She may be a murderer but they like her music!

I haven't seen the eps with her poster, but it sure looks like they're pulling a "Bad Wolf" with it!

Or a "Mr. Saxon" :)

I don't know, in all those sets the poster is so completely in the background, I can't believe you noticed that!! Is it possible they've got a very limited stock of posters to dress sets with? Or they just thought that it was really hot ;)?
If that's their season arc clue, they're giving us a lot of credit for smarts. I must say, major props to you for picking up on that one.
It would be very cool if they were doing a "Bad Wolf" or "Saxon" type thing--Dr. Who really did both of those so well, and it definitely built to something huge!
Well, it would be good if it's some kind of clue for an arc, I would prefer that over LV's Miniature Killer that they were so intent on ramming down our throats last year. Mind you, it could be a little in-joke too - I've seen crew names and photos show up in a couple of S2 episodes.
wow good eye i never would have noticed the poster. i love it when shows put something like the poster in the backround or make references to movies or characters from books.

"Alias" used to do that a lot with Alice and Wonderland references. Sydney dressed up as Alice for a halloween party, code names have been used, Vaughn had to look for the book "Through the Looking Glass" in one ep..etc

that is kinda odd but funny that Danny would have a poster in his apartment of someone he put in jail haha. it's probably just a prop the set designers found and decieded to stick it up in various places.
Weird I just watched that episode last night on Spike and I was like "Where the hell have I seen that poster before!" Glad Im not going crazy!
Maybe they just needed shit to decorate with, OR maybe its something crazy... who knows. I love this show. Unexplained amounts.
Top41 said:
owlki said:
PS: I don't think it has anything to do with any incoming/returning cases (for instance, second life). I believe it's just the crew having a laugh, like an inside joke.

Maybe they're checking to see how carefully we're paying attention. :lol:

One thought about the poster...

Episode 414 is supposed to be the conclusion to the Second Life case. And that was supposed to involve a Grammy nominated musician in some way, at least according to Anthony Zuiker's original idea. And the Second Life killer was a woman...but that's all a lot of ifs and maybes and probably a bit of a stretch as well.

Also, the Second Life Killer is targeting judges. And the artist on the poster is "Killa Kitty." I think they could have very well been planting a hint to their "big" story.
This was really a great catch owlki. I never would have noticed this if you hadn't pointed it out. I guess I'm just not as observant as I would like to be (I don't think I'll ever be a good witness to a crime being committed in front of me! :lol:)

I wouldn't be surprised if this was some sort of inside joke made by TPTB but then again it would be nice if it was somehow connected to the Second Life story line. A little continuity wouldn't hurt. :)