Show off your city / town!

Well, I live in the city of Calgary, Alberta, Canada. I think we have a population of a million people. Don't quote me on that though, I don't like to pay attention to those things :p

I don't have many pictures but I have a couple:

This would be the Calgary Tower. I have never actually been in it. But it has a glass floor at the top.

And The Calgary tower again but only at night. It's hard to see, but if you look carefully you can kind see it and the Bell tower (Bell being a wireless company)

And The Main Street Bridge it's a bad picture I know, I kinda moved the camera.
Great pictures people :) whether you've taken them yourselves or used the internet for finding pics. It's great to see where others live and it almost like you're visiting the spots without incurring the expense of traveling :)
ILuvJonathanTogo said:
Whoever lives in places with palm trees, I salute you.
Here's a picture I took from right outside my house.
Palm Trees
Since I live in Hawaii :rolleyes: They are everywhere :lol:
:/ NOT FAIR! Omg I'd do anything to have palm trees in my backyard/front yard. I once asked my mom if we could put a huge glass dome over our backyard so we could have palm trees there. She didn't like the idea. :p
Hey Kitten! I didn't know that you had 'your own' thread! You live in a really beautiful place, maybe I should come visit?! ;)

Well, I live in (wonderful) Copenhagen the capital, and subsequential (s?) the biggest city, in Denmark. We're a staggering 500.000+, I know: impressive isn't it? ;) But in a country of only 5.5 million that's a big number. :lol:
Here are some pictures (and a little link) to some of the sights of the town:

Let's start out slow with a picture of my view

then we have Tivoli the world's second oldest amusement park. The oldest is Bakken just north of Copenhagen.

The always popular Nyhavn,

the (perhaps) even more popular Christiania. This is a picture of one of the hash/cannabis shops that now no longer exists, but used to be a very common sight on 'Pusher Street'. Chrisitania is famous in Denmark for having a very strickt 'no hard drugs' policy and for being the oasis of the free thinking and experimenting.

Then there's Rosenborg in the middle of the 'Kings garden'.

And finally I have to throw in a picture from the town I grew up in, Elsinore so without further ado here's Kronborg.

Link to pictures from the wedding of crownprince Frederik & crownprincess Mary. Awwww, total fluff! ;)

I hope you enjoyed the show. :D
I'm from Dortmund, Germany. It's a city in North Rhine-Westphalia. There are 600.000 inhabitants. The part of Dortmund where I'm living is called Wellinghofen, it's VERY small (only 5 or 6 streets and a few houses and shops, but we've got 4 or 5 hairdresser's and 3 driving schools!). Perhaps some of you know Dortmund, because last year it was one of the WM- cities. It's really nice here, I'll look for some pictures.
Lunalove said:
You live in a really beautiful place, maybe I should come visit?! ;)

Hehe okay but let's wait till I have my own place okay. With a HUGE television, a huge couch. Lots and lots of popcorn and then we can watch csi miami! We can invite the other task force ppl too :lol: When H/Y comes up the screens all the *oeeee* and *aaah*' Maybe I should get a silent room, don't want angry neighbours knocking down my door :lol:

Lovely pictures by the way.

I'm looking forward to seeing pictures of Dortmund! I've been once in Germany, Köln. It was absolutely gorgeous :)
I'm looking forward to seeing pictures of Dortmund! I've been once in Germany, Köln. It was absolutely gorgeous :)

When I know how to add a picture, I'll do it. Yep, you're right, Köln is a beautiful city, I think, you'll like Dortmund, too.
Hi From San Jose, California. population estimate is 929,936
We live on the southside of san jose, I love my city
Lots to do

Church is grand

We have a grand prix every year for about 3 years already
they close up all downtown street and for 3 days they have grand prix racing really exciting



Every weekend nite there are crusing on on main strip...santa clara it gets crazy cops always stoppin it though [image][/image]

Big festival well thats about it...not...there is more im just tired lol :( :(
Ride a cock horse to Banbury Cross
To see a fine lady upon a white horse
With rings on her fingers and bells on her toes
She shall have music wherever she goes.

(Old English nursery rhyme; usually sung with the child sitting on the parent's knee and being bounced as though on a horse)

*The webcam doesn't always work*

I came originally from Birkenhead, on the River Mersy oposite Liverpool. The park there was the first public park in the UK and the model on which New York's Central Park was based.

and, of course, Liverpool is the European City of Culture for 2008.
SPECTATCULAR and I love that little rhyme ;) and Liverpool wow, the Beatles ;) thank's for sharing! very beautiful ;)