Signature Banners #7: Showcase, Links and Requests

Lovely work in here as always. :p

I have a request for a CAKE/EDeN banner if anyone could take a go at it.
I would like the images used below (yes, all in the one banner if it's possible), from left to right in order as I've posted them.
This may sound confusing so forgive me, but the first image is of Jake looking at Calleigh. If you could replace the back of her head with the face in the 2nd image, that's the look I'm going for. Same for the 3rd & 4th I making sense?

Text: True Romance (no specific color, just centered at the top or bottom in pretty "writing" please :p)
Please & Thank you so much!! :D
A couple of Adam banners from 5.16:



Fallen, awesome Flack banners. Love the last one.

MJ, that's a great banner idea. I'd make it, but I am not very good with manipulated photos, so I'll let one of our much more talented artists take on this request cause I'd just screw it up anyway. :lol:

Steph, love the Adam banners.
can someone make some new EDeN ones?! thanks!!!!!! i think i about used all the ones on here! and put one with the sayin "you belong with me" and one that says "such a beautiful disaster" or "hes such a beautiful disaster"

I don't have many tools & I'm new at this but I gave it a try.



And here's one I did for fun :p
thank you guys for the banners!!!!!! i love them all i cant decide which one to use!!!! im sure ill use all of them before its all over with!!!!