Signature Banners #4 - Showcase, Links and Requests

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I made the banner i am using :)

If anyone has time and feels like making a CaRWash banner for me, I won't stop you ;)

I don't really have any specific ideas, though I can post a few pictures that I love of them here:

from 'identity'
from 'driven'
from 'legal'
from 'sex and taxes'

You don't have to use all of these pictures, in fact, you don't have to use one of them if you know a better one yourself. I don't really want it animated this time, so if anyone has time and can make something of it...thanks in advance.
kissmesweet said:
Sure. :)

By the way Kissmesweet, your icon wouldn't happen to be from Angela's Eyes would it. Just wondering cause she looks familiar.

Nice banners guys, guess i'll have to get round to making more CSI ones.
By the way Kissmesweet, your icon wouldn't happen to be from Angela's Eyes would it. Just wondering cause she looks familiar.
Oh, its actually Detective Angell from NY in last week's episode where she in charge of the operation at the end and she caught the guy. :)
cocoa_girl18 said:
i would like to request a animated banner of snickers with this pics
standing so close, staring, blushing and hugging.
with that little text. :) thanks a million.
I'll do it for you.. but you have to fix the first url..cause I can't see the image either save it of course..
So I'll wait for you to fix it to then do the banner.. with all the images you want to ;)
Beautiful banners Liten, especially the Ducaine banner!
Compliments, you are very able to create those things, but I have told you already.
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