Signature Banner Challenge #20 - Miami: No Screencaps - Results!

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Re: Alternating Banner Challenge #4-New York - Silent Night ~ Voting!

It's been awhile since we've had any votes, so I'll close it up tomorrow and get the winners posted, probably before the 6PM deadline, unless there are any objections. Get those votes in if you haven't already! :)
Re: Alternating Banner Challenge #4-New York - Silent Night ~ Results!

Happy Holidays everyone! We had a great turnout for this round, and I really appreciate everyone taking the time to enter and to vote. There were a lot of really beautiful banners. Great job!

And the winners are:


First Place
Adam's Angel (Adorable Crazy)

Second Place
Snow Miser (Blackflag)

Third Place
Adam's Angel (Adorable Crazy)

Challenge Runner's Fave
WhiteChristmas (Bookgirl20)
It just made me laugh! Very clever, and the text is wonderful!


First Place
Christmas Angel (Future_Cop)

Second Place
Christmas Angel (Future_Cop)

Third Place
JingleBells (Shazza_018)

Challenge Runner's Fave
MacsNaughtyElf (MacsLovlyAngl)
Very cute! The captions fit their faces perfectly! :lol:


First Place
WinterWonderland (Dragonfly)

Second Place
Lady de Winter (Miss_Undercover)

Third Place
H Miami Fan

Challenge Runner's Fave
I like the offcenter placement as well as the color and contrast on this one. Nice job!

Congratulations again to all the winners and thanks to everyone who played! Speedystokesgirl has graciously offered to make winner banners for this one, so pm her if you'd like one. Thanks, Speedy! :thumbsup:
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Re: Alternating Banner Challenge #4-New York - Silent Night ~ Results!

Congrats to all the winners!
Re: Alternating Banner Challenge #4-New York - Silent Night ~Winners!

Congrat's to the winners, and everyone else;):thumbsup:. Thanks for the Challenge runners favorite:)
Re: Alternating Banner Challenge #4-New York - Silent Night ~Winners!

Congrats to everyone. Good job Steph. :)

Re: Alternating Banner Challenge #4-New York - Silent Night ~Winners!

Congrats to all the winners! :bolian:
Re: Alternating Banner Challenge #4-New York - Silent Night ~Winners!

Congrats to the winners! :)

And thanks for the challenge runner favorite! :D
Re: Alternating Banner Challenge #4-New York - Silent Night ~Winners!

Congrats to the winners thanks for the votes! :)
Re: Alternating Banner Challenge #4-New York - Silent Night ~Winners!

Congrats to all the winners!

And thanks for the votes. I had a rough day at work, so that was nice to come home to :D
Re: Alternating Banner Challenge #4-New York - Silent Night ~Winners!

I congrats all the winners !
Thanks for all the votes and the second place !!
Re: Alternating Banner Challenge #4-New York - Silent Night ~Winners!

Many congrats to all winners. And thnx for the third place all who voted :)
Re: Alternating Banner Challenge #4-New York - Silent Night ~Winners!

Congrats to all the winners !!! Great banners :)
Re: Alternating Banner Challenge #4-New York - Silent Night ~Winners!

Wow, first and third? I definitely wasn't expecting that... Thank you so much to everyone who voted for mine, and congrats to all of the other winners. :D Well done.
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