Season 8 **Spoiler Lab** - 'Quench Your Thirst!'

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It also seems that we might actually get a new M.E.! His name, as of right now, is Tom Lowman. I don't know if he is permanent or if he just for the ep. But he talks to H about the victims from the beach volleyball game.

Woo-hoo! I hope he's between 30ish- 50ish and it'd be nice if he had like an Irish or Australian accent. :lol: We've already got the English accent with Travers. :)

Delkolover, could you tell if Eric was back to work in this ep or if he's still on leave and just came in for the interview?

:guffaw:you so made me laugh no offence to anyone or anything but americans so do a bad impersonation of aussies :lol: although adam nearly gets it right in new film.....

Ok so presuming ......maybe it could be just temporary or maybe a new ME so more men??? the chicks are outvoted here..... that would make it what?? about 7 men to 3 women???

And i would love to see them have eric out of work a bit longer for either recovery or an investigation into his actions on that day etc etc.... dont kill me for saying it please :shifty: but good we finally see some authority being put in place since I.A.B in involved do we see anything on Rick Stetler??? hope so....;)

Yes. Rick Stetler is in the ep. He is actually the one who interviews Calleigh while a guest character plays the IA Agent who interviews Eric.

One thing will be for sure, if there really is tension between E/C then the team dynamic will definately be interesting. I mean how could they could work together? Obviously he feels more of the animosity than she does. I think she feels more guilty than anything....but how can they work together? Unless one of them switches shifts? Things will be very "tense" otherwise.

I did notice that neither of them are throwing the other under the bus. However, Stetler does ask Cal if she perceived Eric as "fleeing" the scene or simply, as he says, escorting Sharova. Cal hesitates...the spoilers change scenes before we get to see her I am wondering if her guiltly conscience will make her throw herself under the bus? Ya know in order to save him and allow him to get back to work? She does say to Horatio in an earlier scene that she doesn't know how to explain how she shot Eric while he was seemingly fleeing a scene w/o making one or BOTH of them look bad. H tells her to simply tell the truth.
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:lol: Let's open up the episode with Ryan and Eric exchanging tips on facing the IAB.

I expected this E/C drama to unfold eventually and I'm glad they're getting it out of the way in the 3rd episode instead of later, but I genuinely hope this is the back cover of the romance saga. I'd like to see the rest of the season move onto other things. Hopefully tptb won't continue to dig their heels in the turf with this. There's only so much you can milk a storyline before characters start needing therapy...or brain surgery.

Let's shift the focus a bit.
:lol: Let's open up the episode with Ryan and Eric exchanging tips on facing the IAB.

I expected this E/C drama to unfold eventually and I'm glad they're getting it out of the way in the 3rd episode instead of later, but I genuinely hope this is the back cover of the romance saga. I'd like to see the rest of the season move onto other things. Hopefully tptb won't continue to dig their heels in the turf with this. There's only so much you can milk a storyline before characters start needing therapy...or brain surgery.

Let's shift the focus a bit.

I agree Wasabi the sooner the better. I couldn't have said this better myself. Hopefully dispite all of this most of the attention will be on the main crime and on the CSIs trying to solve it.:thumbsup:
Honestly I don't think this is the "back cover" of this romance at all. Every single show on TV does this to their couples. And the writers didn't go to all the trouble of getting them together, boasting how this would affect them when they talked about the finale to simply have this be the end. No, I think we are in for some relationship drama. ;)

I'm sure, and have seen it from reading the episode spoilers for the season thus far, that the "balance" does seem to be back. There is continuity but at the same time there is a great focus on the forensics and the cases. I also noticed, thus far, other than what is left over from the finale there doesn't seem to be some big "threat" (like the Russians or the Male Noche) rearing its ugly head. At least not yet. And I personally hope it stays that way for a while.

To be honest, what I am looking for from this season is, obviously my ship but also more screen time for those who have been ignored and the focus moving away from the "on going threat" storyline (again ie the Russians) and back to the cases....more specifically the little guy. I am a little tired of seeing the rich kill each other for stupid reasons. Regular, not so well off people get murdered pretty unique ways as well.

Miami tends to make itself "surreal" but that doesn't mean that everyone has to be richie rich.
:lol: Let's open up the episode with Ryan and Eric exchanging tips on facing the IAB.

:lol: That would be really funny! They should do that. :lol:

Man, I am so excited for the 8th season. And now since it's August, we can say NEXT MONTH the show comes back on with new eps. We're getting closer. :thumbsup:

It sounds like Rick Stetler is getting more screentime, which makes me--and I'm sure I can speak for the rest of the Stetler/DLS fans--EXTREMELY HAPPY! :beer: It's awesome to hear that he'll be in two episodes back to back. And I can't wait to find out if he has become Lieutenant of IAB. It sure sounds like it. Everything I've been reading and catching up on in this spoiler thread is making this upcoming season sound soooo good. I'm looking forward to the character Jesse and the new male M.E. It all just sounds soooo great!

Thank you very much, delkolover for all the info and spoilers!!! :thumbsup:
:lol: Let's open up the episode with Ryan and Eric exchanging tips on facing the IAB.

:lol: That would be really funny! They should do that. :lol:

Man, I am so excited for the 8th season. And now since it's August, we can say NEXT MONTH the show comes back on with new eps. We're getting closer. :thumbsup:

It sounds like Rick Stetler is getting more screentime, which makes me--and I'm sure I can speak for the rest of the Stetler/DLS fans--EXTREMELY HAPPY! :beer: It's awesome to hear that he'll be in two episodes back to back. And I can't wait to find out if he has become Lieutenant of IAB. It sure sounds like it. Everything I've been reading and catching up on in this spoiler thread is making this upcoming season sound soooo good. I'm looking forward to the character Jesse and the new male M.E. It all just sounds soooo great!

Thank you very much, delkolover for all the info and spoilers!!! :thumbsup:

Did I miss something? Was Stetler supposed to have been promoted? Or are you guys just speculating and hoping that he got promoted?

I can't wait to see him....he really is the guy you love to hate! Plus he just makes things way more interesting around the lab! :lol:
The thing is, it's got almost nothing to do with Eric and Cal dating. It's how tptb are using this plotline that really matters.

E/C has had a finale and the better half of a premier to itself. I feel the romance is a far more fufilling storyline on several levels than other characters get, which disrupts balance and also isn't very fair. I also feel it has no where to go but down from here. Are TPTB just going to use up the relationship until Eric and Cal leave a bitter taste in our mouths? There's a lot of worry there for me.

Let's indeed hope 'balance is back.' I hope nothing bad for the couple, I just think it's very needed to move on or use the relationship more broadly. I hope this season focuses more on creating the solid team feeling again, tying up loose ends where it's needed, and giving some better stuff to the characters that need it. :thumbsup:
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ok promise last for the day otherwise it'll just bug me all day ....but was just thinking if eric is being questioned by I.Aabout "that" day is there anyone else thinking that maybe they are recycling ryans inside/out storyline and now its erics turn??? just a thought....

and a friend just had a good thought too....noticing the other CSI shows have a bigger cast maybe they doing the same with miami too expanding???....ok im done
^ wouldn't be the first time they recycled! Hence why I thought Eric and Ryan should get together and create a battle strategy for Eric. :lol: Both Eric and Ryan seem to get hooked on the trouble lure quite often.
That is a good question! ;) Unfortunately, I can't tell. The spoilers that contained the "interviews" were simply that....interviews. The spoilers picked up in the middle of them. So I don't know if he is back to work yet or just in for the interview. I am thinking though that he needs this interview to go well and be cleared by IAB before he can go back to work. I'm sure he was mainly off b/c of his injury but probably this too.

That's a good possibility (that he needs to clear the issue with IAB before returning to his job). I can't believe I didn't think of that. :lol:

And our new M.E. is described as being "30 yrs old and a science fair winner turned doctor" He seems very excited to be working with H....I know b/c he actually tells H that when they meet! ;)

Aww, he sounds cute and sweet. :lol: Wonder if they'll get a fairly well known actor to play him or someone whose more of a newbie. He sounds kind of like a young Grissom. haha! Thanks for the info, delkolover. :)

Oh also, and I can't believe I forgot to mention this....Jesse Cardoza is officially a CSI. He arrives at the crime scene and Wolfe asks him if it is official and Jesse replies yes, he was sworn in that morning. Wolfe jokes that he thought the hostage situation would have scared him off but Jesse says that is how he always makes his entrance!

:lol: I love his answer to Ryan. Very cute. Sounds like someone with a good sense of humor. I'm excited to see banter between him and the others.

:guffaw:you so made me laugh no offence to anyone or anything but americans so do a bad impersonation of aussies :lol:

Heh... well I know that I myself am horrible at an Aussie accent. I can say the word "mate" pretty convincingly in the accent, but nothing else. :lol:

although adam nearly gets it right in new film.....

Adam does an Aussie accent? I thought he was supposed to be playing a Mexican immigrant or something?

One thing will be for sure, if there really is tension between E/C then the team dynamic will definately be interesting. I mean how could they could work together? Obviously he feels more of the animosity than she does. I think she feels more guilty than anything....but how can they work together? Unless one of them switches shifts? Things will be very "tense" otherwise.

I think you're right about Cal feeling guilty and Eric being the one with the animosity. And I do think it makes sense that he'd be more upset with the fact that she didn't trust him to do the right thing than the fact that she shot at him (which was an accident). Shift switch- Hmm... with a new CSI, could it possible that a shift switch is in the works? But who will be the one to switch Cal or Eric? Interesting... Now I'm all curious about that. :lol:

:lol: Let's open up the episode with Ryan and Eric exchanging tips on facing the IAB.

Haha! I just want more friendly banter between the two altogether. I loved the exchange about Ryan's leather pants... and not just because it put a very :drool: worthy image in my head. :lol:

I also noticed, thus far, other than what is left over from the finale there doesn't seem to be some big "threat" (like the Russians or the Male Noche) rearing its ugly head. At least not yet. And I personally hope it stays that way for a while.

From your post to the writers' eyes. :lol: Seriously, I'm so sick of gangs/mobs. Not in just CSI: Miami, but in any show. If I wanted to see Mafia stuff I'd watch the Sopranos. :lol:

I am a little tired of seeing the rich kill each other for stupid reasons. Regular, not so well off people get murdered pretty unique ways as well.

We are definitely in agreement with this one. Miami's criminals are all nearly celebs.... or at least as rich as a celeb. :lol: Aren't there any middle class people in Miami? :lol:

Did I miss something? Was Stetler supposed to have been promoted? Or are you guys just speculating and hoping that he got promoted?

Someone stated a few pages back that Stetler was refered to as Lt. in some of the spoilers. No one really knows if it was a typo in the original spoilers or if it's actually true. If it's true then maybe there could be something to this shift switch and maybe Stetler will head another shift. :shrugs: Would be kind of interesting in some ways, but it others, Vegas already did the shift switch and it didn't go over very well with the audience. So, I dunno.

is there anyone else thinking that maybe they are recycling ryans inside/out storyline and now its erics turn??? just a thought....

What storyline of Ryan's are you referring to? I have a bad memory, sorry. :lol:
The thing is, it's got almost nothing to do with Eric and Cal dating. It's how tptb are using this plotline that really matters.

E/C has had a finale and the better half of a premier to itself. I feel the romance is a far more fufilling storyline on several levels than other characters get, which disrupts balance and also isn't very fair. I also feel it has no where to go but down from here. Are TPTB just going to use up the relationship until Eric and Cal leave a bitter taste in our mouths? There's a lot of worry there for me.

Let's indeed hope 'balance is back.' I hope nothing bad for the couple, I just think it's very needed to move on or use the relationship more broadly. I hope this season focuses more on creating the solid team feeling again, tying up loose ends where it's needed, and giving some better stuff to the characters that need it. :thumbsup:

Oh. I am sorry I misunderstood what you were saying in your other bad :D

I think this situation E/C is in will allow the writers to use this, as you say, "relationship more broadly." Before it was them and everyone else....hopefully this will make it "all of them"

Does that make sense?
:lol: Let's open up the episode with Ryan and Eric exchanging tips on facing the IAB.

:lol: That would be really funny! They should do that. :lol:

Man, I am so excited for the 8th season. And now since it's August, we can say NEXT MONTH the show comes back on with new eps. We're getting closer. :thumbsup:

It sounds like Rick Stetler is getting more screentime, which makes me--and I'm sure I can speak for the rest of the Stetler/DLS fans--EXTREMELY HAPPY! :beer: It's awesome to hear that he'll be in two episodes back to back. And I can't wait to find out if he has become Lieutenant of IAB. It sure sounds like it. Everything I've been reading and catching up on in this spoiler thread is making this upcoming season sound soooo good. I'm looking forward to the character Jesse and the new male M.E. It all just sounds soooo great!

Thank you very much, delkolover for all the info and spoilers!!! :thumbsup:

Did I miss something? Was Stetler supposed to have been promoted? Or are you guys just speculating and hoping that he got promoted?

I can't wait to see him....he really is the guy you love to hate! Plus he just makes things way more interesting around the lab! :lol:

In the script that was posted on another site, it says "Lt Rick Stetler walks and talks with Calleigh". I think it might've been Florry who posted about this part of the script for ep 2 being on the net, and I just had to go read it for myself that day after she posted it, and that's what it said. It's all the way at the end of the script for "Hostile Takeover".
The thing is, it's got almost nothing to do with Eric and Cal dating. It's how tptb are using this plotline that really matters.

E/C has had a finale and the better half of a premier to itself. I feel the romance is a far more fufilling storyline on several levels than other characters get, which disrupts balance and also isn't very fair. I also feel it has no where to go but down from here. Are TPTB just going to use up the relationship until Eric and Cal leave a bitter taste in our mouths? There's a lot of worry there for me.

Let's indeed hope 'balance is back.' I hope nothing bad for the couple, I just think it's very needed to move on or use the relationship more broadly. I hope this season focuses more on creating the solid team feeling again, tying up loose ends where it's needed, and giving some better stuff to the characters that need it. :thumbsup:

Oh. I am sorry I misunderstood what you were saying in your other bad :D

I think this situation E/C is in will allow the writers to use this, as you say, "relationship more broadly." Before it was them and everyone else....hopefully this will make it "all of them"

Does that make sense?

Yes, that makes sense :)
I think the relationship, if it continues, should be used more as a creative device and it should benefit other characters in small ways, instead of just having drama thrown at it every so often like tptb are used to doing.
That way, the romance could still be in play in the series but better coencide with the rest of the cast and characters. I think tptb have potential to use the relationship to give other characters good moments, such as the moment of speculation between Ryan and Nat in "Flight Risk." If tptb are going to keep the romance in play, this is just my idea of how they can make it more managable to the entire audience. :thumbsup:
The thing is, it's got almost nothing to do with Eric and Cal dating. It's how tptb are using this plotline that really matters.

E/C has had a finale and the better half of a premier to itself. I feel the romance is a far more fufilling storyline on several levels than other characters get, which disrupts balance and also isn't very fair. I also feel it has no where to go but down from here. Are TPTB just going to use up the relationship until Eric and Cal leave a bitter taste in our mouths? There's a lot of worry there for me.

Let's indeed hope 'balance is back.' I hope nothing bad for the couple, I just think it's very needed to move on or use the relationship more broadly. I hope this season focuses more on creating the solid team feeling again, tying up loose ends where it's needed, and giving some better stuff to the characters that need it. :thumbsup:

Oh. I am sorry I misunderstood what you were saying in your other bad :D

I think this situation E/C is in will allow the writers to use this, as you say, "relationship more broadly." Before it was them and everyone else....hopefully this will make it "all of them"

Does that make sense?

Yes, that makes sense :)
I think the relationship, if it continues, should be used more as a creative device and it should benefit other characters in small ways, instead of just having drama thrown at it every so often like tptb are used to doing.
That way, the romance could still be in play in the series but better coencide with the rest of the cast and characters. I think tptb have potential to use the relationship to give other characters good moments, such as the moment of speculation between Ryan and Nat in "Flight Risk." If tptb are going to keep the romance in play, this is just my idea of how they can make it more managable to the entire audience. :thumbsup:

Which is a big reason why I think they are doing this "drama" with E/C now. They spent better half of 2 years doing the "will they/won't they" stuff. Then finally they get them together and then this happens. I really feel like they want to get this out of the way so, as you suggested they can simply integrate the romance into the show w/o it seeming like a "mary sue" type of storyline or have it be a main focus. It really took a center stage positon this season b/c they finally were getting them together. It needed attention. And just the attention in general is another reason why I feel like this whole thing might be resolved quickly. They (tptb) spent, as I said, ALOT of time having them dance around eachother and I felt like they rushed them getting together. So how much more time can you spend doing this up and down stuff and devote this much energy to it w/o it going somewhere? I think the writers are invested in this couple so something will come of it. So give them this attention of drama and then slowly (hopefully not too slowly) get them back together and then integrate them into the overall storyline, again as you suggested.

I really liked that scene with Nat and Ryan in "Flight Risk." It showed a lighter side to the show and the characters and showed that they do notice the human nature side of things. Ya know their heads are not just inside the lab 24/7. ;)

E/C fans want what alot of you non-E/C or non committed fans want: we want this resolved as quick as possible! We want them to be happy and "integrated" into the story. I personally don't want all the drama but a story here or there for them as a couple is fine with me and I think would be cute. This show needs from time to time a lighter side to it and this couple could be one of the ways of doing it....far too much are couples used as a source of drama on tv shows when they don't need to be....they can simply "be."

Again, am I making sense? Because it is late and that all sounded soo much better in my head :lol:
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