Signature Banners Challenge - # 12 Winners Up!!

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Re: Signature Banners Challenge - #4 Voting Up!


great job everyone....there were so many it was really hard to choose!
Re: Signature Banners Challenge - #4 Voting Up!

Still can't see them. :( i was wondering if anyone could do me a huge favour, and do a print screen of the banners, and upload it to photobucket, and send me then link? i know its cheeky, but i would love to see these banners becuase i know they are gonna be fantastic. If not its okay, and sorry for being cheeky.
Re: Signature Banners Challenge - #4 Voting Up!

I'll sort something out for you SpeedDemon, I'm gonna pm you the photobucket link, let me know if it works, if so, the numbers are the same and you can vote.... :)
Re: Signature Banners Challenge - #4 Voting Up!

SppedDemon, do you happen to have a Norton Security Software ? I can´t see the pictures when it´s actived neither, but when it´s de-aktivated
Re: Signature Banners Challenge - #4 Voting Up!

Thankyou ... if i could run up and hug you i would. so it will have to be a virtual one instead *hugs* :D
Re: Signature Banners Challenge - #4 Voting Up!

OK, what I tried didn't work, so here is a link to the screenshot I did. For some reason all the numbers aren't there, but they should go across the screen. Enjoy!! If it works for you...

Banners screenshot
Re: Signature Banners Challenge - #4 Voting Up!

yeah i have norton. but i have no problems when looking at the icons tho, which never made me think it could actually be that, i will deactivate it and see, and elsie....nope still cant see. but hopefully maybe once i deactivate it. fingers crossed. x
Re: Signature Banners Challenge - #4 Voting Up!

Yep deactivating norton worked. thankyou. :)I feel so stupid now. and elsie sorry for being a pain when all it was, was something simple.

great icons everyone, there all fantastic. so after all that hassle and being a huge pain the rear end, heres my votes.

Re: Signature Banners Challenge - #4 Voting Up!

Oohh, I didn't get around to sending in my Stella banner :( Oh well, I'll have to remember to do it sooner next time.


Great banners everyone! :)
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