Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions P4

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I'm not a huge fan of Cynthia Watros who is guest starring in the finale. She was in Lost (Which has recently become my replacement for CSI seeing how it's gotten quite terrible IMO after Grissom left.) Cynthia's character Libby was getting set up for an interesting story line when the actor did something and got fired. They just randomly dropped the storyline so there is a large loose end that never got explained.
So, yeah. I'm not a fan of the actor.

Yep. So. The finale sounds bad. But I don't expect much these days.

PS. The reason Nick isn't the center of this episode isn't because of Langston, it's because of GSR. Like always.
ALRIGHTY THEN... May I just step in here and remind folks of something very important..

Spoilers are subject to changes and should only be considered as a guide to what could be happening in that episode, and not what will happen.

So now everyone is getting so bent out of shape, I don't see so and so's name, so and so is in to many scenes of that ep, so and so was suppost to be in this ep, tptb hates so and so, what the hell is happening to this show and so and so and so and so and so and so's character..... :wtf:

All this based on what, descripts of an episode, some from places that can be mentioned, and places that can't? People please take a breath and relax, and remember the quote above. I understand your frustrations I do but honestly I think folks need to just calm down, some are starting to mix it up abit blaming the "star" for the "character". Which can be confusing. You like a character, you like a star and yet, you dislike something about what is going on, on the show, thing is it's not necessairly the "Stars" fault, or it could be the "Stars" decision (for many reasons unknown). Just because we don't hear it doesn't mean it isn't true, doesn't mean it isn't either.

Now in saying that we know the rule for discussing the stars, and what this thread is here for, but we have to look at both sides of this and try, try to be rational, due to the fact that its a fictional show, character and for the most part storylines. It's fine to get wrapped up in your favs and wanting them to shine, and I am sure the stars are loving the passion the fans have, but there is a time when you have to come back down to earth, not over-react to something until you actually see it and realize that quote that is mentioned above. For the sake of your sanity and well mine! :p

Thank you and Carry on! :D
PS. The reason Nick isn't the center of this episode isn't because of Langston, it's because of GSR. Like always.

I really think that remark was uncalled for. No one is even discussing GSR or blaming them for it?

All it seems you're trying to do is start something. You think the show is terrible without Grissom, well I hate to tell you this, but it would be the same show, the same storylines if Grissom was still there. I think you need to remember that.

And if you really don't like the show anymore without him, than stop watching it.

Now, has anyone heard what this illness is that is going to be killing people in Vegas. Hmmmm, I wonder if someone at CSI will get it and they have to find what it is before times up?
I really think that remark was uncalled for. No one is even discussing GSR or blaming them for it?

All it seems you're trying to do is start something. You think the show is terrible without Grissom, well I hate to tell you this, but it would be the same show, the same storylines if Grissom was still there. I think you need to remember that.

And if you really don't like the show anymore without him, than stop watching it

I have to agree with speedy. I mean what was the point of your remarks?
Wait illness? That is for "The dead Gone Train" right? If so, Cath comes in contact with it, right? If so, then I wonder if it will be airbourne or what. Sorry if these points have already been clarified I haven't really been paying attention. the info about the finale has fried my brain.
Well I know from past spoilers that Cath gets attacked by a woman with rabies. Maybe that's it?

"Hog Heaven" - The CSIs are on the case when a member of a motorcycle gang is murdered at a local biker bar, on CSI: CRIME SCENE INVESTIGATION, Thursday, May 7 (9:00-10:01 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.

Conrad Ecklie................................ Marc Vann
Archie Johnson.............................. Archie Kao
Mandy Webster.................... Sheeri Rappaport
Officer Mitchell.......................... Larry Mitchell
Det. Sam Vega......................... Geoffrey Rivas
Badger.................................. Andy Mackenzie
Joey Niagra/Jack Nettles.......... Jamie McBride
Judge Death............................ Lorin McCraley
Jackass......................................... Joe Reitman
Tonya Charles.............................. Bonnie Root
Rita Nettles................................... Ally Walker
Smitty........................................ Kevin Thomas
Rudy................................ Ronnie Gene Blevins
Teddy Floyd................................... Brian Allen
Lot Attendant............................. Jernard Burks
Hooper............................................ Tim Sitarz
Desk Officer.................... Joseph Patrick Kelly
Lead Righteous Dog......................... VJ Foster
Officer Lawrence.......................... Jason Sweat

WRITTEN BY: David Rambo
DIRECTED BY: Louis Milito, one of the series' co-executive producers

It looks like Ecklie's in this one. I'm curious as to whether this means that there will be some personnel-related tension, likely centering on Brass since it is his episode.
It looks like Ecklie's in this one. I'm curious as to whether this means that there will be some personnel-related tension, likely centering on Brass since it is his episode.

Didn't a spoiler awhile ago say that Brass had a past relationship with a female officer or detective that is a part of the case? I can't remember what exactly...maybe someone else does?
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