
I think part of the reason why Seinfeld is so popular is because of Michael Richards(Cosmo Kramer) He's so good at doing phyical comedy and the facial expressions that he does kills me. Plus, he's amazing in the way he uses expression in his voice. I hope to see him in something soon.
Does anybody remember the episode where Frank Costanza and Kramer are making bros/male bras and Estelle and George walk in. I'll never forget the look on Georges face hehehe.
^Another fantastic moment by Kramer is when he's telling that story how he threw that banana peel back at the monkey. Then afterwards he had to apologize to the monkey and the monkey ended up spitting water on him. That was absolutely priceless!
One I just watched: When Elaine and George are @ a Restaruant with a married couple, adn the wife sneezes and George says "God Bless You" and the husband gets all mad and everything. AHAHAHAHHA I LOVED IT :D :D :D
ahh! yes!! Loved that. And then the husband called Elaine cause he thought his wife was with her, and Elaine didn't know :lol:
Hahaha that part was priceless...he totally caught Elaine off-guard. Have you seen the episode where Elaine's boyfriend dumps Elaine because she bought jujifruit from the concession stand at the movie theatre before visiting him the hospital. That was one of the most memorable scenes.
Hahaha of course...

But I don't wanna be a pirate
You look like you're gonna come swinging from a chandlier
Another classic epi (don't know if this whas already used)

The Little Kicks

"It's more like a full-body dry heave set to music" --> George about Elaine!! :lol:
The Little Kicks is probably my second all time favourite episode. I look the little confrontation between Elaine and Frank Costanza(George's dad) at the end of the episode or even when Elaine is warning everyone to stay away from George because he is a bad seed. I actually have the clip of Elaine dancing on my computer heh heh.