Sid Hammerback - The coroner with the coolest glasses.

I can recall the word "daughter" (or was it in plural?) when he got that allergic reaction that nearly killed him, but no son was mentioned, so I guess he doesn't.
There was one case - I can't recall which one at the moment where he mentioned that the dead girl looked like his daughter.
Yes, in the morgue scene you could hear Anabel´s voice saying it.
I also think that they were very close. That is way I can totally understand that Sid also was in the warehouse at the end.
Sid was great in the last episode. :D
Finally, he gets character development! I just wish they didn't have to ruin Marty to do it. :(
I love Sid. I felt so bad for Sid at the end of last week's episode. I hate when they do something to Sid like in the season 3 episode Ride-In it was anphalactic shock, in Page Turner earlier this season-it was radiation poison, then last Wednesday they broke Sid's heart. Shame on the writers.
aw i love sid, and they may knock him down, but he always gets back up with another story to add to his creepy place to boot.....he got a kiss from stella. =)
I don't see why we can't talk about Robert Joy here. We should be able to discuss the actor who potrays the charater as well as the character himself.

What a cute ad! Robert Joy is a joy to watch! :)

The first time I saw him was in an episode of Medium. He played a creepy(possesed by an evil ghost) doctor! I didn't even make the connection at first. It wasn't until I went back and watched my Medium dvds that it finally clicked. Powerful preformance. That man can handle serious stuff as excellently as he does comedy.
I am so glad they gave Sid a chance to shine last week. That was a great episode. I hope they give him screen time like that again.
Aww, I love Sid, he's so awesome, I love his glasses and all his quirky one liners, especially when he visits his 'creepy place', gosh Robert just plays the role so well, it really is hard not to love him. :adore: It was awesome to have some character development for him in 5.18, it was nice to see him out of the lab, and to hear a bit about his life... He needs more scenes like that one. :D
Aww, Robert is so cute, thanks for posting that. :D He seems like a real sweet guy, both as Sid and in reality. I love his glasses, I'd totally love to get a pair of those.
Hi CsfSjaI,

thanks for the clip. I liked Sid in yhis Glasses. Sid is an enrichment for the series.
I agree with you Nel, Sid is an enrichment to the show, it wouldn't be the same with out him. He brings something great to the show, even in the few scenes that he has. :D