Signature Banners # 6 - Showcase, Links and Requests

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Mine from the challenge:



Great banner everyone :thumbsup:

the Speedle one is amazing :eek:

Here's one I just made for fun :p
Wow, tons of great banners here!

If anyone hasn't entered the ABC signature challenge yet, it's a great time to do so! The show is Las Vegas this time around and the theme is teamwork. Would love to have some more talented artists enter!

*hands out cookies and runs away fast*
I had this idea for a banner. Normally I would make it myself, but I don't have a way to do that until my home PC gets fixed. So, I'll post my idea and let someone else have a go at it if they want.

My idea was for the ep Rashomama (sp), a pic of Nick's truck after it was returned with all of the spray paint on it and also a pic of Nick's expression when he first sees it like that and then have the words: "They pimped my ride!" on it. :lol:

Egeria, I love your challenge banners. I think I voted for all three. My fave is the pink curtain one. The write-off one is great too. It brings back memories from school when the teachers would make the whole class do write-offs cause the guilty party wouldn't confess. :lol:
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Thanks everyone for commenting on my banners! They were great fun to make! I love Behind the Pink Curtain but it didn't turn out quite how I'd envisaged it. Dude, Where's Your Car! is my personal favourite though! I just love the expression on Greg's face!!

The 'Writing Lines' was definitely inspired by school experiences, the image I capped literally screamed the idea at me! I'm just glad I was able to make it work!

GNRF I'm gonna give your idea for a banner a go! I'm having a total chill out evening tonight so this will be fun!
My idea was for the ep Rashomama (sp), a pic of Nick's truck after it was returned with all of the spray paint on it and also a pic of Nick's expression when he first sees it like that and then have the words: "They pimped my ride!" on it. :lol:

Just wanted to post my attempt!

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