Season 9 in the UK

:cool:Not from me Mary. I thought it was very Horatio that he would give his spare clip of bullets, when going into a fire fight himself, to his unarmed fellow officer and friend.:cool:
I agree with the 5 voiceover woman- they should have stuck to Monopoly.
The episode was ok, but 'the game' was a rather silly invention. How did the woman in charge of it not realise that she would be arrested for at least wasting police time- why did they even need to call the police to the club when Neil had already run out of the building? And ok, so Neil escapes the police for a while but what is supposed to be the end result? Some rather large holes in the plot.
Most importantly, why was Ryan only in the epi briefly? I didnt get my requisite Ryan fix!!
Ah Ryan was so few on this week's epi (paint it black), and will be even less on next one (go)?:wtf:
That is not fair. Totally unfair. *facepalm*
I wanted next epi (go) with more Ryan so my Ryan-hungry mind wouldn't be eating me *headdesk*

Whoops. Forgot to share my pov about Paint It Black.
So here it is:

*loved first scene until Eric showed up and stopped the fun (yes, suspect chasing Ryan is always a fun).
*something felt kinda odd about Ryan and the way he inspected the scene (don't remember details, had to stare at Ryan, and it was on Tuesday for heavensakes).
*the girl was suspicious to me but turned out my first suspicion was right.
*the case itself was fairly interesting to watch though too much reminded me of The United States Of Tara (yeah watched that while ago).
*Ryan disappeared from the last part of episode (or became invisible?).
*Walter's knowledge in art. Handy and nice. He got the spotlights yet again. I keep wondering what else surprising knowledges he has:lol:
*at least they were nice to the girl knowing she didn't kill her friend.
^ There was a previous episode (think it was dude, where's my groom) where Walter said part of his degree was art. So at least there was some continuity, and it makes a change. Not much Walter in last nights episode.
I made the mistake of trying to watch the finale (where's the time gone!) whilst downloading microsoft. Big mistake, stupid thing wasnt loading, and I couldn;t concentrate on Miami properly!
I might have to watch it again. I did enjoy what I saw. Great to see Frank getting some screentime, Frank is great.
Why is it that the bad guys in this, or the pilot helping the bad guy in this case, always seem surprised when they are caught that they are going to be charged with a crime? What do they expect? The scene in the plane was quite silly.
Aww, not much Ryan again. But glad there was plenty of Natalia, Eva has really had so much more to do this season, what with Emily out of action. It has been good for a change, a different female to be in peril!
So, Renee was supposed to be the love interest for H? Although that idea seems to have been dropped now, I could see potential there. The chemistry wasnt jumping off the screen, but I think it could have been a good relationship. Better that the Marisol thing.
Horatio looked in real pain at the end! That is very unusual to see for super-H. Good cliffhanger ending.

Well, hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas. x
I watched the finale on Five on Tuesday, then again an hour later on 5+1, and just watched the re-run tonight! And I have to say, I really liked it. Good screen-time for everyone (except Ryan, but... that's OK with me!), and nice to see Frank being a grumpy old git extraordinaire! Oh, I love Frank!! :lol: And Walter's line: "I'm president Obama!" Hilarious!!:guffaw:

I seem to remember everyone talking about Renee as H's 'love interest' as soon as season 9 finished in the US, but I'm puzzled why - there was no hint at it in the episode...

I thought Natalia's sense of panic at the end was really well done, and as for Horatio being a real man at the end - yes, loved it! No bullet-proof super-H this time.

Can't believe the season's over already. :( No doubt they'll start re-running it in January! Not sure I can wait until July for Season 10 - anyone know what's the best place to watch it online?

So all that remains is to wish you all a merry Christmas / happy Hannukah, and all the best for 2012.

Well I've seen the season finale while ago online and I liked it.
I think the characters were well used (always could be more Ryan though...) and none seemed onscreen too much.
Kinda liked H getting shot (finally some proof he's not a cyborg or superhumanonid:lol: )

Well Nat getting locked in the car was kinda thrilling too. But somehow it made me think she was stupid just going there without much of a backup (as I remember there was only H).

Gotta watch the episode next Tuesday as it's on tv finally.
I might give some more opinion.
Can't believe either!
Time flys fast.

I believe they could get next season for next autumn but not sure though. Not in summer however. This summer they got break so they went back on September and I missed an episode (in total I've missed only two episodes from whole 9(6) seasons I've seen ever since).
I still remember how desperately they advertised MMIH episode (like nuts. I guess the guy, or whatever, who put that promo on commercial breaks so often was fallen for Ryan:guffaw:).

Anyways, happy holidays/Hanukah/Christmas, or whatever you celebrate, and be in happy-go-lucky mood so everything's bright and funny!:lol:
Finally caught up with all those episodes on the sky + box. I forget the episode titles but it was a mixed bag I thought. The one with the business mans game, having seen the Michael Douglas film of the same name I guessed that it was all going to be a set up by the brother (identical to the film). Very disappointed that again the show has used a movie as its inspiration for a story, that must be about 4 episodes in this season that seem to have used a similar movie storyline.

The one with the girl with the spilt personalty (sounds like A Friends episode), again very disappointing I thought. I actually thought that this was going to be a rehash of the Edward Norton/Richard Gere movie where the villain pretends to have a split personality to get off with a murder. Thankfully I was wrong about that one, but the story didnt hold my attention to be honest.

The one where Natalie is kidnapped by the the 'murderer' trying to prove his innocence. I enjoyed this one.

The cage fighter episode was ok. I think this is one that featured some crazy camera work from Ryans POV as he was chasing a suspect (another point of this latest season is the amount of chasing / running done by CSI's, much better when it includes Natalie ;-) )

Overall I think this last few epsidoes of the season, especially after the hunting ground episode (which I really enjoyed) has been very up and down in terms of its quality, more so in terms of the crimes I think.

I cant believe we are near the end of the season already, as usual its flown by. Overall I think the season has had more duff episodes than usual. I think Kellys character has been missed as well. However its good that that has allowed the others to have a little more screen time, especially Ryan and Natalie.
Well season 9's officially ended here in Latvia too. In three days I'll be watching season 10 already and can't wait for that:)

Agree about the movie storylines.
G.O. if I'm correct was that episode of the guy's brother ordering that game. And I really felt that Dejavu of the episode.
The episode about split personality also recalled one movie (i suppose the same one) of guy pretending to have two personalities to escape prison. And also that tv show I mentioned before.

As for the finale, there was nothing really to say. Only that I wanted more Ryan. But I'll get that in new season.
Am I missing something - when is the season finale on in the UK. Its disappeared off my sky+ series link planner and its not on tv in its usual slot tonight. Have I missed it?
^ Yes, it was on in Christmas week- think it was the 20th December. I agree Andy, this season has been rather hit and miss, but then again no more so than the last few seasons.
BDS- Glad you are getting to see season 10, enjoy!

I am not sure when we will get season 10 here in the UK. Looking at my tv guide for next week there is a new show moving into the 9pm Tuesday slot on five, and it has 10 episodes. So that means Vegas will be shown much later than usual, and that will probably delay Miami starting. Not a good sign, plus I am used to my CSI Tuesdays!
^ Yes, it was on in Christmas week- think it was the 20th December. I agree Andy, this season has been rather hit and miss, but then again no more so than the last few seasons.
BDS- Glad you are getting to see season 10, enjoy!

I am not sure when we will get season 10 here in the UK. Looking at my tv guide for next week there is a new show moving into the 9pm Tuesday slot on five, and it has 10 episodes. So that means Vegas will be shown much later than usual, and that will probably delay Miami starting. Not a good sign, plus I am used to my CSI Tuesdays!
Shit, I missed the final episode then.

The thing about season 9 that annoyed me more than having the usual hit and miss episodes were the 4 episodes that were (imo) ripped straight from films, the prsion break episode with the hidden tunnels taken staight from Law Abiding Citizen, the human hunting episdoe taken from Hard Target, the dual personality episode taken from Primal Fear and the businessman being set up for a murder taken from the Game. I'm sure in seasons past they've used films as an inspiration, but 4 in one season is too much and its worrying that they may be running short of ideas.
Yes and I've already seen first three episodes online before so I'm tripple happy.
Finally we (latvians) got first to something:lol:
Anyways hope you got to see season 10 soon because I predict it's not gonna be for much long otherwise it's like what, 10th world miracle?:guffaw: