Sid Hammerback - The coroner with the coolest glasses.


I'm surprised Hammerback doesn't have his own thread or maybe it's my fault not finding it,in that case sorry for double posting.

Robert Joy.

Re: Sid Hammerback.

i love hammerback. he's fabulous. he makes me laugh so hard, and i love his interaction with stella.

and i love his way cool glasses. i wish i had a pair like them.
Re: Sid Hammerback.

iluvroadrunner said:
and i love his way cool glasses. i wish i had a pair like them.

I am soo with you on that. I absolutely love his glasses, my mom would soo kill for those glasses!! :)
Re: Sid Hammerback.

Hammerback rocks. I really want them to add him to the main credits. I think he is a wonderful addition to the cast and actually makes the morgue fun in some odd way. Pino's good to, but I'd rather have Hammerback.
Re: Sid Hammerback.

sid is my favorite ME out of all three shows. alexx is cool, and doc robbins is great.

but sid...i relate to sid...with the exception of having a job cutting open dead bodies. i don't know...i see a bit of hammerback in myself...

...if that makes any sense.
Re: Sid Hammerback.

iluvroadrunner said:
but sid...i relate to sid...with the exception of having a job cutting open dead bodies. i don't know...i see a bit of hammerback in myself...

...if that makes any sense.

I understand, I feel the same way. And, hopefully, one day I will be able to cut open the dead bodies too (I mean, that would be an awsome job)
Re: Sid Hammerback.

i also love his glasses. by far the coolest glasses ever in the history of eye wear. if i was rad enough i would own some like his.
Re: Sid Hammerback.

Oh, Sid. There's just something about that guy. The instant I see him, I start smiling. He's just fantastic.

I, too, hope he gets added to the main credits. I think he fits in nicely with the team.
Re: Sid Hammerback.

Hammerback was without a doubt the best thing about Season 2, I hope the producers realize what an asset he is and keep around for years to come. He softened the blow on what was mostly a dismal season for me he was truly a ray on sunshine. I'll join the chorus of those that want him in the main credits.

Re: Sid Hammerback.

I'd love to see him in the main credits, too. Hammerback is gold! :D
Re: Sid Hammerback.

I loved him in Stealing Home. Made Hawkes look at him like "What the? Okay that's scary" LOL.
Re: Sid Hammerback.

I like his glasses too (I changed the thread's title),they're amazing.
The guy rocks,I love when he's flirting with Stella,that's so fun !!!
I wish he makes it to the main credits,he's my fav CSI coroner !!!
Re: Sid Hammerback.

Cheshyre said:
Oh, Sid. There's just something about that guy. The instant I see him, I start smiling. He's just fantastic.

I, too, hope he gets added to the main credits. I think he fits in nicely with the team.

I agree wholeheartedly. Whenever he comes on the screen, I have this expectation that he'd be good, and he has never let me down. He's the best new thing in Season 2, in my opinion (best old thing is still Flacky :D).
Re: Sid Hammerback.

I love his glasses too. I point them out to people and tell them, get me glasses like those! I look forward to scenes with him in it. They're always interesting or unsual. I agree iwth CrimeShark, he's the best new thing in Season 2.