Signature Banners #3 - Showcase and Request Them Here!

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tianshi, they´re really great. Thanks also for not forget-
ting Tri-borough. :cool:

May I snagg all three? :confused: Will credit you in my ID whenever I use one.
@speedmonkey2 can't promise anything but I'll look into it

@Dingbat not yet :(

@Detective_Burn of course you may snag all three ;)
They don´t seem to work. Gotta try around a bit.

I made them work. Unfortunately I had to hotlink them. Would you mind letting them uploaded at photobucket 1 or 2 more days?
Then I´d have time finding out how to save them myself.
hey..... I was wondering if someone could make me a Sara banner, all the pics are up the artist! Artistic liscense and whatnot! It would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!
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