Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion - Part 3

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What worries me, is that with the strike, they have no time to write new eps, so the first two or three after the strike may be awful. Anyone have an opinion?

As my mentor at work (Law office) teaches: You do something too fast, it is as if you didn't do it at all.
Time isn't the issue right now, the issue is that the writers are on strike. Without writers, there will be no new episodes no matter what. If you mean after the strike ends, whenever that may be, they'll need time to get back on track, so possibly a little hiatus/break. They might rush the writing of the episodes a bit, but I don't think it would make a significant difference.
Yeah. Although I've lost a lot of faith in our writers over the past few seasons, we know what they're capable of. They're good writers. They deserve to get their share, but once this is all resolved, we'll have our CSI back, hopefully better than ever :]
Just a question, sorry if it's already been asked...

Suppose, now that negotiations have resumed, the two sides make nice, and the strike ends in a short period of time. Does that mean A) the writers will fill the traditional 24-episode load and the season will simply extend into the summer, or B) this season will end "with an asterisk", several episodes short of the usual quota?
I wonder if the writers had some scripts already written past ep what 12? I would think at least they might have rough drafts and started idea's. Thats the thing we don't know exactly what was left and done.

As to this thread, if they do not resume or have spoilers out by the time that the last new ep airs, then we will lock this down and Tally and myself will come up with something, and reopen it when they go back to work and new spoilers come out.
I can tell you some good news, but I don't know about CSI will get full season, I'm sure they will, because the Strike is over and done.
The Strike is not over yet. They started talks today but they did not resolve anything yet.
Okay guys we need to keep this on topic, and while the strike affecting the spoilers could be considered part of the topic, lets try to inject something about the future episodes (we know about), so as to keep it on topic. I think you all get what I mean. :lol: Any how there is also a thread in General Discussion about the strike. ;)
ok....even though it is hard seeing there isn't much to talk about involving new spoilers, as far as I know the Warrick centric episode isn't until next week. I am STILL looking forward to seeing what becomes of all of this with Warrick. Hopes its nothing that will effect him greatly in the long run...

the strike
Guys, Strike is over and done ending. Go to and Black-Tie Grillows board and they said, it over. They don't want to lose more money, like they did last time back in 1988.

O/T- ON NBC, Chuck and Life was suppose to get short episode, but not anymore. They get full season.

Back on Topic, I wondering if we will get more episode after Bull episode in Jan.

Destiny, I'm done explained to them about the strike.
Maybe, my hope anyway, is that they will cut out some of the March break to give us whatever we missed, although now the strike is or almost is over, so :D

Maybe there will be spoilers later this week then?
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