Signature Banners # 6 - Showcase, Links and Requests

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Could someone please, please make me some new Flack banners? My creativity is gone recently! I can provide pics if need be. I have no ideas for banners or icons lately....:(

BTW: A_C I commented on your icons in the icon thread but I also love that Stella and baby banner! Too cute and the colors are really great! :thumbsup:
2 Billy and Marg banners from me. :adore: One b/w and one colour.



I was wondering if i could get a danny/lindsay banner when anyone gets the chance i just love them :)

thanks :)

I was wondering if i could get a danny/lindsay banner when anyone gets the chance i just love them :)

thanks :)

Sure sweetie, here are a couple I've made, feel free to snag any of them. :D All I ask if that I'm credited. :D If you have anything else in mind, feel free to send me some pics, and I'll use them.



I was wondering if i could get a danny/lindsay banner when anyone gets the chance i just love them :)

thanks :)

Sure sweetie, here are a couple I've made, feel free to snag any of them. :D All I ask if that I'm credited. :D If you have anything else in mind, feel free to send me some pics, and I'll use them.



thanks :) i used one and credited :).....i may be sending you some pics once i find what i want to have one made if that is ok....
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