Should AJ(Adam) be in the Credits?

I think it may be a future possibility. I mean, for those who watch the original series, Sofia, and now Hodges, seem to pop up randomly in the opening credits sometimes, as is a tradition sometimes frequented by NCIS when Director Shepard appears on the show. However, I'd only add Adam, personally, if Robert Joy was in there too, or first. Then, there presents the problem of the opening credits becoming way too crowded.

I propose an idea!

They can borrow CSI: Miami's abusive use of split screen technology and insert Adam and RJ in one shot, preferably in some manner of undress for both, and all the fangirls will be happy. Especially me, who somehow hopes that one day, Sid will find some excuse to... *Shuts up.*

Good idea?
HELL YEAH AJ should be in the credits, as should Robert Joy. They are both amazing in their roles ,and I believe regular cast members and I think all reg. cast members should be in the credits.
I agree that he probably won't be in the credits until he appears in ever ep, which is sad but at the same time it makes sense. But I really do think that both AJ and Robert Joy deserve to be listed in the credits. Their characters are amazing, and they've been on the show for a while now. AJ has been listed as appearing in 42 episodes, and Robert Joy in 62 (which is more than two seasons each!) They deserve to be listed!
I agree with most people here. I'd like to see Sid in there first though, as he's more likely to be in every episode, while Adam isn't.
Like most of you guys, I'd love to see AJ and Robert in the credits, but I don't think it'll happen until they both have more screentime, but they definitely deserve to be credited for what they bring to show, and what better way to do this, than put them in the credits...
You know the promo photo they did for the show when they recreated the shot of the workmen sitting on the scafolding building skyscrapers in New York, well both Sid and Adam are in that. if they are intergral enough to the show to be in that, then they are important enough to be in the credits, in my opinion.
Hells YEAH! Adam should absolutely be in the opening credits, as should Robert Joy. They're in almost every episode anyways. He really does bring something special to the show, and needs to be credited for that.

I agree they both should be in the credits. They are two of my favorite characters.
Exactly! I mean, if other people can be included in the credits in such an on and off basis, as the other two spinoffs have done, then I think CSI: NY is capable of including Adam and Sid. Personally, I'm not a big fan of the new credits, much preferred the old song, so stretching them out might see a return to the theme song being a bit more, well, less rushed.
A.J. should definitely be in the credits at the beginning...I would love to see the pictures they would use.
You know the promo photo they did for the show when they recreated the shot of the workmen sitting on the scafolding building skyscrapers in New York, well both Sid and Adam are in that. if they are intergral enough to the show to be in that, then they are important enough to be in the credits, in my opinion.
Very good point. If they are "main enough" (I probably could have worded that better, sorry) characters to be in a promo picture, they should definitely be in the credits.

AJ/Adam should be in the credits, without a doubt.