Sleep with, Marry, Date , or be friends with

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This is an easy one

Sleep with: Horatio
Marry: Horatio
Date: Horatio
Friends with: Horatio

Sorry, he's just one of the two, I love.. I'm hot for my Horatio....Besides, he's all of those once you're married. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
mrsjrewing said:
I would say Makeout (I would be marrying a different one) with Ryan... because he is cute.

I guess since I'm still in High School, I'll change the first one to Makeout, too...

Make out: Eric, beacuse I love him, but not as much as Ryan
Marry: Ryan, for obvious reasons... ;)
Date: Speed, because he seems like a cool guy and would be a fun person to date and be around a lot.
Be friends with: Horatio. He's good at his job and everything, but I don't think I could stand being married to or dating someone with such a close bond to their sunglasses. Sorry H! I love you anyway.
This is such a hard choice, but I guess I would marry Ryan, date Eric, and Horatio? I would just be good friends with him. I mean come on, he's too old for me. I'm 20, and Ryan and Eric are the guys to get the job done.;) Rarrr!
Speedle said:
Sleep with Eric
Marry Speed
Date Ryan
Be freinds with Heratio
As speed_cochrane has already said, if more content isn't added in this thread (ie. reasons for your choices), it will be locked. Thank you. :)
Sleep with Eric - Because he's so hot and sexy :devil:

Marry Eric - Because I love him so much already why wouldn't I ;)

Date Speed - Because I would love to take a ride on the back of his motorcycle with him. He has this attitude about him that I love you know the smart ass type like me!! :D

Be friends with Horatio - He's the type of person you can always depend on and he'll always be there for you when you need him. :)
Here's me being married to Ryan: We would honeymoon in Hawaii, and then take a nice long walk on the beach. The evening will then lead too...oh well I think you get the picture. ;)
I would sleep with Eric ~ He is just so darn cute
I would marry Speedle ~ He seems like the marrying type and I love him anyway
I would date Dan Cooper ~ He just is so cool
I would be friends with Horatio ~ He seems really easy to get along with.
This thread is so awesome. So glad it was created. If it wasn't, then we wouldn't know who we all secretly admire. Am I right?
Date: Eric...because I love him. :D

Sleep with (someday): Eric...because he'd be amazing and I love him!!! :devil: ;) :D

Marry: Eric...because I love him!!! :D

Be friends with: Eric cause he's genuine, sweet, and I love him!!! :D

Be friends with: Calleigh cause she's sweet, overly cheerful like me, and she's quite independent...she doesn't need anyone to define who she is!!! Oh and I love her, too! :D

Be friends with: Speed cause he's funny, cute, and sarcastic...great conversations will be exchange when you put the two of us in a room together. Plus, he's like the big brother I never had. :)

Be friends with: Ryan cause he is quite nice and can be cute when he isn't clingy. :)

Be friends with: Horatio cause he's protective and can be a father figure for me...not to mention his sunnies. :lol:

Be friends with: Natalia cause she can really be nice sometimes. :) Dan and Tyler cause they're cute and funny. :) Frank cause a sarcastic, angry Texan is awesome! :lol: Oh and even Jake, too...although he happens to be a jerk, in my opinion...Johnny Whitworth is hot! :D

Plus, they all carry guns!!! :devil:

Sorry, I went above and beyond on the friends part…I just love the Miami cast…you can all tell by now!!! :D

stephanie20 said:
This thread is so awesome. So glad it was created. If it wasn't, then we wouldn't know who we all secretly admire. Am I right?
You're so right...this thread is awesome! However, everyone who knows me know who I admire (love) y'all do too!


Luv yall…
stephanie20 said:
Wish I would be hired to be on the show. Would demand to be Wolfe's love interest.
You can take Ryan, but don't you hurt him cause he'll come running to Eric and Calleigh if her needs a shoulder to cry on...he's just so cute!

As long as Eric stays with me or Cal, whichever comes first!!! :devil:

Plus, Ryan can use some support on the show these days...he's under some heat right now...Stetler :mad: :mad:!!!


Luv yall..
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