Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion - Part 3

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What woman isn't interested in Grissom? He's so clueless about it, too. He has no idea what those blue eyes, grey hair, and bowed legs do to us. :D Oh, and don't even get me started on the jean porn. have you seen him in a pair of jeans? :D

What's the rumor about Grissom and Warwick having a run in and Warick saying something about "No wonder Sara left you"??? :( That's all kinds of cruel. Must be the drugs talking.
I know I did read the spoiler about Warrick and Grissom got in the arguement about something, either it the drug or he slept with the stripper. I can't remember, but I do remember that Grissom told Warrick to go home. That where Grissom have to take care of his family now while Sara take care of herself in San Francisco.
I could see this supposed new love interest having an interest in Grissom that Grissom doesn't reciprocate. Maybe when this woman learns that his heart is already taken, she'll become someone he can confide in about Sara.

Also, what has happened to Grissom and his bees??? I thought that it was supposed to be a season long arc? Maybe they put it on hold due to the then looming Writer's Strike?
From the lastest TV Guide!


"Cockroaches" will be directed by Oscar winner William Friedkin, the film legend behind two of the 1970's biggest blockbusters "The French Connection" and "The Exorcist"..and who also helped launch the career of CSI's William Petersen by giving him the lead in the 1985 "To Live And Die In L.A.". "every year [Petersen] says to me, "Why don't you do a show for me"?, and so I made the time to do it, and it was terrific, I really did it for the opportunity to work with Billy again", explains Friedkin. That said, Petersen's Gil takes a backseat to Warrick as the investigator's job begins to suffer because of his pill addiction. "[Gary Dourdan] is just wonderful in it", says Friedkin "He touches a very lot of sensitive areas". When asked if directing TV was different than films he notes "not very much..only that one has to do things faster" Having garnered a reputation for pushing the envelope, he does however confess that "I got a ton of notes from Standards and Practices. I was surprised, frankly" Did he try and put a stamp on the show? "I wasn't conscious of trying to do that, it's a top rated show..if it's not broke and they didn't call me to fix it" The eposide however, was written with Freidkin in mind..there's even a chase scene, which got us thinking does he think his famed 'French" car chase has ever been better? "I've seen stuff..specifically in those Bourne films.. that impresses me tremendously, and because they're working with a bigger budget and more modern technology they can accomodate more than we were able to"

Megan Walsh Boyle..TV Guide writer
Ooooh, preview for next week looks good. Lots of Warrick action. I am really looking forward to it.
In the preview, it looked like Warrick was screaming at Grissom after Grissom told him not to cross the yellow tape line.
Actually to me it looked like he was screaming not at Grissom but possibly at who was killed. I'm thinking the crime scene was the stripper's death. They showed him with her a lot up until that point in the preview and being she does get killed in the episode it makes sense.
Oh, I forgot that the stripper dies. You could be right, Dizzney. But still, in the preview Grissom was telling Warrick to stay behind the tape.
Next week's episode is looking verrrrry good. It will be nice to have it Warrick at the center. I just wonder if those pills he has been taking were really sleeping pills or that is just what he told to Sara. hmmmmm

B/c if he told the truth and they are really sleeping pills he is having an adverse reaction to them. And that's totally possible. I just have a sneaky suspicion that they might not be what he has said they are. ugh I really hope I'm wrong. I wish it was next thrus already!
Alrighty then I am putting up the discussion thread for the episode "Cockroaches" please continue the discussion for that episode in that thread. As this is for future eps. ;) Thanks.
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