Signature Banners #3 - Showcase and Request Them Here!

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Did I hear "animated banner"??!! :D
Here's my try for you, Midnight_Kisses, hope, it's alright...


And raven: lol, so funny banners, nice stuff! :)
I need help! :lol:

Would anyone mind making me a banner? I'm really after an animated Ryan and Eric one (any pictures will do), with the wording Beech babes, Miami style. Actually something similar to the one cinegirl made for Midnight_Kisses (I mean in that type of animation) would be great.
Upsi, everything turned out the right way? Good: thank you for helping me out, cofi_shot, I had to leave for work :( And you are very welcome, Midnight_Kisses and CalleighSaraCSI! It's making fun, so don't be afraid of asking for more or even criticizing... :) :p

Tinkerbell, here's one in oh so Miami-Colours ;)

Vera you're so good! I might snag something...I changed my icon, it might be time to change my banner too... :D Everyone else: I love your icons too, everyone here is so talented!
cinegirl i have just seen the sig you made from my request it looks great and don't worry about the animation for your first go it looks brill!
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