**Season Nine Spoiler Lab** - Take Two

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Not to be a downer, but this is the CSI Miami spoiler lab - could we try keep to Miami please?

So we know Frank is a questionable return for next season - who else do you guys think will be the "one shot and the other in peril" character?
Like all of their spoilers, I'm pretty sure its just overhyped. I'm not too fussed over this one, I've learned my lesson.
Technically, Renee isn't a team member, so I think they're talking about someone else in life-threatening peril. But I really doubt they'll get rid of Frank. He seems to have a lot of fans and brings a good part to the show.
I don't think it's Renee either -
TV Guide says the ending leaves us with Horatio in the kind of jeopardy we've never seen him in before; he must choose between his own survival or saving a colleague.
I would consider her a colleague, but IMO, it's too soon for a life/death situation involving the both of them together - especially for a finale. Sounds to me like it will be one of the team. I would hope so anyway -- I can't judge Renee yet as we haven't even "met" her, but she's too new for me to care about or to see Horatio care enough to save her over his own life. JMO.
I would consider her a colleague, but IMO, it's too soon for a life/death situation involving the both of them together - especially for a finale.

Unless, of course, they thought that putting Eric and Calleigh in constant life-or-death situations worked SO WELL for the show that they decided to do the same with Horatio and Renee. :lol:

As much as I like E/C as a couple, the whole let's-have-them-take-turns-almost-dying thing in Seasons 6-8 was rather irritating. Hopefully, the writers learned their lesson, and won't have any other romantic relationships on the show go down that route (and if they decide to take E/C off hiatus next season, that it doesn't return to the constant drama either). ;)
We all know they like to rile us up and get us worried about our faves. It is possible that they are saying "team member" just to worry us and then have it actually turn out to be Renee or someone not as much a part of the team as the main characters. We just will have to wait and see I guess.

Remember when they said a team member betrays Horatio and it was Stetler, who technically was not on the team per say?
Ya know, it's mainly the main/most liked characters that leave shows these days...it's weird. I'm like "you're the reason i watch the show, y wud u leave, might as well cancel it" lol.

Can't believe the season's almost done, I really disliked this one. Not just becuz of EC cuz I've lived through most seasons without them...but they didn't catch my attention as good as past seasons. A few did, but I have to say I've missed Emily and I HATE that every episode except for 1 (yeah i've been keeping watch) Ryan/Eric are running.

Am I the only 1 annoyed of the running? I feel sorry for the actors especially Adam, cuz he runs the most.
SORRY IF THIS HAS BEEN POSTED ALREADY!!! Looks like Horatio will be in jeopardy at the end of the season finale.

I haven't read this before...I don't really care for Caruso's character, but I'm more than sure that he will be fine. Another season finale with Horatio almost dying? I thought Eric, Cal and H had their share of drama, it should be someone else's turn ;)
Well, it just says colleague, so that could be anyone. My guess is that since we've heard Renee gets shot, that Horatio will be forced to make the choice of staying out of sight or running to her aid to help stop her bleeding. And the cliffhanger will be someone pointing a gun at Horatio while his back is turned while he's attending to Renee's wound... maybe it will fade to black and their will be a shot heard. And when we come back next season, we'll see the bad guy on the ground dead and one of the other CSIs or Frank holding the smoking gun.
Horatio and Tripp fly to Arizona, where they've apprehended Jack Toller...

*facepalm* Of course the convict would run here to Arizona... it's like a freaking magnet or something...

Ooh, that means I can imagine Horatio and Tripp flying over my house? Thank you, CBS... that was nice. :lol:
If there is a life and death situation and H has to choose between himself and a collegue, I know he would choose his collegue without hesitation. I really doubt he'll die, but hey, you never know.

Of course if he does die I will be devastated :(
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