Self-defence and fight-sports

saras_girlfriend said:
Oooh I went to a couple of Wushu classes, I LOVED that sport! Unfortunately they moved it to another day and I couldn't go anymore.

I can't stop loving it. I practise 3 times a week and I teach on one of the days when my teacher is sick, has to work suddenly or goes on his yearly two week holiday. I used to love the forms with the weapons the most but lately I find it cool to make a weaponless form look interesting. Which is a lot harder to impress people then when having a weapon in your hand and stuff.
Wow - thanks for keeping this alive. :)

I just changed my training-group, but I´m still with Krav Maga. After every lesson I´m so sweat-soaken. :) Last week we did some hits and kick-tecniques. I´m such a kicker. :D

That´s why I´m very interested in kick-boxing. saras_girlfriend, do you actually know Savat? (It´s the French form of Kickboxing.)
I saw it at the bottom of my post history and I wanted to give my exitment a place for giving practise again so this was a good place :p

What is different from normal kickboxing and savat?
BlueCurl said:
What is different from normal kickboxing and savat?
BlueCurl, here is a definition of savate from Wikipedia:

Savate (pronounced /savat/), also known as boxe française (French boxing) or French kickboxing, is a French martial art which uses both the hands and feet as weapons and contains elements of western boxing, grappling and graceful kicking techniques (only foot kicks are allowed, with no use of the knees or shins). A practitioner of savate is called a savateur (male) or savateuse (female).
Dynamo1 said:
BlueCurl said:
What is different from normal kickboxing and savat?
BlueCurl, here is a definition of savate from Wikipedia:

Savate (pronounced /savat/), also known as boxe française (French boxing) or French kickboxing, is a French martial art which uses both the hands and feet as weapons and contains elements of western boxing, grappling and graceful kicking techniques (only foot kicks are allowed, with no use of the knees or shins). A practitioner of savate is called a savateur (male) or savateuse (female).

so now shins, only feet would be the difference?
This long no activity in this thread? Well new life then for this thread!

I just heard yesterday that I can do my first advabced exam in my kung fu school and I;m just so thrilled right now! Exams starts in two weeks already!
^Looked for it. Great Idea. ;) Unfurtunately I don´t have the time for fighting this time, because of job-reasons. But of course I miss it. :D

So, what´s on with Wu-Shu?? (You do Wu-Shu, don´t you?) :eek:
What's on! Exams! hehe... my first advanced exam!

It is going great. we were breaking boards for fun yesterday! That is always cool but previous time I didn;t break it and My hand was completly blue. It was fun though but painfull. Yesterday I was like. Again yeah... le's scare the newbies with brealing some boards :p always fun... Then they try and figure out that it is pretty easy to do! :lol:
Detective_Burn said:

Yeah breaaking boards, hu? :D Did you hit them through or kick them through?

Both... but punching them is much more fun... It's a bit harder! Kicking them through is very very easy. Everybody can. Since legs are pretty strong and all!
Okay, I see. :) When hitting through boards (by hand) do you wear a kind of protective-tape or something?

Or do you simply get used to the pain? :rolleyes: