Signature Banners # 5 - Showcase, Links and Requests

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Great new banners guys! katbug, you're definitely getting into it, great work :)

marg_kc_willows said:
hey again can anyone make a banner for catherine saying sexy back thanks much

OK, this was aaages ago, and I only could make Marg banners, cause, well, I just don't have any proper Catherine pictures , but perhaps you like them anyways:


If YOU got some good pictures, don't hesitate to post them here and I'll try something new :)

Apropos - this is addressed to everybody: when you request a banner or an icon it would be easier for all of us when you could provide a picture for the request. Of course this is just a tip and no rule, though it would be a plus ;)
(I hope this was nearly correct English, if not I apologize :D )
Thanks cinegirl! I am trying and havin fun in the process
No new banners for me tonight. I just finished a wallpaper for the new wallpaper challenge......hopefully will do some more banners tomorrow!
Great banners everyone! And thanks for the comments. :)

The Coroner, I got the picture from the Modern Day Gallery. You can find it, and lots of other great images here. :)
Hi, I am interested in a Horatio banner. Something about how hot he is. I am not sure which ones here are taken and I don't want to take anyone elses. If anyone could let me know if they have one made I would use that would be awesome. I would give full credit along with the banner.
If you havn't found one yet - I can make you one if you want. Do you have any pictures in mind?
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