Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions

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The spoilers I've read so far have not said Nicky will see Warrick's ghost. They only said that Nicky thinks he sees Warrick on the street, but it turns out to be someone else. So, it's his mind playing tricks on him. Kind of like Eric on Miami seeing Speedle that time, only not as severe.
Damn politics! I need some fresh CSI! :scream:

cca, if any of them had any reason to go nuts, it would be Nick. With having a gun pulled on you, being stalked by the cable guy, being buried alive and coming thisclose to killing himself, it think that's enough to push anybody over the edge. As Warrick is/was his (best?) friend, possibly at first he'd be in shock, that as days/weeks went by, he'd feel the impact of it. Grissom might blame himself b/c he's the supervisor/friend and thinks he should have realized that there was a mole in the department....???

But Nick might have greater guilt since he was the last one with him....he didn't walk his friend out.....might even blame himself!

I think this will be a great opportunity to play on the emotions of the two men that have been the closest to Warrick....Remember the last words Nick spoke to Warrick...I'll call you later.....he had at least a plan to probably see him later, possibly to go out for that it will not happen....not good for Nicky's psyche!
Some tid-bits from the TV Guide about now news and future news, for fans who haven't read this yet, the last one is from the new TV Guide not even on the stands as of yet, dated Sept.1-7!


The CSI lab in Vegas is seriously understaffed, now that William Petersen hass announced he'll follow William Petersen has announced he'll follow Gary Dourdan and Jorja Fox out the door. But don't say good-bye to old freinds just yet. Sara Sidle [Fox] returns for a least 3 episodes. "She can't actually be actively involved in the investigations, but she does get involved in a case from her own past in episode 2", teases exec. producer Naren Shankar. Warrick Brown [Dourdan] isn't done either, as a plot twist reveals something that "speaks to the man Warrick was trying to become An even though Petersen will be leaving after 10 episodes, the curtain isn't closing on Gil Grissom. "No doors are shut", Shankar says >"Billy wants to be involved with the show going forward, and Grissom will return if there's a story that creatively demands it":bolian:


Laurence Fishburne felt "embarrassed" he hadn't watched CSI before meeting with the producers. But he still landed the gig as William Petersen's replacement starting in ep. 9 of this season. Fishburne who has not done a TV series since "Pee-wee's Playhouse" in 1987:wtf: will play a professor who helps Grissom as an expert witness. He finds that being a CSI might be a 2nd career, says exec. producer Naran Shankar, "It's partially driven by the fact that he has a complex of genetic syndromes making him feel he might have criminal tendencies" Grissom and the prof. will overlap for two episodes, but Shankar promises a strong reaction: "Gil will definetly have an opinion on who this guy is"
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Thanks for the new stuff! It sounds like this season could go pretty well! LF looks like he could be the breath of freah air that CSI needs!
Uh Oh! Goodness! I dont think you understand how hard it is for me to control my laughter right now. But, never the less, i have actually laughed out loud at the previous statement.:guffaw:

Sorry! So, "speaks to the man Warrick was trying to become." Wonder what thats all about!:confused:
I did know all of the info in the first little article, but the last sentence in the one about Fishburne is totally new to me. :)

Hmmm...Grissom will have a strong opinion about this professor...Will it be good or bad? Will Grissom know that he's becoming a CSI or does it happen after Grissom is gone? Does Grissom encourage the professor to become a CSI? So many questions!!!:confused:

What I'd like to see would have them butt heads occasionally, but in a positive way, like a friendly competition of intelligence. So, although Grissom will not know the professor very well before leaving, Grissom will know he'll make a good CSI and Grissom will feel comfortable leaving the team with him as the new baby CSI. Haha, it's funny to think of this Fishburne guy as the baby of the team considering he's closer to Grissom's age than Nick's or Greg's. :lol:

Oooh! I just thought of this! Has anyone heard anything about Wendy? Last time I heard, she was training to be a CSI and was flirting more with Hodges. I personally like Wendy and would like her to become a CSI. I also think it would create a neat romantic rivelry between her and Hodges. ;) I know Liz (Wendy) was supposed to become a main character, but I've also heard that only Super Dave is making the move...:shifty:

Also, what about this Chris Owens guy? Do you think he'll be that new CSI guy replacing Warrick named Ray S...whatever-it-is?:wtf:

Ahh, too many questions! :confused: I need October to come quickly for the sake of my sanity!:lol:
All I can think it means is that maybe Tina's baby is gonna turn out to be Warrick's kid after all. Warrick wanted to become a better man and sometimes having a child forces people to grow up and become better people. That's all I can figure it means. :shrugs: We really need a shrugging smilie. :lol:
Maybe Warrick's kid is actually Nick's.

Ooooh now there's a soap opera waiting to happen..

I still want the alleycat to find Warrick in the alley.
I did know all of the info in the first little article, but the last sentence in the one about Fishburne is totally new to me. :)

Hmmm...Grissom will have a strong opinion about this professor...Will it be good or bad? Will Grissom know that he's becoming a CSI or does it happen after Grissom is gone? Does Grissom encourage the professor to become a CSI? So many questions!!!:confused:

What I'd like to see would have them butt heads occasionally, but in a positive way, like a friendly competition of intelligence. So, although Grissom will not know the professor very well before leaving, Grissom will know he'll make a good CSI and Grissom will feel comfortable leaving the team with him as the new baby CSI. Haha, it's funny to think of this Fishburne guy as the baby of the team considering he's closer to Grissom's age than Nick's or Greg's. :lol:

Oooh! I just thought of this! Has anyone heard anything about Wendy? Last time I heard, she was training to be a CSI and was flirting more with Hodges. I personally like Wendy and would like her to become a CSI. I also think it would create a neat romantic rivelry between her and Hodges. ;) I know Liz (Wendy) was supposed to become a main character, but I've also heard that only Super Dave is making the move...:shifty:

Also, what about this Chris Owens guy? Do you think he'll be that new CSI guy replacing Warrick named Ray S...whatever-it-is?:wtf:

Ahh, too many questions! :confused: I need October to come quickly for the sake of my sanity!:lol:

I know who Chris Owens is...Mulder's brother from the Xfiles....Please tell me not!!!
I know who Chris Owens is...Mulder's brother from the Xfiles....Please tell me not!!!

I thought he played the son of the cigarette smoking man? I dunno, I didn't watch Xfiles but a very few times. :lol: But, that's what I read.
Maybe Warrick's kid is actually Nick's.

Ooooh now there's a soap opera waiting to happen..

I still want the alleycat to find Warrick in the alley.

A big cat with serious CSI skills! :lol:

I'm ready to see Lady Heather back. Her storylines always make a big impact on the lab.
I know who Chris Owens is...Mulder's brother from the Xfiles....Please tell me not!!!

I thought he played the son of the cigarette smoking man? I dunno, I didn't watch Xfiles but a very few times. :lol: But, that's what I read.
His character in the X Files, Spencer, was indeed Smoking Man's son. He was also Mulder's half-brother. The relationship between Mulder's parents and Smoking Man was a bit complicated. :D
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