*Sexy, Sassy, Steely, Smart* - Marg/Catherine #4.0

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Welcome to *Sexy, Sassy, Steely, Smart* - Marg/Catherine #4.0!

Yes, yes, yes! We're in the fourth discussion thread for our beloved Marg/Catherine. Party! No? :lol:

As you can see, we've got a new thread title. It came from the slogan/character description on Marg's Emmy ad for the 2005 Emmy Awards (see pic here). We thought it suited both Marg and Catherine perfectly so we decided to use it as our new thread title. Actually there's only "Sexy, Steely, and Smart", but Hottie and I thought since we had "sassy" in the poll, we'd just keep it. Both Marg and Catherine are sassy anyway. :D

Again, the purpose of this thread:

Destiny said:
There are many levels of the character/actress just a few: Loving, Sex appeal, Strength, Compassion, Stubborness, Gentleness, funny, a person real or fiction with so many levels that they are a circle with no end.

So talk about all the levels that is "Marg/Catherine"
Here, is our path to thread #4.0:

Catherine Thread #0.50
Marg/Catherine--Too Sexy for a CSI
Marg/Catherine The Sexier, the Better #2!!!!
Marg/Catherine: The Sexier, the Better! #3.0
Re: *Sexy, Sassy, Steely, and Smart* - Marg/Catherine #4.0

Congratulations on the new thread! Whoohoo!

Btw, I hear coolcatz is groaning cuz we're not using the Billy and Gary inspired title. :lol: Don't worry coolcatz to make up for that Billy and Gary are yours.. for a day. :p

And also I saw a bit of Marg's movie, Murder Live and wow, the hostage taking drama was such a powerful scene. picture here. I also like the scene where she was lying face down on the floor. :eek: I laughed a bit though when Marg stood up and her butt was still on the chair because she was all taped up.
Re: *Sexy, Sassy, Steely, and Smart* - Marg/Catherine #4.0

Seriously? I missed the end of thread #3? *has a LOT of catching up to do*

Anyway, CONGRATS!! :D Love the thread title. :)

Here's hoping season 7 will be a strong season for Marg/Cath.
Re: *Sexy, Sassy, Steely, and Smart* - Marg/Catherine #4.0

Congrads on the new thread! ;)
Re: *Sexy, Sassy, Steely, and Smart* - Marg/Catherine #4.0

WOOO-HOOOO! A new thread for all of the wonderful Marg-ness!! Sexy! Sassy! Steely! Smart! - because she SIZZLES!!!

So - what's our first topic of scintilating Marg discussion?

Shall we start at the beginning? That would be "Ryan's Hope", but I never watched it.
Re: *Sexy, Sassy, Steely, and Smart* - Marg/Catherine #4.0

I posted about the bits I saw of her movie Murder Live. She was fantastic in that movie, right? :D
Re: *Sexy, Sassy, Steely, and Smart* - Marg/Catherine #4.0

"Murder Live" was quite enjoyable. Even though her character was supposed to be unlikeable, I found myself fascinated at how the character evolved throughout the movie. Plus, David Morse did an excellent job too!!
Re: *Sexy, Sassy, Steely, and Smart* - Marg/Catherine #4.0

Congrats on the new thread guys! :D

Except Erin Brockovich, ER and CSI, I've never seen any other Marg appearances.. I know I know, shame on me. But tell me, which movies do I have to watch? And aside from Marg's part, which movies are actually worth watching? I might rent them soon, seeing that it's summer and I have a lot of time in my hands :)
Re: *Sexy, Sassy, Steely, and Smart* - Marg/Catherine #4.0

Marg movies you HAVE to watch - (just my opinion):
Giving up the ghost with Alan
Keys with Gary Dourdan & Brett Cullen
frame by frame aka Conundrum - even though Michael Beihn was an a$$ off-screen.
After Midnight - again with Alan...even though he's a bad guy!
Gold Coast with David Caruso was pretty good too.
Re: *Sexy, Sassy, Steely, and Smart* - Marg/Catherine #4.0

Keys with Gary Dourdan

You're kidding? Wow, that one's going first!! :D But that's a really old one, isn't it?

I forgot, I saw In Good Company too.. I really loved Marg's role, it was kinda small, but the extra scenes made up for it.. but the movie itself sucked! I never saw such a boring movie.. sorry. But yeah, I could sit through it because Marg was so great in it!! :D
Re: *Sexy, Sassy, Steely, and Smart* - Marg/Catherine #4.0

Yeah, Gary was in that movie. He had really long dreadlocks. Plus, Marg gets to be a helicopter pilot.
Re: *Sexy, Sassy, Steely, and Smart* - Marg/Catherine #4.0

hey don't forget species and species II, great if you love cheese as much as i do.

and, yes, i'm still grumbling under my breath. what was wrong with sexbomb with just the right mix of hormones. fits cath and marg.
Re: *Sexy, Sassy, Steely, and Smart* - Marg/Catherine #4.0

OK, OK! Quit yer grumbling! We will use that for thread #5. :lol:

I'm not big on sci-fi, so only suffered through both Species movies because of Marg.
^ I'm not a fan of the Species series, either, but the bed scene was so cute. So was the ice cream scene that got cut but was added as a bonus feature in the two-disc DVD set. :)

Okay here's my recommendation list...I haven't watched Keys and Giving Up the Ghost, though, and I really hope I could see them someday.

After Midnight -- Marg and Alan. Need I say more? ;)
Hearts on Fire (aka In Sickness and Health) -- Marg does it again, breaking people's heart. Plus Leslie Ann Warren kicks a$$!
Through the Eyes of A Killer -- hot love scenes with Richard Dean Anderson.
Lie Down with Lions -- Great performance plus hot scenes with charming Timothy Dalton.
Frame by Frame aka Conundrum -- I don't like this movie, but I'd sit through it just for the scenes where Marg is wearing nothing but skin. :lol:
Murder Live! -- I think bitch!Marg is definitely a must-see. :D
Gold Coast -- Mmmmmm yum.

And if you ever get a chance, please don't miss China Beach. You can watch lots of Marg parts on the show through the help from AAM, but if you get to watch some complete episodes, I guarantee you that you will love not only her parts but the entire show. Seriously, best. show. ever.
well i just saw my first bit of k.c. since it originally aired (then i only watched in passing cuz i was hooked on tng) and wow. i seriously want whole eps.
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