**Season Nine Spoiler Lab** - Take Two

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^ Yeah, H could sing "I wear my sunglasses at night" lol.

On a side note, I'm wondering what G.O. actually stands for...

"Get Out", "Good One", "Good Omen"? Okay, I'm out of ideas lol.
9.22 - Untitled

Here's what I know...

~ The episode starts off with Horatio and Tripp on an airplane. Jack McNeil, a fugitive, is in their custody and they're in the process of escorting him from the Bahamas to Miami International. Horatio notices something not quite right with the flight pattern, so he talks to the captain who assures him that everything is according to plan. As Horatio makes his way back to his seat, Tripp notices a gun. The flight crew start firing bullets at Horatio and Tripp (including the plane's captain).

~ The plane crashes. Horatio rushes over to Tripp, who is bleeding badly. McNeil somehow escapes.

~ Patrick Clarkson from 9.18 emerges as a connection to the case. Jack somehow helped Patrick escape from prison, and while Patrick is grateful for all of Jack's help, he isn't willing to return the favor.

~ There's a counterfeiting ring in connection to Jack. Agent Lockhart assists the team in capturing Jack.

~ I see everybody mentioned, including Travers and Loman. :)
Thanks for the spoiler vegaslights. The spoiler did make me giggle however.It was stated several seasons ago that H may die in a plane crash,of course it never happened.Does anyone remember that spoiler?
It is great to see Frank involved.
Thanks for the spoiler vegaslights. The spoiler did make me giggle however.It was stated several seasons ago that H may die in a plane crash,of course it never happened.Does anyone remember that spoiler?
It is great to see Frank involved.

I remember it as well. I believe it was going to be the 6th season finale, but the Writer's Strike messed things up.
The plane episode reminds me a little of the time Mac was on a plane and something happened. I know the scenarios were different, but still these CSIs can't even get away from this kind of situation when they're on planes lol.
Plane crash? Reminds me of Season 1 (I think it was the first reg. season episode w/the woman who was pushed out of the plane). Anyhow, sounds interesting. Wonder how the rest of the team will be involved. And while it sounds like a nice scene w/H and Frank, I'd rather see H actually get hurt for a change - seriously, has he EVER had anything more than a superficial wound on this show?? Dollars to donuts Horatio walks away from the crash w/out a scratch :rolleyes:
sounds like a good one alright-would pay to see Horatio's face as the plane goes down...maybe he'll be temporarily knocked out since the bad guy escapes...wow a shootout at 20,000 ft (?) sounds intense. This season has turned into a regular Die Hard situation. If Frank gets like a broken arm that might be interesting just hope he don't bleed too much on Horatio's nice suit..haha
9.22 - "Dead Reckoning."

A bit more info:

A near-death experience causes Tripp to pull back from the team, just at a time when Horatio needs him most.
This has to be the season finale right?I think they said that there were going to be only 22 episodes this season.....

I really like the plot of the season finale!!!Glad that Tripp gets some attention after all these years....
9.22 - Untitled

Here's what I know...

~ The episode starts off with Horatio and Tripp on an airplane. Jack McNeil, a fugitive, is in their custody and they're in the process of escorting him from the Bahamas to Miami International. Horatio notices something not quite right with the flight pattern, so he talks to the captain who assures him that everything is according to plan. As Horatio makes his way back to his seat, Tripp notices a gun. The flight crew start firing bullets at Horatio and Tripp (including the plane's captain).

~ The plane crashes. Horatio rushes over to Tripp, who is bleeding badly. McNeil somehow escapes.

~ Patrick Clarkson from 9.18 emerges as a connection to the case. Jack somehow helped Patrick escape from prison, and while Patrick is grateful for all of Jack's help, he isn't willing to return the favor.

~ There's a counterfeiting ring in connection to Jack. Agent Lockhart assists the team in capturing Jack.

~ I see everybody mentioned, including Travers and Loman. :)

Finally!! The Horatio/Tripp centric episode I've been waiting for forever! I am totally pumped for this! :thumbsup: :lol::beer:
9.22 - "Dead Reckoning."

A bit more info:

A near-death experience causes Tripp to pull back from the team, just at a time when Horatio needs him most.

It is good that Frank gets a bit of screen time. Sure looking forward to this one. But Frank had to be hurt in order to be focused in this episode. Good info, thanks Vegaslights.
So if it's a season finale, it's got to be a cliffhanger, yes? So is it H? Is he badly hurt after all? Sorry, Frank fans, but Frank's future is not sufficiently 'cliffhanging'. And if Frank is 'pulling back' from the team, the crash isn't the finale... Worried now! Even the provisional title is worrying. Quick, tell me more!
It doesn't have to be a cliffhanger,season 5 ended with a noncliff hanger episode.Some of the cliffhangers themselves haven't been suffiently cliffhanging, the season 6 cliffy for instance.More than likely,the cliffy involves H since the spoiler mentions Frank pulling back just when Horatio needs him the most.
Love the fact that Frank is getting more screen time - Love him! Oh, and for some reason, I have no clue who Agent Lockhart is - can someone remind me? Thanks!

~ There's a counterfeiting ring in connection to Jack. Agent Lockhart assists the team in capturing Jack.
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