
Reading up the last page and this one, I have to say that Smallville is a great show! still after all these years.

I'm not to sure who said it ~ about how Smallville has changed over the time.... Well I guess it has to so it can be potrailed as Superman when the show finishes.

I personally miss Johnathon, but I guess in the original film he dies. Something changed when Mr Kent wasn't in the show anymore.

The last season has just finished ( we see Clark and Lex in the fortress)

Pity it will be ages till England gets the new series/season
Smallville is finally getting closer to getting Lois and Clark together, seeing the preview for the next episode ...
Jimmie snaps a picture of Clark that turns out to be a blue and red blur and Chloe tells Clark that she won't help him fix it. I seem to think think, thinking back to Season 6's Hydro, when Clark posed as The Green Arrow so Lois wouldn't know that he was Oliver. I seem to think that Oliver will return the favor :)
Does the CW website let you watch full episodes online on their website like CBS does? I won't be here next Thursday and where I'll be doesn't get CW. I can't rely on my stupid VCR cause it's all screwy and sometimes doesn't record.
H2H, you were right about Ollie returning the favor for Clark last week. :) I saw the very last few mins of the episode (cause I had recorded Supernatural while I was out of town... wasn't room on the tape for both shows lol). When Chloe did what she did to that guy, I was going :wtf: :eek:

This week's ep: I was glad to see Kara back, sadly she didn't get to stay. Oh well.

Lois to Kara: They abducted you too? :lol:

Next week's episode looks a little boring to me. :lol: I dunno, I guess I will see Thursday. :)
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I am surprised at how good the last few episodes have been of Smallville this season. Just when I was about to write the show off, the coming of Doomsday has been wonderful. I actually feel like I am watching the story of Superman more so now than I ever have.
From TV Guide online:

He's baaaaaaack! Nearly a year after bidding Smallville adieu, Michael Rosenbaum has taken a step toward a return to the small screen.

TV's former Lex Luthor has been cast in an untitled NBC comedy pilot from Justin Adler (Samantha Who?), which will revolve around a family. Rosenbaum will play the married middle sibling of three, and a new dad to boot, according to the Hollywood Reporter.

Nick D'Agosto (Heroes) will play kid brother to Rosenbaum.
:eek: I just read a spoiler ... a character's getting killed off.

Since both Tom Welling and Erica Durance both are signed up for Season 9, it's more than likely not going to be the two of them. Ausiello's hint that implied "the person dying is not Chloe," that should narrow the suspected dead to four other characters - Tess, Jimmy, Oliver, and Davis - unless one or both of the deaths happen to be guest stars.

Also for the finale:

It looks like Black Kryptonite might split Doomsday and Davis, and that a female (Chloe? Tess? Lois?) will be the one to make the split happen. Lois will find a Legion of Super-Heroes ring. Someone will learn the truth about Clark being the Red-Blue Blur. I'm thinking it will be Jimmy ... kind of hard to see it being Lois.
About the death, tv guide (next week's issue) says it might be one of Clark's "besties". I don't think they can kill off Green Arrow, so I doubt it'll be Oliver... besides that would piss off too many people. :lol: Jimmy is probably not an option either. But, the others aren't Clark's besties.

BUT another thing in TV Guide said some old faces are coming back. So I'm thinking possibly Pete may come back and that he might be the one getting killed. I mean, he is one of Clark's "besties".
About the death, tv guide (next week's issue) says it might be one of Clark's "besties". I don't think they can kill off Green Arrow, so I doubt it'll be Oliver... besides that would piss off too many people. :lol: Jimmy is probably not an option either. But, the others aren't Clark's besties.

BUT another thing in TV Guide said some old faces are coming back. So I'm thinking possibly Pete may come back and that he might be the one getting killed. I mean, he is one of Clark's "besties".

Two of the members of the Justice League come back, Black Canary and Impulse. I've read that the deaths will be one male and one female character, so that could be the case. But I don't see how that is possible, but we're not sure if they're going to completly mess up the writing of the comic books, because Black Canary and Green Arrow end up getting married :rolleyes: but they don't really follow the comics anyway, which really ticks me off because I'm a fan of the comics ... grr :lol:

Also ... wondering if they're bringing in Bruce Wayne :lol:
Wow, that's pretty cool. I really liked him on Terminator and was sorry that it got canceled- it was just starting to get really interesting. I wish he could just get a gig where people come to realize he is a much better actor then his girlfriend, so he can stop living in her shadow- at least in the press. I have no problem with her, but man... can you say over exposure? :p
Some Spoilers from Comic Con ... Season 9 looks a lot more awesome than I thought it would be!

Chloe and Clark’s relationship will be vary strained. They will have a rocky start at first. Lois and Clark will finally start to grow closer,but there’s a love triangle between Lois,Clark,and his alter ego “Blue Blur” as Lois develops a crush on Superman.

A relationship for Chloe and Clark is dead. Clark is preoccupied with other women,and Chloe is still dealing with the loss of Jimmy. She will also be stepping into a more powerful position with the super heroes.

Clark will be sporting the first version of his “Superman” suit.It’s not the red and blue one,It’s all black, no spandex, with the silver Superman logo on the front and a long black trench coat that doubles as a cape.

The Green Arrow will be in a dark place,and hits rock bottom for the first eight episodes. Brian Austin Green appears as Metallo in the first two episodes,an plays a big part in the storyline.

“Toyman” and “Roulette” will be returning this season. Lex Luther is not dead,no other info was given. They just say, he is not dead. We may see a Green Arrow sidekick story as they are brainstorming for one.

Clark and Oliver’s relationship will be tested because Oliver is jealous of Clark’s powers and growing relationship with his ex Lois. Also Oliver makes an attempt to rekindle things with Lois.

Lois will come back from the future and get flashes. Then start to think she has amnesia,and something is wrong with her.Chloe is going to be experimenting with different things in an effort to save the world, including carrying a gun.

The General Zod we see, will be a younger version of him. He’ll be going by the name Major Zod,he will not yet have full control of the troops he’s brought in,he will not be aware that Krypton has been destroyed,and is not yet aware of Clark’s existence.

There will be a time parallel caused by Zod which may cause us to see a possible appearance from Clark’s biological father Jor-El.

The 9th season of Smallville premiere’s Friday September 25,2009 at 7pm central time on the CW
You never know who you're going to randomly bump into here at Comic-Con. Take last night. I'm innocently munching on a spicy tuna roll at Warner Bros' Asian-themed cocktail reception and who should wander over to say hello but Smallville exec producer Brian Peterson. Good times, right? It gets better. The dude, who's in town for the show's historic Con panel on Sunday, talked my ear off about his blockbuster plans for season 9 and beyond. What follows after the jump are some of the highlights…

* Season 9's theme is
"Clark's darkest hour."

* Look for a season-long love
triangle with Clark, Lois, and Red-Blue Blur.

* Chloe, still grieving over
Jimmy's death, will immerse herself in all things Watchtowerish. Peterson also
hinted at some tension for Chlark when she realizes she's no longer content
just being his sidekick.

* We'll find out why Clark
isn't flying in a scene with him and Jor-El (the returning Terence Stamp) in
the season premiere.

* Footage of Brian Austin Green
as Metallo will be unveiled at tomorrow's Con panel. As of now, he's on board
for two episodes, but Peterson says they're hopeful he'll do more.

* The episode they're
currently shooting (either 9.02 or 9.03) focuses on Oliver's downward spiral.

* Battlestar Galactica's
Alessandro Juliani will reprise his role as Dr. Emil Hamilton for several
episodes this season.

* Story-wise, Peterson is not approaching this season as Smallville's last.

* I saved the best for last:
Peterson recently had dinner with Michael Rosenbaum. Interpret as you like.

:eek: :D That would be awesome if Michael came back!
So, here for the past few weeks I have been watching Smallville. I started renting them from the library and now I am hooked. I am currently on the Season 4 finale. I am excited to continue watching Smallville and hopefully I will have them all watched before Season 9 starts.

My fave character is Chloe. She is smart, witty and awesome. I get upset when Clark prefers Lana over Chloe. I like Lana dont get me wrong, I just like Chloe alot better. So far, from what I have seen, Chloe knows about Clark's abilities but she isnt going to let him know. Im guessing she wants Clark to trust her and tell her himself.

WooHoo for Smallville! :)
I get upset when Clark prefers Lana over Chloe. I like Lana dont get me wrong, I just like Chloe alot better. So far, from what I have seen, Chloe knows about Clark's abilities but she isnt going to let him know. Im guessing she wants Clark to trust her and tell her himself.

WooHoo for Smallville! :)

Congrats on getting into the show, the show is awesome, no matter what some people say about it :)

I personally can't stand Lana ... she was ok for a few seasons, but then her character just got too annoying for me to care for. I prefer Clark and Lois :D