Snickers Scenario's

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Sara bumps into Warrick

W: Hey you leaving? Thought you got a high profile case?
S: I do. Grissom is on it.
W: So you're not gonna stay? Doesn't sound like you Sidle. In fact you've changed...
S: Really? How so?
W: Well you don't max out on your overtimes, you smile a lot, and when we got the sensitive case last week you pulled yourself together. Something going on?
S: *grins* Maybe. *turns*
W: Hey you just gonna leave me hanging?
S: Yeah!
W: You can't keep your secret Sara! Remember that!

*Nick arrives*
N: What secret? You got another one?
S: No silly. You.
N: Me? What do you mean "me"?
S: Well people are saying that I've changed. That I'm happier now. *grins*
N: :D Glad to be of help then. *takes her hand*
S: So, what do you wanna do?
N: Well, it's a nice morning. I thought maybe we could just walk around for a while, if you're not too tired.
S: I'm not tired. Lead the way. (looks down at their interwined fingers) Hey, can I ask you a question?
N: Sure. Go ahead.
S: Have I really changed that much?
N: (smiles) Not to me.
S: Explain.
N: You will think I have the enormous ego...
S: (interrupts) Oh, I already think that. Go on.
N: OK. Now I'm not telling you.
S: I was kidding! I want to know! (starts jumping up and down)
N: Well, you've always acted different around me.
S: (Stops with the jumping and turns red) Different how?
N: Well, you smiled, joked around. You didn't piss off at me for stating my opinion, you listened to my side of the story etc.
S: I guess you are a good influence on me then.
N: I guess so...
S: (sarcasticly) Now why would I think that you have a big ego?
N: You know, something didn't change.
S: What's that?
N: You're still a smartass. Ready for that walk?
S: Lead the way.
Well, Hearty started her new school yesterday, so I presume she'll be a bit occupied these days, unfortunatelly. :(

Cofi shot, you?
Anyone else?
heya all yeah im busy as all hell with homework and shite lol, but i still got me time for me snickers!!! i got a new study buddy :devil: he is 17 and effing hot... dyl isnt happy, haha!!!

i got a migraine right now ill try a topic laters!!!
*edit time has expired*

to continue:
N: You're still a smartass. Ready for that walk?
S: Lead the way.

*they go outside*
S: So where are we going?
N: It's a walk Sara, you don't have to know where we're going.
S: Oh. Well this is nice.
N: It is. :)
*starts to drizzle*
N: Oh crap!
S: *giggles* It's just water Nick.
N: We're getting wet, why are you enjoying this?
S: I happen to love drizzles. It's refreshing.
N: Okay. Well water suits you. *pulls a wet strand off her face*
S: *stares at him* You were right you know. You've always been good to me.
N: Why wouldn't I be? You're awesome Sar, you're passionate, smart...beautiful.
S: You are too. All of it and much more. *grins*
N: *grins* Now that we've had our egos boosted, maybe we should take cover? It's starting to really rain. Unless you like that too?
S: No. C'mon there's a shed over there.
*they run towards the shed*
N: Wait! *grabs her before they reach it* :devil:

*smoochy smooch!* <----- heart i'm not used to this lol

N: *pulls back* I've always wanted to do that in the rain. *grins*
S: *grins* In the rain huh?
N: And in the lockers, breakroom, park, kitchen, you get my drift :D
S: Me too :D

*smoochy smooch!* <--- this is addictive!

*someone else may continue or post a new scenario* :)
Yeah, I think we can end this scenario here.
Good job, cofi , by the way. :d

A kiss in the rain, what's not to like. It's like those old movies with Gene Kelly. :D

So, new scenario...OK, I have something. :D

TOPIC: Nick is required to have sessions with the department therapist, and Sara accidently hears him say how he developed some feeling for a woman. Now she's curious, and a bit jealous ans wants to know who s this woman.

(Sara stands in front of the door and hears)
N: So, doc, I really don't know what to do...I mean, I see her everyday...I even can't tell when I started to have those feelings for her.
Doctor: Well, Nick, you don't have to know the exact time. it's good that you are aware of them.
N: I know, it's just...I've never felt insecure talking with a woman before.
D: That's good.
N: How is that good?!
D: You have a lot of mixed feelings in you. It's better than feeling numb, and scared of everything. IN my opinion, this woman helped you. She intrigued you.
N: That's an understatement.
D: You should think about this situation more. And you'll tell me more next time we see each other.
N: OK, doc. See you.

(Nick opens the door and sees Sara)
N: What are you doing here?
S: I have my appontment now.
N: OK, see you.
S: Bye...(thinks: who is the woman in question?
* oh nice topic :) *

D: Hi Sara, come on in.
S: Hey doc, that was my friend Nick.
D: I know.
S: I work with him.
D: I know. So how are you?
S: Oh I'm great. Is Nick doing great also?
D: Yes. But we're not here to talk about him. We're here to talk about you.
S: I know. It's just that he's my friend and I might be able to help him. You told me it's good to put my focus on helping others. And if Nick is seeing somebody I have to make sure she won't hurt him.
D: Well eavedropping is not good Ms. Sidle. *grins* But if you listened intently, he's not seeing anybody, at least not yet.
S: *grins* Oh that's great! *cough* Um I mean if he's fine then I'm fine.
D: *finally realizes something* Since you're so keen on talking about him, why don't we talk about him today? So who is Nick Stokes to you?
S: Ahm...Nick? (blushes) Well, he's...he's a friend. Yes, a friend. HE was very opened when I first came to Las Vegas, and he made me feel more comfortable.
D: That is a very unspecific answer. Since you appeared very worried about him when you came.
S: Well, I care about my friends.
D: OK. So, why do you think that a woman in question would hurt him?
S: How is that related to anything?
D: gives a perspective to your opinion about relationship in general. You automatically assumed that she will hurt him.
S: Well, that is because he's been through a lot, and he deserves some peace.
D: And you think that a relationship can't give that to him. Someone with whom he can share his thoughts and feelings?
S: Of course I do!
D: So, my question remains; why do you think that a relationship would be bad for NIck?
*okay, its my first time doing this, so be nice, if it sucks don't hurt me*

S: Well, because, I mean, it wouldn't be totally bad, it would just depend on who.
D: So Sara, who would be good for him?
S: Um, I don't know, I mean, how should I??
D: Well you have such a strong opinion regarding the situation, I think its safe to say you probably have an idea who would be good for him.
S: I, uh, don't.
D: Can you give me an example of who would be bad for him?
S: Its not my place to say...
D: Sara, please
S: Well, like, um, girls who he might meet in a club or the store or somewhere who are just attracted to him for his looks would be bad.
D: really?
S: Yeah, he needs someone who knows him, someone who knows his strengths, his weaknesses, his past. He needs someone who understands him, someone who loves him for just being him.
D: Someone like you?
S: Yes! I mean, NO! I never said that! I already told you, Nick is just my friend!
D: It sounds like you think of him as more than that Sara, and if you do, you should act on that, its not healthy for you to harbor secret feelings for a co-worker like this. You see him everyday, in the end, your feelings for him will destroy you if you never tell him.
S: I...I h-have to go..
*Sara runs out of the office*
~this is also my first time at atempting to here it goes!~
** as Sara runs out of the office and down the hallway, she runs right into Nick, causing him to drop some files**
N: Woah there Sara! Why the rush??
S: *blushing* Oh my god I am so sorry..*realizing its Nick* Oh hey let me help you..(she drops to the ground and starts picking up the files) I am so sorry I ran into you....I should be more careful....
N: Hey, hey it's ok....stuff happens.....but why were you rushing....I mean i thought you had an appointment with our therapist?
S: *blushes more* oh yeah i did...but then i remembered that i needed...that i needed...that i needed to quickly use the washroom! yes the washroom!
N: really?!? you had to go that bad?!?
S: yep...that i did...sometimes you just can't hold it you know...(Nick and her grab for a a file at the same time, causing their hands to touch)

sorry...i didnt know how to continue with it.....i hope its ok!
N: you had to go that bad?
S: yeah, *dances on the spot* busting...
N: then why were you running away from the bathrooms???
S: i wasnt, *looks around* i mean, ive gone already
N: so why are u in a rush?
S: urm, um, ahhh
N: sar whats going on
S: nothing, not a thing, not some huge thing, seriously there is nothing going on
N: ahuh, well you can tell me over breakfast :D *starts to walk off, leaving sara speechless*
S: wait, breakfast?
N: yeah
S: like, to eat?
N: well we are a bit old to throw it around
S: yeah, ah, breakfast *smiles*
N: cool, its a date

sara stares after nick, his words its a date going through her head

(opening for a food fight :D :devil: ) hahahahaha
S: (mutters) I really, really hate therapy...
Grissom: What's that?
S: What? Oh, nothing.
G: You did went to your meeting haven't you? You know that it's important you keep going.
S: (rolls her eyes) I went, Grissom.
G: Oh,, what happened in therapy?
S: Personal stuff, which is none of your business. I'm gonna take care of it.
G: OK...(thinks: since when I'm not her personal business? I only wanted to tell you that I'm gonna need you and Warrick to pull a double today.
S: What? Why?
G: Catherine and I need to go over some paperwork, and we're stuck back. SO, if you had any plans, cancel it.
S: thinks: Great. There goes my chance to find out who is this Nick's misterious woman.
G: This isn't personal. Nick and Greg are already on a case, and it seems that they are going to be pulling a double also. After they come back, we'll all meet in the break room.
S: (with relief) Oh, good then...see you.
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