Shipper names??

Been checking those shipname lists, damn they confuse me every time...
As far as I know there's no name for Brass/Heather but I think Breather or Lady Breather would fit, at leat it sounds fun and gives a hint to the names, as opposed to some other shipnames.

By the way, anyone up for Sara/Mandy ship? Beacuse if so, it too needs a name ;)
Have the Ryan/Valera shippers decided on a name yet? If not I had a brainwave, what about 'Rave' or 'RaVe' if you want to capitalize the V.
MiaCharlize said:
Been checking those shipname lists, damn they confuse me every time...

Why is it confusing? :confused: :( Is there a way I can make it less so for everyone?

As far as I know there's no name for Brass/Heather but I think Breather or Lady Breather would fit, at leat it sounds fun and gives a hint to the names, as opposed to some other shipnames.

edited - Okay, after searching for a Brass/Lady Heather thread, I then checked the list and they're not on it. So currently, I'm afraid we have no ship thread for this pairing unless someone decides to start one. Sorry.

By the way, anyone up for Sara/Mandy ship? Beacuse if so, it too needs a name ;)

If that is a ship that you are totally behind and would like to see active on the forum, then please do feel free to start a thread for the pairing. When it comes to femslash, my policy is the more the merrier :)

CSI_Ali said:
Have the Ryan/Valera shippers decided on a name yet? If not I had a brainwave, what about 'Rave' or 'RaVe' if you want to capitalize the V.

I'll drop by the Ryan/Valera thread now and make that suggestion for you :)
Well, it was actually my cousin that suggested it, I think it's been going round on a few other boards and such, but I quite liked it ;).
forensicsgirl, I believe at one time we dicussed "RaVe" as a ship name. And from what I can remember no one over at that thread had a problem with it. I guess we forgot to send someone over here. So thank you CSI_Ali! ;)
That's cool, CSI_Watcher_8 :) I just received a PM regarding it, and have just this minute added RaVe to the Ship Name List ;)

It's really that simple - you guys shout it out and I add it in. So if any other previously nameless ships are out there, and have a name they'd like to be added to the list, let me know and I'll do it ASAP ;)
I was checking the Ship Names List and noticed Frank/Calleigh. Do they have a thread? If so I've got a potential name for you. How about 'Southern Comfort'?