad for her.
N: *blinks* Seriously? Sara? No way.
C: You've known Sara for what, six years?
N: Six years, seven months, and two weeks.
C: Ugh! Yeah, you have it bad. Anyway, in all those years that you've known her, did you think that she's the type of person to make this kind of bet?
N: ....
C: Dreams don't count, Nick.
N: *damn* No.
C: Exactly. So, either way, you get to sleep with her. It's only a matter of time.
N: *excited* I'm so stupid.
C: You know what I think?
N: I never know what you think.
C: I think you should cancel the bet.
N: NO! Why would I wanna do that?!
C: (smirks) So, you can see her face for yourself when you do that.
N: Hey, Sara!
S: Hey, Nick. How's the case?
N: Good. Yours?
S: Good.
N: Listen. I was thinking...I don't wanna go through this bet.
S: (shock and disappointment on her face) Ahm...
N: Cath was right... However...
S: What?
N: I want to make another one.
S: Like what?
N: If I finish my case first - we go out. If you finish your case first - we go out.
S: How is that fair? What will I win?
N: Me. (turns and leaves)
S: *shit* He knows.
C: *walks by* Hey you okay?
S: No. Ugh!
C: Nick?
S: Yes! Uh how did you know?
C: Wild guess.. Come on you two have been acting strangely all day.
S: What should I do..*says to nobody in particular*
C: Change it to your advantage.
S: *idea* Cath.. you're awesome!
C: So I've heard. *turns to leave*
S: Wait, do you know?
C: *just laughs in answer*
S: Stokes here I come..

S: Hey Nick!
N: *grins* Yep?
S: We're changing the bet again.
N: O-kay..*waits*
S: If I win, you do anything that I want. And if you win..
N: You'd do anything I want? Sweet.
S: We're still having the date though.
N: Definitely.
S: Greg, tell me you've got something!
G: I must have gone to a hundred antique stores. Nothing.
How's you're end with trace?
S: Hodges is keeping me waiting. :mad: Are you sure there's no other leads?
G: Sara, what's your hurry? This is just a B&E.
S: I just... I have to solve the case before Nick!
G: Why? :confused:
S: Well... *she gets an idea* I'll tell you if you run a little interference for me. :devil:
G ... You don't mean sabotage Nick's case, do you? I don't think so.
S: Nothing drastic or obvious. Just slow him down.... please? *she smiles* ;)
G: *sigh* Fine, what do I have to do?
N: *walks down hallway holding papers*
Greg: *runs down hall and smack into nick, knocking him to the ground*
N: damn Greg! you know better then to run in the lab! I have to get these to Cath.
G: sorry Nick just in a hurry, so last night I met this girl...
N: Greg sorry, but I don't have time for...
G: ...and she had this crazy laugh...
N: *Nick stands there listening impatiantly*

(5 minutes later)

G:...and you know what she did...?
N: Greg stop, I have to go now, please...oh damn look at the time *nick runs off*
G: Yes, I'm am the king of talking to much... maybe they should pay me by the hour... *walks off*
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