Ahhhhh....back home with the DVR.
So, on a second look, now I can get nit-picky. :lol:
Nick holding his empty right hand up and yelling "Go back!" and the next second there's a gun in it.
Brass said someone put the bomb in Clark's casket at the funeral home because "It's open 24-7 and no security". Huh??!! :wtf: What the heck kind of funeral home is that??
And if I hadn't already known they were at Clark's funeral, it was obvious from the transition with Ray at the hospital to the cemetery that they wanted the un-spoiled to think Ray had died.
Poor Nick!
After they shot the brother down I thought, oh man...he's gonna turn out to have been reaching for a cell phone or something and now Nick's killed an unarmed man!
I'm also wondering...Nick may have told Clark to check the back at the restaurant before he got killed, but that's kind of the cop's job when they are on a scene with a CSI, isn't it? I mean, they are supposed to be the cops and securing things, not the CSIs. It's still very guilt-worthy, but it's not like Nick was in charge of the cop.
Nick holding his empty right hand up and yelling "Go back!" and the next second there's a gun in it.
Brass said someone put the bomb in Clark's casket at the funeral home because "It's open 24-7 and no security". Huh??!! :wtf: What the heck kind of funeral home is that??
And if I hadn't already known they were at Clark's funeral, it was obvious from the transition with Ray at the hospital to the cemetery that they wanted the un-spoiled to think Ray had died.
Poor Nick!
I'm also wondering...Nick may have told Clark to check the back at the restaurant before he got killed, but that's kind of the cop's job when they are on a scene with a CSI, isn't it? I mean, they are supposed to be the cops and securing things, not the CSIs. It's still very guilt-worthy, but it's not like Nick was in charge of the cop.