Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions

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A show I remember doing this extremely well was "thirtysomething" in the aftermath of Gary's death.

Ugh... I was so mad at that show for killing him off that I quit watching after they did. :lol: Hey, maybe that's someone they can bring in to CSI. Peter Horton! Where's he been all this time anyway? :lol:
A show I remember doing this extremely well was "thirtysomething" in the aftermath of Gary's death.
Ugh... I was so mad at that show for killing him off that I quit watching after they did. :lol: Hey, maybe that's someone they can bring in to CSI. Peter Horton! Where's he been all this time anyway? :lol:
I was crushed that they did it, but also felt they handled it extremely well. And the fact that they were able to keep this a secret right up until the show aired was just amazing, and a big part of why it was so believably shocking. Probably wouldn't happen now, in this spoiler-driven age, and actually was becoming increasingly rare even back then.

In the immediate aftermath of Gary's death, I experienced a great deal of catharsis in the way his "ghost" interacted with Michael and helped Michael resolve a lot of stuff that had been troubling him. It was after he disappeared, and life for the main characters returned to "normal," that I found it impossible to watch. I did watch the series finale, however. Still think "thirtysomething" is one of those great underappreciated TV series of all time.

Peter Horton has been extremely busy ever since as an actor, director and producer. If you look up his bio on IMDb, you'll see a lot of familiar titles:
Here's an article from our 'buddy' Mike Auseillo:rolleyes: formerly with TV Guide now with EW magazine, and WP talking about leaving & some up-coming episodes, etc.

I read this on

I just read about William Petersen leaving CSI. Please tell me that Gil is simply going to go lecture again, like last time. — Kim
CBS is keeping a very tight lid on how exactly Grissom will depart, other than leaving open the option for him to return periodically. Our own Matt Roush is reporting that Petersen's remaining episodes will deal partly with the aftermath of Warrick's shooting, perhaps indicating that Gil's departure will not be as simple as another turn on the lecture circuit, emotionally speaking.
Thank's Wojo interesting, things change by the minute don't they? I can't wait to see who this "new person" is, I wonder if they know, but aren't telling just yet?:wtf:
From this week's Ask Ausiello:

Got any more details on Lady Heather's return to CSI? — Christy
Yes, but if you're of the opinion that there's only one woman for Grissom and her name rhymes with Farrah then you may want to jump ahead to the next question. According to executive producer Naren Shankar, when Melinda Clarke's dominatrix returns in November to console an in-crisis Grissom, "This will be the most intimate that we have seen them." Shankar's partner in Crime, EP Carol Mendelsohn, takes it a step further, revealing that, "Grissom will go to bed at Lady Heather's. Whether he will go to bed with Lady Heather remains to be seen. But Grissom will spend most of that episode at Lady Heather's."

What kind of "genetic quirk" will Grissom's CSI replacement possess exactly? — Jaime
He's going to have some funky (and potentially lethal) DNA. Hint: This isn't the first time a character in the CSI-verse had this specific abnormality.
He's going to have some funky (and potentially lethal) DNA. Hint: This isn't the first time a character in the CSI-verse had this specific abnormality.

Well, I know they can't be referring to Paul Milander, cause he was born female if I recall... but there was an episode where a guy was a "Chimera". He raped a woman, but when they did the SAE kit, his dna didn't match that found on the victim. It was cause he'd been a twin or something and absorbed his twin, therefore creating two different DNA profiles within one person. But, I don't see how that's a necessarily "lethal" dna, but it was kind of an abnormality.

About Grissom and Heather, my guess is that Gil is upset and can't sleep and Heather lays down with him to comfort him, but nothing romantic happens. Maybe it's kind of (and please forgive the reference, but I can't think of anything else) a Dawson/Joey - before their hookup type of thing. I didn't watch DC a lot, but I recall seeing eps where she'd come in and sit on the bed watching movies with him and they'd fall asleep together, but nothing happened. Maybe it's kind of like that.
vegaslights said:
From this week's Ask Ausiello:

Got any more details on Lady Heather's return to CSI? — Christy
Ausiello: Yes, but if you're of the opinion that there's only one woman for Grissom and her name rhymes with Farrah then you may want to jump ahead to the next question. According to executive producer Naren Shankar, when Melinda Clarke's dominatrix returns in November to console an in-crisis Grissom, "This will be the most intimate that we have seen them." Shankar's partner in Crime, EP Carol Mendelsohn, takes it a step further, revealing that, "Grissom will go to bed at Lady Heather's. Whether he will go to bed with Lady Heather remains to be seen. But Grissom will spend most of that episode at Lady Heather's."

You know this makes me happy. I'm glad she's coming back and they are giving her a good storyline. She's not the victim or a suspect this time. More like a friend/confidant to Grissom. Which is what she has been all along. (I'll save the rest of my thoughts for the shipper thread ;) )
I have absoutely no interest in Lady Heather or her return, she bores me, after that S/7 western/saloon fiasco, throwing the contiunity of the season off kilter, and Grissom doing her yet another favor, I thought that was the end of her, to me she fits in no where on this show, and always brought negative drama to the table!:rolleyes:, I'm interested in seeing Natalie the psycho Minature Killer and Grissom cross paths, how an what transpires, how she played cat and mouse with him when he was interogating her last season, and what will transpire this time, Jessica Collins played a good role, as this deranged cunning character, and it'll be interesting to see what's she's up to this time!
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I have absoutely no interest in Lady Heather or her return, she bores me:rolleyes:, I'm interested in seeing Natalie the psycho Minature Killer and Grissom cross paths, how an what transpires, how she played cat and mouse with him when he was interogating her last season, and what will transpire this time, Jessica Collins played a good role, as this deranged cunning character, and it'll be interesting to see what's she's up to this time!

See, that's why they say "Diff'rent strokes for diff'rent folks." I find Lady Heather's return fascinating. Especially after her last appearence. It seems like they finished her storyline, but now....who knows.

I find the whole Miniature killer thing boring. She's had a psychotic break with reality. Coming back from those is dicey at best. Besides, if she were to come back, I'd be willing to bet that no psychiatrist would find her fit to stand trial. Plus, I'd think that she'd be so pumped full of meds that she'd be a zombie.

Even if she said "I'm sorry, Sara," I'm not feeling it. Bring on Heather, I say.
He's going to have some funky (and potentially lethal) DNA. Hint: This isn't the first time a character in the CSI-verse had this specific abnormality.
Well, I know they can't be referring to Paul Milander, cause he was born female if I recall... but there was an episode where a guy was a "Chimera". He raped a woman, but when they did the SAE kit, his dna didn't match that found on the victim. It was cause he'd been a twin or something and absorbed his twin, therefore creating two different DNA profiles within one person. But, I don't see how that's a necessarily "lethal" dna, but it was kind of an abnormality.

About Grissom and Heather, my guess is that Gil is upset and can't sleep and Heather lays down with him to comfort him, but nothing romantic happens. Maybe it's kind of (and please forgive the reference, but I can't think of anything else) a Dawson/Joey - before their hookup type of thing. I didn't watch DC a lot, but I recall seeing eps where she'd come in and sit on the bed watching movies with him and they'd fall asleep together, but nothing happened. Maybe it's kind of like that.

You guys know all this talk about him having characteristics of a killer? Or something like that? Maybe they were referring to Keppler instead, you know how Keppler talked as if he were the killer? And pretended to be in their place? What if that's what they mean...
As far as I know, Keppler didn't have any DNA abnormalities that would make him a killer. And the spoilers say the new guy will have the dna abnormalities.

And I hated Natalie (the character, not the actress). I found it kind of anticlimatic who the minature killer turned out to be. I'd rather not see that character again, ever... personally. Lady Heather, I'm indifferent to. Don't care one way or another as long as there's no S&M scenes with Grissom. That's just kind of a scary thought. Grissom is not the type. :lol:
I've always been interested in Lady Heather and I can't wait to see her back.

I was not into the Natalie character as the MK either. But maybe they will wrap up the story better because to me it really never was.
*Comes out from lurking*

I personally think the return of LH is a good thing. After everything Grissom has done for her maybe she is returning the favour. Its obviously going to be a tough season for Grissom and as he has no family around he turns to a friend who isn't somewhat connected to all the goings on in the lab. I think this will be the conclusion to their storyline once and for all...even if Grissom does come back in the furture.

Also, I want to see Natalie return. I feel that the storyline was never concluded properly and now we get a chance to see this. It makes me think that as with Sara, Grissom is now "burying his ghosts", only his are all in Vegas.

*Goes back into lurking*
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I'm happy that LH is back for an episode. I think she's a terrific character, wonderfully played by Melinda Clarke.

How they will work it? Who knows! Maybe her and Griss will go on a bender* :lol:

*Game Face hopes that 'bender' means the same to other people as it does to us in the north of the UK. In case it doesn't - 'bender' means - go out and get really really drunk :p
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