Signature Banners # 5 - Showcase, Links and Requests

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Yes, I love my new icon too. The side profil of Grissom is si very cute... :eek:

A question to your banner:
Only with the south parks figures or have you maybe a special wish ???
hmmm...Just the south park characters for now...And just this ship!...If I want something else I'll let you know..!Thanks :)
Hi athens !

So.. I have your south park banner finish and I hope the both characters looks a little similar with Stella and Mac. :D

I can change it every time if you don't like them...

The side is here: South Park Studio

But the blue shirt of Mac I made with the help of Photoshop.
And to save the south park figure isn't easy.
I have for this a little special programm which can to do it.

I'm very lucky because you like my banner !!! :)
Could anyone, please, make a banner from Calleigh and Jake's kiss?
*she kneels down praying*
this person will become my hero :D
you're mye hero :D
thabk you so much :lol:
It's just perfect :lol:
do you mind if I take it? I will credit :D
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