Should the dying be allowed to take illeagal drugs?

Speaking form the point of view of someone with at least five friends on medicinal marijuana I believe it should be legal. I don't see anything wrong with it in the first place but if the government is going to ban it's usage for recreational purposes they should make acceptions for the dying. These people are on their way out, the least you can do is allow them the medicaltion they need to numb the pain.

Marijuana is a good medicine to use because it not only numbs the physical pain but it makes coping with everything easier. It can soften the harsh reality of death and make passing more comfortable, escpecially for people who are not ready for their lives to be over.

the only way I can see people disagreeing with this is if they have never had someone close to them pass on in pain.
Laetri said:
the only way I can see people disagreeing with this is if they have never had someone close to them pass on in pain.

I watched 6 months my grandpa dying to stomach cancer. He went with painkillers and it took the pain away.
im speaking only for myself here, but if im told im dying i dont think being stoned is going to help me cope. its not coping at all. its especially not fair to my family and friends, having to spend their last days with me and im high as a kite.
as for being in pain, theres lots of legal medications that have gone through much more rigorous testing that id rather have then resort to illegal drugs.
i know marajuana is one of the more effective ways to treat the side effects in chemo patients, but id rather have an extract in a pill (not sure if its possible) that wont have the effects on me like smoking it would. id want to go out as myself, not in some stoner haze
i understand that for some people they choose other medications and that's just fine. For some people though, they find mary jane to be more effective.

allmaple it's not possible to get an extract in pill form becuase it needs to be cooked to release the THC. What many people who do not want to smoke it will do is bake it into a food, usually a brownie.
ok then no, none for me. baking it in food doesnt stop the narcotic effects. as for other people, i still think there are/could be better things.
saying that dope is dangerous in the wrong hands is true but the same is true for any other prescription drug. Someone could hypothetically take two pills one day and have an awesome trip and then start doing it daily. any drug is dangerous if not taken as prescribed. I've heard people argue that people can react badly to marijana but that also reigns true for other medications.

People abuse prescription medications so why are we regulating one so severely over the others?
^ Good point, I agree.
Why should the government monitor one medication so much when asprin could be just as bad for you if taken excessivley.
I have a terminal lung disease and sometimes when the pain and discomfort is too much i think about taking something to ease it.I dont think I ever would tho' but until you are in that position it really is hard to say. I do support euthanasia, I think that is everyones right.IMO.
It's a drug and should be treated as such. So unless there is a better drug to help a patient then it should be legal in a prescription form. Some people can be allergic to one type of drug (ie I'm allergic to penicillin which can kill me) but if I needed something like it to cure me then I would want to be able to take it. So if painkillers only did so much for me and marijana was the only other choice than I would want to be allowed to take it. It should always be my right to reuse if I want.

And I support Euthansia, too.
About ecstasy I don't actually know if it has any medical use, but a couple years ago I remember hearing debates about people giving cancer paitents ecstasy, which is why I included it.

Even though it's not medical usage, I ifgured I'd post something I heard about drug usage here, if they want to someone can start a new thread for it or we debate it here. My mom was telling me something she heard on the radio about countries that have kegalized all drugs and some of the effects of the legalization. I believe she said they were talking with a narcotics cop who was Switzerlan and how their country is doing after having legalized all drugs. How it works in Switzerland is you go to a clinic a get heroin, for example, three times a day, but the effects are amazing.

  • No prostitution because people don't need to do that for drg money
  • Almost no gangs because control of the drug trade isn't an issue
  • No drug related murders
  • Lower rates of hepititis and HIV becausepeople aren't sharing needles.
I'm sure there are less over-doses, too. Since a safe-injection site has been installed in downtown Vancouver, the overdose rates have plummeted ... with medical staff on site, it's a lot safer.
I think people who are dying should be given whatever they need to make their last few days, weeks, whatever, as comfortable and as happy as possible. There's must be nothing worse than only having a few days left and not being able to enjoy it, and make the most out of it, with your family and loved ones.
there are plenty of hard core legal pain killers, so theres no reason for a dying person to want cocaine or heroin to 'numb the pain'. like i said the only illegal drug that does something legal medications dont seem to be able to do is marajuana. and if people want that then fine, but i wont. i cant see how being high is going to make my last days with my family enjoyable for either of us.

as for legalizing every drug, that is appalling. so they dont have to kill each other over drugs? big deal. they are still doing horrible things to their body and mind when theyre all strung out. drugs like meth and coke youre addicted after one exposure, giving them easy access is not solving the problem at all.
allmaple said:
there are plenty of hard core legal pain killers, so theres no reason for a dying person to want cocaine or heroin to 'numb the pain'. like i said the only illegal drug that does something legal medications dont seem to be able to do is marajuana. and if people want that then fine, but i wont. i cant see how being high is going to make my last days with my family enjoyable for either of us.

as for legalizing every drug, that is appalling. so they dont have to kill each other over drugs? big deal. they are still doing horrible things to their body and mind when theyre all strung out. drugs like meth and coke youre addicted after one exposure, giving them easy access is not solving the problem at all.

I realize this is getting off topic but I am a firm believer that all drugs should be liegalized once a person reaches a certain age. Once a person is an adult they should be able oto do anything they want with their body as long as it is not directly hurting someone else (this includes prostitution but I don't think we are getting into that issue as well).

oh and btw everyone I know who's addicted to meth got addicted after the third time not the first and for coke everyone I know (and we're talking the"easily addicted teens") wasnt addicted until about 3-5 times doing lines.