Show off your city / town!

Presenting... the wonderful city of Madera, California. Look at what we have to offer!

*kicks tumbleweed*

In all fairness, it's really not that bad :rolleyes: I just found that pic on the browse online :p But really, my town is very small. We're about twenty minutes outside of Fresno (mentioned on CSI: LV a few times), and we're a very large agricultural community (we're in the San Joaquin Valley, which feeds the world). One thing I do like about my town is that it's small and quiet and you'll be on the road and pass a field full of cows :p

So overall, I love my town except it's full of idiots :rolleyes:
Well I live in Hackensack, NJ "A City in Motion"(you see that everywhere you get off in highways) Anyways Hackensack is the "capital" of Bergen County here in New Jersey. There's not a lot here only parks and a "Main Street" that sucks since it hardly has any good stores. Its surrounded by smaller towns and there's a nearby mall but its part of another town.

There's a diner that's famous for its tasty burgers and sadly I haven't been there:(White Manna Burgers

This is the hospital which is also a university. Hackensack University Medical Center

This is the court house. Bergen County Court House

So yea that's basically the city that I live in now. As you can see its not really interesting like some of the other towns. :rolleyes:
Well, I live in London. Not to be confused with England. London, Ontario. (That's about the coolest thing about it. Has the same name as a city in England :lol:). Oh and the fact that Rachel McAdams was born here is AWESOME.

Summer in London
Another pic?
To some, this picture might be totally gorgeous but I'm a sucker for palm trees Whoever lives in places with palm trees, I salute you.
Kid: "MOM! Lets go to London!" Mom: "Um, why? There's nothing there." Kid: "Yeah, but they have a rib fest!" :rolleyes:
That church is so old. I've been there like 2 times though

Yup, that's about it.
sandersidle, that's a beautiful church. :eek:

*runs to Shane's 'not city'* :lol: Erm...I really want to live in California more than I want to live in Canada, lol.

:eek: Lots of pretty cities/towns.

I live in St.Albert, Alberta (kind of like a large suburb)but I'll just say I really live in Edmonton because it's two seconds away. :p


*points upward* Here's the largest hill in my city, overlooking downtown.


*points up* And here's where I 'claim' to live since it's so close and I spend 98% of my time there.

Edmonton Sign

^ Random sign because they're fun and we're considered the 'City of Champions'. *scratches head* Most likely because of Hockey.

The Legislature

^ Probably the only old looking government building in my city, but it's pretty neat on the inside.

And I can't show off my city without sharing a couple of pictures from the 'Biggest Mall in the World'. :p

West Edmonton Mall
West Ed
Aearial View

So there you have it. :)

The home of fast women and pretty horses

I live in Tompkinsville, KY. Its a town of just over 2500 people. That picture? Thats it...thats the town. But I live way out in the middle of nowhere so I guess technically I live in Monroe Co. not T-ville. I've lived here for almost a year and I've hated it the entire time. Thankfully I don't plan on living in this godforsaken town any longer than another year, which is when my college will let me live off campus and not live with a parent w/o charging me 2 grand.

I spent the first 18 years of my life in Monticello, which IMO is one of the most beautiful places in Kentucky. Its about 3 times larger than T-ville (the picture is just of downtown), it's on Lake Cumberland and it's the Houseboat Capital of the World. It says so on the sign!!

Heres another picture of the lake, they all came from the internet but this picture was taken a few miles from where I used to live with my mom. The lake is extremely low b/c they are fixing the dam and usually you wouldn't see the shore there. If you happen to have 4 wheel drive you can drive off the boat ramp and get down to the edge of the water where thats at.

damnit! now i really miss home. :(
speed_cochrane said:
sandersidle, that's a beautiful church. :eek:
Haha, thanks. But you have a beautiful mall! :eek: I don't like shopping but I'd totally go there for the billions of water slides and pools and... tubes! :lol:
just like sandersidle I'm a sucker for palmtrees ooh and locations like New York. Those beautiful skyscrapers etc <3 :D

Wow that mall, it's gorgeous! I have to visit that someday .. and I don't even like swimming or shopping! :lol:
Oh I loved looking at all those pics! How I'd like to visit all of you! You live at great places! I'm so much looking forward to next year when I'll finally visit New York and hopefully some other parts of the US!
Hi everybody, and welcome to Antequera, a little city in the middle of Andalucia, in Spain. We live there about 40.000 people.

The name of the city comes from latin anticaria, that means antique, because even romans came after a lot of town were established here.

We have three paleolitic structures still intacts; menga, viera, and romeral.

For those who like roman rests, we have a roman village, roman therms, and a lot of objects inside the museum.

For those who like arabic and castles, we have the alcazaba, a castle with his walls still intacts. Where the castle is located there is also a laberint made with gardens, very similar to the one that existed in the time the castle was a fortress aginst the invasors. The access to the castle is by this arc, made with rests from the romans and iberos, some sort of museum to make everybody see that before the muslims came to the city the place was historic.

For those who like the arquitecture, we have a lot of historic buildings, like the museum (here is inside), the townhall, and some other buildings ( 1, 2, 3, for example, we have a lot...)

For those who like churchs, we have 33 (more than people who goes, as i think). Here is a sample, and other, and other.

As if we don't have enough, we also have a natural reserve, made by the erosion of the stone while it was underwater.

And also we have la peña, that, as you can see, it looks like the side of a man's face.