Self-defence and fight-sports

I practice Wushu (Kung Fu) for three years now. I even teach the class every now and then! It is combined with Sanda (Chinese Kickboxing). So I get to do from walking forms to weapons to self defence to technices to kickboxing etc!!!

I'm the girl in the pic btw!
Kung Fu and tkd are both cool also. I like everything with many, many kicks. :)

Somebody of you knows Krav Maga?

beautifulview, so you don´t like kumdo? Doesn´t say anything to me either. :D
I used to teach and take Shito Ryu Seiko Kai Karate - It's a Japanese form of Karate. I taught it for about 10 years to kids as an assistant teacher. I used to do kenpo (fighting with weapons) a little. I got really good with a staff at one point. I had attained the rank of brown belt. I was going to go for my black belt but I blew out my right knee about 2 weeks before my test. I did that about 5 years ago. I can't do stances anymore. I used to love doing it. It's a great sport.

I have two friends that are both taking Tae Kwon Do. They both really enjoy taking it.

Take Care,
Detective_Burn said:

Kung Fu and tkd are both cool also. I like everything with many, many kicks. :)

Somebody of you knows Krav Maga?

beautifulview, so you don´t like kumdo? Doesn´t say anything to me either. :D

jup, my nephew does it!
Everyone does TKD. Gee - I tried out once. :p We did these kicks in slow-mo. Whenever I rose a leg I tended to loose my balance. That´s unfair. :D Anyways guess I´d prefer kickboxing to TKD.

catwarfan, did you ever watch a full-contact karate-competition? That´s... you´ve got a high injury-risk. I think that´s just typical for full-contact. :)

BlueCurl, so your nephew does Krav Maga? How does he like it?
Detective_Burn said:
Everyone does TKD. Gee - I tried out once. :p We did these kicks in slow-mo. Whenever I rose a leg I tended to loose my balance. That´s unfair. :D Anyways guess I´d prefer kickboxing to TKD.

catwarfan, did you ever watch a full-contact karate-competition? That´s... you´ve got a high injury-risk. I think that´s just typical for full-contact. :)

BlueCurl, so your nephew does Krav Maga? How does he like it?

He just started and he did complain about the "big guys" making him hurt a lil though. But he also says he likes it a lot. The only thing that worries me he is in the age that he is hoping to get attacked so he can apply his technices in real life.... I hope he passes that period soon!
He hopes getting attacked? When I started Krav Maga I had that feeling, too. You feel like superman. That´s cool, but little risky. Just tell him not to show off too much. :)
Since when is he doing KMM by the way?

As I´m a kicker, you have a fav-kick outa Wu-Shu? :rolleyes:
Detective_Burn said:

He hopes getting attacked? When I started Krav Maga I had that feeling, too. You feel like superman. That´s cool, but little risky. Just tell him not to show off too much. :)
Since when is he doing KMM by the way?

As I´m a kicker, you have a fav-kick outa Wu-Shu? :rolleyes:

My nephew does it for just 2 or 3 months now I thought...

My fave kick. This one is also commenly used in TKD.. The jumping spinning back kick. (translated it out of dutch)

My second fave: They also use it in TKD a lot but don't now the english term for it. I'll try to explain... Feed are on one line then one slides back just a bit and that one goes to make a high round waving move from the other side to the body to the right side.
(with left leg first goes to the right and then back to the left side)
while on the highest point you open up your opponent by removing its hand with your foot...
catwarfan, did you ever watch a full-contact karate-competition? That´s... you´ve got a high injury-risk. I think that´s just typical for full-contact. :)

Yes, I have. It's incredible to watch. I've seen a pair of black belts go at it at a competition. It was an exhibition during a tournament. It's incredible to watch. I remember this one time this kid who was a brown belt was really cocky with everyone. He kept on winning different matches. Finally he went against a black belt who was a friend of mine. The kid used to telegraph his kicks. He tried that on my friend and my friend grabbed his foot and footswept him. The kid dropped like a pile of bricks.

I love watching Kumite matches but I agree you have to have a high tolerance for pain. I've seen people get bruises and break stuff or get winded. It's part of the competition. It's really cat and mouse figuring out what moves the other person is going to make. I competed at the BC Provincials years ago during the kata( freeform exercise ) part. Kata was always my favorite part. It's like a dance and so gentle. I used to always get into this zone when I was doing it that was so calm and relaxing. I never had the nerve to do the Kumite. The first time I did I got a bloody nose. I walked into a punch I didn't see coming. That made me think twice about the kumite. I can do it but I have to be pushed to do it.

Take Care,
my friend is a black belt in karate and tae kwon do and, obviuosly, he's really good! i've thought about doing karate or a self defense course but i've never gotten around to it.