Should some secrets be revealed? Smacked



Stella stood up off the stool that she had been sat at since 9:30 looking over all the evidence that she and Danny had collected early that morning at a crime scene that could only be described as weird. It was now 11:30 and she realised that she had told Danny to go home three hours ago after getting called out at four in the morning. They hadn’t found much evidence at all and Stella had lost count of how many she had looked at the victim’s clothes trying to find anything that would give her a lead on the case. The lab was silent. There were no lab techs left but she knew that one person would still be here. She finished packing away the evidence (which did not take long at all), took off her lab coat and headed towards the locker room.

Stella sat down on the bench in the centre of the room and reached forward to open her locker which was situated in between Danny’s and Mac’s. Stella sat there thinking about Mac. He was her friend, her best friend but her feelings didn’t stop there. She always wanted to be more than his friend but when he met and then married Claire she knew that it would never happen.

Whenever Stella was near Mac she felt happy but most of all she felt safe. She always wondered if he felt same because when they were alone she felt something. She didn’t know what that something was but it made her stomach do triple back flips which made her go giddy! She picked up her purse from out of the locker, closed the door and forced her tired legs to move.

As she walked out of the locker room she saw the distant glow of the single light bulb that was on in the lab. It was of course coming from Mac’s office which was the direction that she was headed…..

hey guys I thought that I would do a Smacked fic for Mel.. You know who you are lol.

Mac was sitting alone in his office starring blankly at his PC screen trying to rub the tiredness out of his eyes. That’s where he spent most of his time. When he wasn’t in the field collecting evidence with his team or in the lab doing all kinds of experiments which he knew he could probably do blind folded, he was sat at his desk going through the never ending pile of case files.

He never spent much time at home anymore not since his wife died. He used to use his office to escape from the reality that his wife was no longer with him. However since the bomb about a year ago where Flack was hospitalised he realised that he couldn’t hide any longer. He still stayed because it was a habit and he new that if he stayed he would get a chance to speak to Stella.

Stella was his best friend but he wanted more than a friendship with Miss Bonasera. For about the past two years he hadn’t hidden in his office because of the death of his wife but because he was trying to deny that he loved Stella. Love. That’s a strong word- he had loved Claire but whenever he was alone with Stella he felt young and ‘bouncy’. Mac didn’t know how else he could explain how he felt when he was near her; his stomach just went all funny!

It was 11:55pm and he had seen the last lab light go off about 10 minutes ago. He knew that Stella was still here but he was still unsure (like every other night) if he should call her into his office, as she passed, to tell her how he felt.
Another Fic, good girl.

*Pushes Mel away* *Me first* :devil:

Damn you're good Natty. Post more soon!! And throw in some PM's :devil: Pleazzzzz

*Hugs Mac to make Mel Jealous* :devil:

*chases you with pitchfork*** You're good at stories Natty, will continue to poke til you say "I'm good at Fics" :p
LMH just to let you very first fic was for you Darlin- even though it wasn't a Ducaine one. I love your fics and I want to be able to write them like you, Fat chance i'm not that good:)

Natty, will continue to poke til you say "I'm good at Fics"

LMH I wrote that stuff^^^^ before you edited your post!!!

Mel that is also you think about!!! :devil:.... Well then again I do after reading LMHs fics! I probaly will do some PMs when they start an actual relationship!!
OK here we go ladies another post... I'm actually enjoying doing this. There will either be one more now or one tommorow because its 9pm now and I have got to get up early in the morning!


Stella could see a tired Mac yawn and rub his eyes as he tried to get to the bottom of the pile of case files that never left his desk and she was determined not to let them leave tonight. She walked up to the glass door of his office and knocked as she walked in causing Mac to jump.

‘Hey Stel, are you headed home?’ asked Mac

Stella put both hands on the edge of desk and leaned over. She did this every time she talked to him, so she didn’t realise what effect it was having on Mac. ‘Yes I am Taylor and so are you’

‘Noooo I’m not Stel have you seen how much work I have got to do plus I’m not tired!’ Trying to suppress the feeling that was causing a certain part of his anatomy to get excited.

‘What ever Mac, I saw you yawning just before I entered.’ Mac let out a sigh realising he wasn’t going to be able to stay in his office any longer. ‘Well, if you don’t want to go home……you could always take me out for some dinner because I am starving!’ Stella wasn’t going to give up!

Laughing at Stella’s sudden interest in food he said, ‘Stel it’s midnight, is there anywhere open this time?’

‘Mac you really need to get out more, this is New York for Christ’s sake!’ Mac smiled at her chosen words- if only he had someone to take out.

Stella loved that smile- the smile that made her go giddy. ‘Come on Mac you know I always win?!?!’ Mac sighed because he knew he was beat. In fact Stella was right he never won against her.

Standing up Mac asked ‘So where are we off to miss?’ Neither Mac nor Stella felt tired anymore and for a few seconds they starred straight into each others eyes seeing something with made both of their faces turn slightly pick. As they walked out of his office towards the elevator Mac put his hand on the small of her back, something he had never done before and secretly they both knew that their was something good ahead of them.
Awsome Natty, And you do realize that you are great at writting fics. i'm enjoying this and I beat Mel this time. :p

Please post more soon. :lol:

BTW: That comment about the Pitchfork was for you. To tell yourself, your as good as I am. :) :)
As they walked into the elevator they could both feel the high level of sexual tension that had filled the confined space. The ride down from the 35th floor seemed to take a lifetime for both of the occupants. As they exited the elevator mac repeated his previous question. ‘So, where are we off to miss?’

Mac opened the door for them as they walked out into the midnight air of New York. ‘How about we go to Uncle Sam’s it’s only a block away we can walk and I bet that you haven’t been there!’

Mac stopped walking causing Stella to walk a few feet in front of him and declared ‘Why do you say that?’

‘Because you never leave your office mister! Come on we are nearly there.’ Mac walked forward towards Stella and replaced his hand on her back were it fitted perfectly which made Stella tingle from head to toe.

‘So what’s Uncle Sam’s like?’ Mac enquired while thinking how happy he was just spending time with Stella.

‘Wow Taylor you are great at making conversation…..its nice!’ Stella couldn’t suppress the giggle that was trying to escape as Mac looked at her slightly offended before he too started to laugh. ‘Mac we are here now anyway so you can see for yourself!’

Uncle Sam’s was a cute little place and Mac couldn’t believe that he hadn’t been here before. There were only about seven small tables and the room was extremely quiet (but it was midnight Mac thought). It smelled of pizza and tomato sauce which made Mac’s mouth water and he realised how hungry he actual was. Stella stood next to him, a smile crept on her face as she saw how happy Mac was he turned towards her and for the second time tonight they got lost in the depths of each others eyes.

Suddenly a small Italian man woke them up from their little trance. ‘Stella, so nice to see you again, I have a nice table free for you and your friend.’

‘Oh hi Sam, what do you mean you have ‘A’ table free there are only three other people here!!’ replied Stella while Sam guided them towards a small table at the back of the room.

‘Very funny Miss B but if I closed earlier than two in the morning where would you go after you left work?’ He paused to hand a menu to both Mac and Stella. ‘I will send a waiter over in a moment to ask for your order.’

‘Thanks Sam,’ Stella turned her attention back to Mac who was busy reading his menu, ‘So Mac what do you think?’

‘It’s nice Stel, What do you recommend?’ Looking up to see her starring at him! ‘What?’

‘Nothing you just look happy’ responded Stella.

‘Stella I’m always happy when I’m with you!’ admitted Mac while starring into her eyes. The waiter walked up to the table, Stella didn’t break the connection between their eyes but ordered two of Sam’s specials.

When the food arrived they continued to make small talk until they were finished and Mac insisted that he pay for the bill. Even though Stella had protested many times he had told her, ‘this is one battle I will win.’

They said goodbye Sam and walked back to the lab where they got into Mac’s SUV and headed in the direction of Stella’s apartment. The journey was quiet but it wasn’t awkward. Eventually they reached Stella’s place, ‘Come on I’ll walk you up.’ Mac insisted.

‘You know you don’t have to right?’ asked Stella.

‘Yeh, I know I don’t have to but I want to’ Mac’s words made Stella blush for not the first time that evening.

When they reached the door Mac said, ‘Here you go miss, I’ll see you in what… five hours?’ Stella looked at her watch and realised that it was in deed two o’clock in the morning.

There was a short moment of silence and Stella stood on her tip toes to kiss Mac on the cheek, ‘Thanks for dinner, I’ll see you tomorrow!’ And with that she opened her door and stepped inside leaving a very happy Mac frozen on the spot.

On either side of the closed door each person was doing their own little dance as they walked away.
Awww!! *Snuggles them both* I loved that. You are awesome Natty ;)

*Haha Mel, beat you again, as LMH hugs Mac tight, to make you jealous :devil: :p :p :p
It was 5:00am on Friday morning and Stella had only had 3 hours sleep. She knew that her body wanted to rest but even though it was raining outside Stella had a sudden urge to turn on the radio and dance. So that’s what she did. She was extremely happy as she began to sing to maroon 5, ‘Makes me wonder’, in the shower. It didn’t seem to bother her that she could be waking up the other people in her apartment. The truth was she couldn’t get a certain person out of her head and was willing to get to work early to see him. When she was dressed she grabbed her keys and made her way to the subway with a slight spring in her step.


Stella wasn’t the only happy CSI in New York, in the lab sat Mac. He hadn’t gotten much sleep himself but felt no desire to go and rest sleep. Instead he was again sitting at his desk trying to concentrate on the latest case.

The elevator doors opened revealing Stella who went straight to the locker room where she met Lindsay.

‘Hey Linds’, Smiled Stella

‘Hey Stella, you seem happy… anything I should know?’ Asked Lindsay wondering what had caused her best friend to look so joyful.

‘Nope it’s just a beautiful day isn’t it?’ Stella replied while walking out of the room leaving a very confused Lindsay thinking why she was so happy because it looked like there was abut to be a thunderstorm!

Later that day….

Stella and Mac were both in the same lab processing evidence for a case neither of them had brought up the previous night’s events. Every now again they would sneak a look at the other but only Mac realised that they were both doing it!

Sensing that her eyes were on him Mac said ‘Are you starring at me again Stel?’

Stel slightly turned red but said ‘What do you mean again?’

Mac put his hand on her back so that he could pass her- even though he had plenty of room not to and they both knew it. He lent over and whispered into her ear ‘I caught you watching me last night miss’

Stella took in a sharp breath as Mac’s hand accidentally brushed her rear. After she had recovered from the simple touch she replied to his initial question ‘Well Taylor maybe I like what I see!’

Mac knew that if anyone was to walk in at this very moment they would have been overwhelmed by the heat that was coming from these to people. As he stood up to leave the room he asked ‘Erm Stella I was wondering if after our shift we could get take-out and watch a movie or something?’
‘Sure thing Captain as long as you don’t chose a chick flick?!?!’ They both laughed at her comment and a very happy Mac said ‘I’ll take that as a Yes!’